TTIP The Revenant TTIP Advisory Board member Edward Bowles explains that, in his view, the transatlantic trade negotiations halted in 2016 will most likely be revived, though likely not before the end of 2017. (2017-06-01) |
Judgement of Court in case T75414 Efler and Others vs Commission The General Court of the ECJ annuls a 2014 decision by the Commission to refuse to recognise a 3million signature petition against TTIP and CETA as a European Citizens Initiative. (2017-05-10) |
TACD Positive Consumer Agenda: New Rules for the Global Economy In this report the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue sets out its vision of how regulatory cooperation should work between governments. The focus is on TTIP. The TACD's key message is that regulatory cooperation should be undertaken separately from trade negotiations and aimed exclusively at enhancing wellbeing and standards. (2017-03-20) |
EU-US agreement on mutual recognition of inspections of medicine manufacturers This document presents the contents of the agreement reached on the mutual recognition of the certification good manufacturing practices by inspection bodies of the EU and the US. The agreement was reached separately from the TTIP negotiations. But they began during the regulatory cooperation talks during the TTIP negotiation process. The text is annexed to a pre-existing 1998 EU US agreement. (2017-03-01) |
Farm group and civil society manifesto calling for EU farms free of TTIP and CETA A manifesto signed by forty farm groups and NGOs from Europe, many of them in the Netherlands, bulletin calls for putting transatlantic free trade negotiations to a halt and argues that TTIP would make all EU agricultural markets face cheaper US agricultural products produced at lower standards, while the US farmers would see a negative effect for the current US rules and standards. (2017-01-23) |