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results: 2046
TTIP The Revenant TTIP Advisory Board member Edward Bowles explains that, in his view, the transatlantic trade negotiations halted in 2016 will most likely be revived, though likely not before the end of 2017. 2017-06-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Judgement of Court in case T75414 Efler and Others vs Commission The General Court of the ECJ annuls a 2014 decision by the Commission to refuse to recognise a 3million signature petition against TTIP and CETA as a European Citizens Initiative. 2017-05-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific
TACD Positive Consumer Agenda: New Rules for the Global Economy In this report the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue sets out its vision of how regulatory cooperation should work between governments. The focus is on TTIP. The TACD's key message is that regulatory cooperation should be undertaken separately from trade negotiations and aimed exclusively at enhancing wellbeing and standards. 2017-03-20 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU-US agreement on mutual recognition of inspections of medicine manufacturers This document presents the contents of the agreement reached on the mutual recognition of the certification good manufacturing practices by inspection bodies of the EU and the US. The agreement was reached separately from the TTIP negotiations. But they began during the regulatory cooperation talks during the TTIP negotiation process. The text is annexed to a pre-existing 1998 EU US agreement. 2017-03-01 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Farm group and civil society manifesto calling for EU farms free of TTIP and CETA A manifesto signed by forty farm groups and NGOs from Europe, many of them in the Netherlands, bulletin calls for putting transatlantic free trade negotiations to a halt and argues that TTIP would make all EU agricultural markets face cheaper US agricultural products produced at lower standards, while the US farmers would see a negative effect for the current US rules and standards. 2017-01-23 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
TABC: Press release encouraging the continuation of TTIP talks The Trans-Atlantic Business Council's press satement welcomes the release of a U.S.-EU Joint Report on TTIP progress, and encourages the Donald Trump administration to prioritise U.S.-EU trade relations, given the significant work already achieved. 2017-01-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Commission and the Executive Office of the US President: Joint Report on TTIP progress In this report the Commission and USTR takes stock of the progress achieved since the beginning of TTIP talks in 2013. The move comes as the negotiations were suspended in late 2016. The two administration argue that TTIP negotiations can be completed should these resume. 2017-01-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Ifo Institute and Leibnitz Institute for Economic Research: Working Paper on potential TTIP's effects on Norway The paper offers a computable general equilibrium model of the potential effects of TTIP on Norway. It finds that the relative competitive position of Norwegian companies would deteriorate if TTIP comes into force. Should Norway join TTIP, Norway joins TTIP, economic gains could be substantial, ranging from 0.39 to 0.96 per cent of GDP. Norway could negotiate a separate FTA with the US, in parallel to the EU signing TTIP, to offset negative its negative effects. The study also offers details on which Norwegian economic sectors would gain or lose from staying outside TTIP, joining, or signing a parallel FTA with the US. 2016-12-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures
ECIPE paper: Manufactured TTIP discontent by anti-TTIP groups This research paper authored by senior economist Matthias Bauer from the trade think tank ECIPE argues that the hostile attitudes to TTIP in Germany have been artificially manufactured by anti-TTIP campaign initiatives orchestrated by influential Green and left-wing German politicians and associated NGOs. The research is based on examination of online and offline campaign data. Bauer also examines the European Commission's role in financing many anti-TTIP campaign groups, as well as the role of the Russian government-controlled media in feeding the negative perception of TTIP. 2016-11-30 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
European Commission: Complete listing of TTIP documents This document provides a comprehensive listing of all TTIP texts prepared by the Commission shared with the European Parliament and the Council since the start of the negotiations. Readers will find listed the EU legal texts, position papers, joint EU-US documents and all other EU documents, such as drafts, non-papers, studies, etc. 2016-11-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Ecorys: Annexes of the draft final report on the trade sustainability impact analysis in TTIP The document contains the technical annexes (tables, figures, technical information and results) to the draft final report on the trade sustainability impact analysis in TTIP. 2016-11-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Ecorys: Draft final report on the trade sustainability impact analysis in TTIP This report compiled by Ecorys on behalf of the Commission offers an in-depth analysis of environmental, economic and social impact of TTIP. It delves in particular into regulatory cooperation, offers flanking measures and issues policy recommendations for each sector. According to the report, the largest production gains in the EU are expected in the leather, textiles and clothing, motor vehicles, beverages and tobacco, water transport and insurance sectors. Machinery and engineering are considered to be relative losers of the deal. Regulatory cooperation accounts for 76% of TTIP’s economic impact, while 24 % of the total effect comes from tariff reduction. 2016-11-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
White House: Joint op-ed on the future of transatlantic relations This joint opinion piece by outgoing US President Obama and the German Chancellor Merkel published in Wirtschaftswoche, a German weekly, stresses the importance of continuing TTIP negotiations. After three years of negotiations, the two leaders believe significant progress was made. The two leaders say transatlantic treaty would be beneficial to workers, employers, consumers and farmers from both countries. 2016-11-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Norweigan Institute of International Affairs: Report on TTIP and Norway – Impact and Trade Policy Options This report analyses TTIP's implications for Norway and its trade policy choices. The study finds that there would be significant real income gain with considerable variations across sectors should Norway join the TTIP. It also foresees a moderate negative impact for all sectors in the event of not becoming the TTIP signatory. Oil industry, business services and public sector are examples of areas benefitting from TTIP, while agriculture and manufacturing could see losses, the report estimates. 2016-10-31 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Other
Group of stakeholders: Joint letter to the Commission President Juncker regarding data protection safeguards in TISA and TTIP In a letter to the EU Commission's President Juncker, five associations from the consumer protection and digital milieu demand the exclusion of data flows from TTIP and TiSA or the incorporation of solid data protection safeguards in these agreements. Should data flows provisions still find their place in trade agreements, stakeholders make it clear they would support Commission's proposal only if the protection of personal information and privacy is ensured. 2016-10-24 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection
Bertelsmann Foundation: Brief on the outcome of the 15th Round of TTIP talks The brief states that, overall, some progress was made in certain negotiating sectors, yet no major achievement was seen with contentious and politicized agreement issues. Along this pattern, regulatory cooperation advancements were achieved on TBTs, GRPs, pharma, auto and medical devices, but other sectors (chemicals, cosmetics, ICT, pesticides, engineering and textiles) did not see much result. Likewise -while progress was made in customs and trade facilitation, state-to-state dispute settlement, energy and raw materials, SMEs and sustainable development – talks on market access for services, government procurement and investment protection were not successful. 2016-10-21 Academic AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific
Institut Montaigne: Memo on the reasons for keeping the TTIP talks going (document in French) This briefing paper by the French think tank „Institut Montaigne“ highlights the importance of TTIP negotiations for Europe and France. The piece offers a state of play of TTIP negotiations in the autumn 2016, highlights the most important sectoral points of disagreements between the EU and the US. It argues negotiations should continue and means sought to build on current progress in areas like regulatory cooperation. The main rationale for TTIP are the EU’s competitiveness, the current geopolitical situation, and the preservation of Western leadership in global standard setting. 2016-10-20 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Mannheimer Swartling: Report on the dynamics of the EU FTAs and Data Protection Regulation This report provides a legal analysis of cross-border data flows and protection of personal data in the context of EU’s trade agreements and the Data Protection Regulation. It discusses the reasoning behind the EU’s rules on protecting personal data and highlights why these rules would be vulnerable if challenged at the WTO. The report argues that if the EU formulates its position on the balance between data protection and free data flows, as flows via bilateral or multilateral agreements, preferably via TTIP, it will make itself less vulnerable to future legal challenges. 2016-10-19 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Ambassador to the US: Stock-taking of 2016 and prospects for 2017 David O'Sullivan, the Ambassador of the EU to the US, contributes an article on challenges faced and achievements accomplished by the European Union in 2016, along with the EU's prospects for 2017. Discussing the transatlantic agreement between the EU and the US, the Ambassador is convinced that despite recent developments, TTIP is not dead. „It still makes sense economically, politically and strategically“, Sullivan stated. 2016-10-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
Joint Pharma stakeholders' report: TTIP and sustainable access to medicines This joint report by the organizations “Public Citizen”, “Health Action International” and “Commons Network” argues that including intellectual property rights in TTIP would undermine a critical democratic debate and lock both parties into a model of innovation that fails to address priority health needs, while allowing pharmaceutical companies to charge consumers exorbitant prices. The report also expresses concerns that American pharmaceutical companies could attempt to use the “backdoor” to undermine European pricing and reimbursement regimes. 2016-10-07 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Bertelsmann Foundation: TTIP and Germany This paper discusses the key sources of TTIP opposition and skepticism in Germany and explains how these factors shape German politics. Bertelsmann Foundation’s study reveals that opposition to TTIP is strongest with the subgroup of participants that self-identify as politically engaged. Along this premise, the German Left Party (die Linke)’s supporters are the loudest to oppose TTIP, immediately followed by the supporters of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD). The paper concludes that the Germans project an increasing level of skepticism about international trade in general. 2016-10-06 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
US Secretary of State Kerry: Remarks on the Transatlantic Relationship Discussing the challenges of the modern transatlantic relationship in Brussels on 4 October 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry sees TTIP as an important tool to project high labor, environmental and consumer protection standards worldwide. Stating that TTIP would not lower European high standards, Kerry adds the agreement would reduce exports costs for SMEs and create a foundation for future growth in Euro-Atlantic trade. 2016-10-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US Congress: Letter to the USTR Froman on 15th round of TTIP In a letter addressed to USTR Michael Froman ahead of the 15th round of TTIP talks in New York (3-7 October 2016), the US Congress’ Ways and Means committee expresses its overall support for an ambitious, strong and comprehensive TTIP and calls for as much of progress as possible during in the remaining months of 2016. The Congress raises concerns regarding the „unwillingness of the EU to negotiate on key issues of high priority to the US“ (full tariff elimination, inclusion of key sectors in services, commitments on digital trade, SPS), criticizes EU demands on GIs and investment protection, and states that „any eventual TTIP“ must tackle those issues in order to receive Congress approval. The letter also accuses the EU of”hostage taking and other stall tactics”. 2016-10-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Bertelsmann Foundation: Commentary on TTIP’s prospects in 2016 and beyond Michael McKeon comments on the current state of TTIP talks in light of political developments in Europe and the United States. McKeon lingers some outstanding issues for the agreement (market access for services, investment disputes, GIs and government procurement), the implications of Brexit to its conclusion, the complex and varying public opinion towards TTIP, and the potential impact of upcoming political elections on both sides of the Atlantic. 2016-09-22 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Services (Other)
MEDEF: French companies call for continuation of TTIP talks (document in French) In a joint statement, twelve major French business associations representing trade, manufacturing and service activities call for the continuation of TTIP negotiations. Though they consider progress of the talks largely insufficient at the time of statement and US proposals unacceptable, notably in public procurement, French businesses argue the negotiations should carry on until they achieve ambitious and balanced results in all the chapters. „Simply quitting this transatlantic project of a historic reach would be an act of extreme gravity, with serious consequences“, the business groups believe. 2016-09-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement
TÜRKONFED: Policy paper on the impact of TTIP on Turkish SMEs (document in Turkish) This policy paper by the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation) explores the potential impact of the TTIP on the small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Turkey. The authors make the case for designing TTIP in a way that would allow third countries such as non-EU European economies, namely Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Turkey to join TTIP. According to the authors, this move would not only enhance the direct and indirect economic benefits of the deal, including positive spillover effects, but also the soft power benefits of TTIP. 2016-09-20 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission: EU Ministers’ letter to the EU Trade Commissioner In a letter to the trade commissioner Malmström, twelve EU ministers express support for the TTIP negotiations and praise the Commission for its efforts to secure a good agreement. The Ministers say that EU’s delivery on growth, prosperity and jobs depends largely on an open, progressive and balanced trade policy. Regarding the potential conclusion of TTIP negotiations, the Ministers recognize there are outstanding issues and call for finding solutions. 2016-09-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
CEPS: Study on Potential Economic Effects of TTIP for the Netherlands and the EU In this study Hugo Rojas-Romagosa uses a scenario analysis to estimate the potential outcomes of TTIP under likely negotiation outcomes. Among the three potential scenarios listed (tariff reductions, NTBs reduction and a combination of the two), the author chooses the last one as his main scenario and simulates TTIP's potential economic effects for the Netherlands and the EU. Potential gains for the Netherlands are shown to be higher than for both the EU and the US. 2016-09-08 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Tariffs & Quotas, Other
Business Groups: Joint Statement of Support to TTIP Seventeen EU-based business associations have expressed their support for the continuation of TTIP talks in a joint statement, reacting to recent TTIP failure claims from France and Germany. Businesses reminded that these ambitious and comprehensive negotiations continue to be on track and underlined the importance of a strong political support for their successful completion. 2016-09-05 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Swedish Government: Opinion Piece on TTIP and Job Growth In this opinion piece, Swedish Minister for EU Affairs and Trade Ann Linde and President of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson jointly underline the importance of TTIP for job growth in Sweden. Linde and Thorwaldsson reject views that TTIP negotiations have failed. They claim that new comprehensive trade agreements are one possible tool to boost jobs and argue the Swedish model shows that „development and security go hand in hand“. 2016-09-02 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
ECIPE: Policy Brief regarding Protest Campaigns on TTIP This research paper identifies which leaders and networks dominate the debate on TTIP in Germany. The findings are based on an analysis of 1500 TTIP ‘information events’ held between February 2015 and February 2016. It finds that the TTIP debate is dominated by a small group of activist NGOs whose leaders are deeply networked with the country’s minority parties Die Linke and Green Party, the left wing of the social-democrats, as well as with protectionist economic interests (culture, agriculture) The paper argues that the “interpretative power over TTIP” now only allows for one type of – negative – opinion on TTIP in Germany. 2016-09-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
Italian Ministry of Economic Development: Minister Calenda's TTIP Statement (in Italian) In this official statement, Italian Minister of economic development Carlo Calenda says it is necessary to offer maximum support to the European Commission so as to attain an ambitious outcome in the TTIP negotiations. Calenda rejects calls for an interruption of negotiations. 2016-08-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
TABC: Reaction to German Vice Chancellor's Statement of TTIP Failure TABC Chief Tim Bennett reacts to the statement made by German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on 28 August that TTIP negotiations had “failed”. Bennet expresses his disappointment with Gabriel’s words and urges political leaders in the EU and U.S. to continue to lend their support to the talks. 2016-08-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission: Report on the 14th Round of TTIP Negotiations The report provides details by each TTIP negotiation area, offering an extensive insight of progress achieved so far and into the remaining gaps. The round focused in particular on rules and market access in goods and financial services . Market access for services and government procurement, as well as investment protection, continue to be deadlocked. 2016-08-22 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
BEUC: Position on the Regulation of Endocrine Disruptors BEUC calls for reinforced political commitment to protect the consumers from EDCs. BEUC fears current TTIP proposals, and notably the chemicals proposal tabled during negotiation round 14 would freeze progress on reducing consumer exposure to EDCs. "TTIP appears already to have had an adverse effect on the EU decision-making process on EDCs", BEUC believes. 2016-07-29 Stakeholder Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Other
USTR: Statement by Assistant USTR Dan Mullaney on the 14th Round of TTIP Assistant USTR announced significant progress was achieved, proposals were tabled in most negotiating areas and further activities would now have a focus on resolving differences and negotiating agreement text. The US tabled seven texts, including the ones on trade defense, financial services, sectors, textiles, state-owned enterprises, etc. Further work is still needed in some areas, such as remaining tariff lines, technical barriers and labor and environment. 2016-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission: Statement by the EU Chief Negotiator for TTIP regarding the 14th Round Ten new EU proposals were tabled, meaning that proposals for nearly all chapters are presented to this date. While market access part requires additional efforts, proposals for regulatory cooperation were tabled in seven industry sectors and consolidated texts presented on TBT and SPS. Progress has also been achieved with the rules part. The talks will continue during the summer, followed by ministerial discussions in September 2016. 2016-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission: EU Proposal for an Annex on Engineering (14th Round of TTIP) The document applies to technical requirements, conformity assessment procedures and standards relating to equipment. It has the objective of enhancing different forms of cooperation and promoting convergence of technical requirements and standards related to equipment. The relationship between sectorial annexes and the architecture of TTIP is yet to be considered. 2016-07-14 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Proposal for Institutional, General and Final Provisions (14th Round of TTIP) This document confirms the establishment and defines the functioning of several bodies: a Joint Committee, Transatlantic Regulators’ Forum, seven Specialized Committees, a Working Group for Sectors and a Civil Society Forum. 2016-07-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
European Commission: EU Proposal on Energy and Raw Materials (14th Round of TTIP) The proposal covers the Chapter on trade in goods (prohibiting the export monopoly practice and regulating export pricing issue) and the Chapter on energy and raw materials, aiming to liberalize trade in goods, services and investment and improving sustainability and governance in these areas. The document also states both parties need to agree on a legally binding commitment to eliminate all existing restrictions on the export of natural gas. 2016-07-14 Government Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Commission: EU Proposal for Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter (14th Round of TTIP) The document, emphasizing TTIP’s focus on low emissions and climate-resilient development, proposes that both parties engage into facilitation and promotion of trade and investment in environmental goods and services, effective implementation of EGA, as well as in cooperation and exchange of information on trade-related aspects of climate action and on development of green technologies. 2016-07-14 Government Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Commission: EU Proposal for Annex on Motor Vehicles and Parts (14th Round of TTIP) The document covers each party’s technical regulations, test procedures and marking requirements related to wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted or be used on wheeled vehicles as defined under the relevant Agreement; and has the objective of recognizing equivalence of technical regulations, strengthening harmonization efforts through international cooperation, intensifying regulatory cooperation in needed areas, and coordinating research programs 2016-07-14 Government Automotive Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Proposal for Annex on Textiles (14th Round of TTIP) The document covers textiles and clothing/apparel products falling under Chapters 50 to 63 of the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature and has the objective of promoting convergence of technical and labeling requirements, as well as convergence of relevant standards. 2016-07-14 Government Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Proposal for Annex on Medical Devices (14th Round of TTIP) The document covers medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices for human use and has the objective of promoting convergence of technical and clinical requirements and relevant standards, removing unnecessary duplications and promoting regulatory and other forms of cooperation. 2016-07-14 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Proposal for Annex on Cosmetics (14th Round of TTIP) The document covers products falling under Chapters 33 and 34 of the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature and has the objective of promoting convergence of technical requirements and standards, alignment of ingredients labeling, use of validated alternative methods to animal testing, as well as regulatory and other forms of cooperation. 2016-07-14 Government Consumer Goods Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Proposal for Annex-Chapter on Chemicals (14th Round of TTIP) The EU proposal covers regulatory cooperation on chemical substances and mixtures intended for general industrial, professional or consumer use (some substances exempted). The text focuses on general and regulatory cooperation, improving the exchange and/or the availability of information and data, and aligning the classification and labeling of chemicals, among others. 2016-07-14 Government Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU's Services and Investment Offer - Financial Services (14th Round of TTIP) The revised EU proposal on services includes financial services for the first time. The document covers all supply modes of services and investment (including non-services). It lists reservations for existing and future measures including for market access. The EU offer in the energy sector is conditional upon the US providing mutually acceptable commitments on energy. 2016-07-14 Government Financial Services Financial Services, Investment
Center for Automotive Research: Convergence of Safety Regulations between the US and the EU Prepared for the EU-US Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers primarily in the context of TTIP, this study offers an extensive overview of costs and benefits to safety regulations convergence between the EU and the US and provides an overview of existing regulatory differences and issues faced by the automobile sector across the Atlantic. 2016-07-13 Academic Automotive All - Non Issue Specific
University of Amsterdam: Report on Trade and Privacy This report, commissioned by a group of stakeholders, examines how EU privacy and data protection standards are protected against liberalization by existing EU FTAs (TTIP included). The paper clarifies safeguards and risks (also listed in the report) in both the EU legal system and international trade law. 2016-07-13 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection
European Commission: TTIP Stakeholders Presentation Event The document contains a schedule of presentations of TTIP stakeholders from different sectors, in the context of the ongoing 14th negotiation round. 2016-07-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Sierra Club: Analysis of Leaked EU Text concerning Energy Chapter in TTIP Sierra Club expresses concerns over several issues contained in the leaked recent document regarding the energy chapter in TTIP, namely elimination of restrictions on the export of natural gas in EU-US trade, undermining clean energy policies, extraction of fossil fuels and natural resources in third countries and fostering industry self-regulation on energy efficiency. 2016-07-11 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Export Controls, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Business Alliance for TTIP: Joint Statement on the 14th Round The Business Alliance for TTIP holds that critical progress should be made during this round of negotiations in order to conclude the talks by the end of the year and reap the full potential of TTIP. Business stakeholders have high expectations of the ongoing negotiations and hope for closure of existing gaps in various positions. 2016-07-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Group of Stakeholders: Analysis of the Compliance Check of EP's TTIP Resolution The analysis warns that the European Commission has crossed several “red lines” established by the European Parliament in its TTIP resolution of 2015. The paper argues the Commission has acted in a way that could undermine EU’s regulatory system in areas of chemical policy and ISDS/ICS, and by doing so it has put to risk European public health, environment and democracy. 2016-07-07 Stakeholder Chemicals, Other Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Stakeholder Groups: Letter to EP President Schultz regarding EU Parliament's 2015 Resolution on TTIP A group of stakeholders from different sectors addresses their concerns on the European Commission failing to respect the 2015 Resolution of the European Parliament on TTIP, regarding negotiations on chemicals, pesticides, cosmetics and regulatory issues. Concerns over US' possibility of early access to EU draft measures and inadequate reform of ISDS mechanism are also raised. 2016-07-07 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
USDA: Report on Polish NGOs discussing TTIP with Government's Representatives US Department of Agriculture’s publication focusing on the TTIP debate organized by the three influential Polish NGOs, with participation of representatives of relevant Polish ministries. It has been concluded that TTIP might have detrimental effects on European consumers and agriculture due to diverging food production standards in Europe and the US. 2016-07-06 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Trans-Atlantic Business Council: Updated Priorities for TTIP This document, submitted to both DG Trade of the European Commission and the Office of the USTR, outlines key TTIP recommendations and priorities regarding market access, regulatory convergence and other issues. 2016-07-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Chatham House: Research Paper on TTIP's Strategic Potential The paper examines the potential strategic impact of TTIP by setting out the political and economic context, assessing the level of alignment between transatlantic policy-makers and analyzing international leadership, soft power and security in strategic context. It also discusses the three key factors decisive for TTIP’s strategic impact. 2016-07-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
IATP: Report on Corporate Meat's Takeover Through TTIP This report suggests TTIP would have detrimental effects on farming and agriculture sectors, such as the expansion of industrial meat production, pressure to adopt cheaper industrialized practices that shift environmental and health costs to consumers, or compromising existing standards of animal welfare, food safety and public health. 2016-07-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EU Trade Commissioner Speech at Atlantic Council Event in Washington D.C. EU Trade Commissioner shortly touched on Brexit before stating there is a need to redefine the approach towards trade policy issues and engage with people so that their concerns are addressed. While discussing the key priorities of main pillars of negotiations, the Commissioner said the EU has shown unprecedented level of transparency during the talks and called for their conclusions before the end of Obama's term. 2016-06-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
USTR: Remarks of the Ambassador Froman at the Bretton Woods Committee Annual Meeting During his speech, USTR Froman touched on the issue of TTIP in the context of the British vote on Brexit, stating the economic and strategic rationale for TTIP remains strong and adding that the US’s objective is to conclude an ambitious, comprehensive and high standard deal in 2016. 2016-06-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commisison: TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report (June 2016) The pre-14th round meeting of the TTIP Advisory Group took stock of recent political meetings between the EU Trade Commissioner and the US Trade Representative which were mainly focused on market access issues, TBTs, energy and raw materials. Among the issues discussed was TTIP’s institutional arrangement. 2016-06-23 Government Energy & Natural Resources, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Other
European Commission: Trade Commissioner’s Speech on TTIP and Developing Countries During her speech at the European Parliament’s Development Committee, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström has touched on the issue of potential TTIP’s impact on developing countries. She stated the Commission does not foresee any negative impact on these economies and mentioned different studies even showed a potential for beneficial effects. 2016-06-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
EU and US Bishops’ Associations: Joint recommendations on TTIP Bishops’ associations from both sides of the Atlantic argue TTIP must contribute to the well-being of all citizens and lead to a more secure and peaceful world. The associations call for a thorough social and environmental cost/benefit analysis of TTIP. The statement includes a list of social and environmental criteria against which to judge TTIP’s potential benefits. 2016-06-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Journal of Risk Regulation: Symposium on TTIP Leaks Based on ten research-based opinion pieces by academics and sectorial experts, this document provides the analyses of leaked TTIP documents that, for the first time, unveil the US position on certain negotiating chapters, offering the opportunity for a closer analysis of two contrasting positions. 2016-06-16 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Italian Ministry of economic development: Urgent information briefing on TTIP to the Chamber of Representatives Italian Minister of economic development Carlo Calenda presents his views on TTIP to the Italian Chamber of Representatives. The minister claims the Treaty would be particularly advantageous for Italy as current non-tariff barriers to trade in the United States negatively affect leading Italian export sectors, notably agriculture, textiles, ceramics, shoes. Calenda reassures the Chamber that current standards would not be lowered. 2016-06-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas, Other
TABC: Letter to EU Trade Commissioner and the US Trade Representative TABC expresses its support for the conclusion of TTIP by the end of 2016 and is pleased by the increased frequency of the meetings between the two negotiating parties. The Council states it has been updating its recommendations that would be submitted prior to the next round of talks, and announces the intention to meet both parties to discuss these recommendations. 2016-06-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
BEUC: Letter to Commissioner Malmström on Concerns regarding US Demands in TTIP and TISA The European Consumer Organization addresses a letter to the EU Trade Commissioner, expressing concerns over US demands for a full ban of data localization policies, including for financial services, in TTIP and TISA. The organization calls for the EU regulators to exempt data flows regulation from these agreements. 2016-06-10 Stakeholder Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection, Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures
ETUC: Position on Commission's Proposal for an ICS in TTIP and CETA ETUC rejects implementation of any legal mechanisms in TTIP and CETA that enable foreign investors’ access to arbitration not available to domestic parties. ETUC raises other TTIP concerns, namely inadequate exemption for public services and lack of enforcement provisions for labor standards. 2016-06-09 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Group of Stakeholders: Joint Declaration supporting the Removal of Trade Barriers on Footwear in TTIP American Apparel and Footwear Association, European Confederation of Footwear Industry and Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America jointly call for the removal of trade barriers on footwear, regulatory harmonization, mutual recognition of standards and customs facilitation in TTIP, as well as the acceleration of negotiations. 2016-06-08 Stakeholder Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Tariffs & Quotas
USDA: Report on the Views of German Government regarding Potential Impact of TTIP on Agriculture The German government received a parliamentary enquiry by the Green party on potential impacts of TTIP on food and agriculture in Germany and the EU. The Government has stressed that TTIP will not undermine food safety standards and that American exporters would have to meet European regulations. 2016-06-07 Government AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific
Transatlantic Financial Regulatory Coherence Coalition: Joint Statement on Financial Regulation in TTIP A group of stakeholders announces the formation of the TFRC Coalition. The Coalition expresses its support for TTIP, calls for improvement of regulatory cooperation between the two negotiating sides in order to address the costs stemming from regulatory gaps and inconsistencies, and reminds of benefits of a comprehensive approach to financial services in TTIP. 2016-06-07 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services
European Parliament: Study on TTIP and Labour Standards This study analyses the possible TTIP effects on labor conditions in the EU, the US and third countries. It concludes that the EU could take a precautionary stance and employ various instruments that increase the chances that TTIP will have positive social consequences. 2016-06-01 Government Other Labour & Free movement
European Commission: Speech from Commissioner Malmström regarding TTIP for Businesses Trade Commissioner Malmström discusses specific economic benefits of TTIP, outlines possible strategic developments with business in mind, and reinforces that TTIP will reflect the values of the EU's businesses. 2016-05-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission: Report on the 13th TTIP Negotiation Round The report places regulatory cooperation in primary focus and states there is still a lot of progress in services and procurement to be achieved. Both negotiating sides agreed to work between rounds to speed up the process of consolidation. 2016-05-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission: EU Proposal for an Annex on Medicinal Products (TTIP) This annex on medicinal products establishes the general principles and objectives, definitions, scope, and regulatory authority of the chapter. An institutional body is recommended to implement and enforce the chapter. Mutually-agreed exchange reciprocity and inspections are covered in detail. 2016-05-24 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: Trade Commissioner Letter to UNITE regarding NHS and TTIP In her letter, the EU Trade Commissioner explains governments will still retain sovereignty over public services and says that TTIP means the removal of unnecessary obstacles to and facilitation of trade. Malmström highlights inaccuracies in UNITE’s advice to the EU, including the interplay between sectors in TTIP, the EU’s position overall, and the new ICS. 2016-05-20 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Services (Other)
European Commission: TTIP Advisory Group Report - May 2016 The report summarizes Advisory Group meeting on the current stand regarding market access, regulatory cooperation and rules. Market access talks remain difficult, regulatory cooperation and GRP found some progress in TBT and Sectors, while sanitary and phytosanitary standards still seem to be a sensitive issue. 2016-05-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission: Interim Technical Report - Trade SIA on TTIP This report, based on stakeholder consultation, provides the preliminary results of the assessment on the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of TTIP. It includes impact analysis of all sectors. 2016-05-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Bertelsmann Foundation: Brief on Progress during Latest TTIP Round The paper reflects on the outcome of the last, 13th round of TTIP negotiations, which saw intense discussions on nearly all agreement chapters. The focus of negotiators was placed on consolidation of chapters. Although overall progress was made, there is still much work to be done with the outstanding issues including market access, regulatory cooperation and structure of the agreement. 2016-05-09 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Atlantic Council: Report on the View of EU Diplomats in Washington DC on TTIP The Atlantic Council's report brings the views of EU member states' ambassadors to the US on topics such as the public support for TTIP, completion of the talks and key issues around them. Despite having identified the lack of interest and knowledge of TTIP among citizens, the majority of EU diplomats finds the final agreement possible before the end of Obama's term. 2016-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
IATP: Paper on Five Takeaways from the TTIP Leak Documents regarding Food and Farming Systems The leaked TTIP negotiating texts published by Greenpeace Netherlands offer the first detailed insight into the US side of negotiations. Although the key chapters and annexes are missing, the IATP argues that the leak confirms many fears are justified and presents five takeaways for food and farming systems. 2016-05-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Opening Remarks by U.S. and EU Chief Negotiators of the 13th TTIP Round US Trade Representative and the EU Chief negotiator took stock of the work completed by the end of the 13th round of TTIP negotiations and touched on the future direction of the talks. Both parties rejected TTIP light and said the ambitious, comprehensive and high-quality TTIP represents the only way forward. 2016-04-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission: Chief TTIP Negotiator Statement on the 13th Round of Negotiations The EU’s Chief Negotiator states the objective of this round was a consolidation of texts in particular with regards to regulatory cooperation and rules. Next round talks should work through or eliminate those issues in the "square brackets." 2016-04-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission: Report on the State of Play of TTIP April 2016 European Commission’s update of April 2016 on the general status of negotiations and status of specific negotiating areas. Proposals regarding certain sectors have not yet been made public. A brief forecast is given, highlighting the need to tackle sensitive and open issues. 2016-04-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
BDI and the US Chamber of Commerce Joint Statement on TTIP The Federation of German Industries and the US Chamber of Commerce call upon the US government, European Commission and member states to secure comprehensive, ambitious and high-standard TTIP agreement so that its full potential could be unlocked and both negotiating sides able to touch upon its benefits. TTIP’s role as a standard-setting agreement at a global scale is also wished for. 2016-04-25 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Group of Environmental Stakeholders: Letter to Malmström calling for Exclusion of GRP Chapter from TTIP A group of environmental stakeholders beseeches the EU to exclude the current “Good Regulatory Practices” chapter and “Better Regulation” language of TTIP. Grave areas of concern include chemicals sector language, REACH, endocrine disruptors and the binding nature of such an international agreement on these concerns. 2016-04-25 Stakeholder Chemicals Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: TTIP Advisory Group Report - April 2016 This report presents Advisory Group discussion on sector negotiations, in particular regarding engineering, ICT, cars, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices/cosmetics/textiles. The need to access consolidated texts for the purposes of transparency was raised again. 2016-04-05 Government Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other)
European Commission: Using positive and negative lists in EU Trade Deals The Commission provides the definition and basic examples of positive and negative lists used in services and investment parts of trade deals. 2016-04-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Services (Other)
Friends of the Earth Europe: Report regarding the Risks to Europe's Agriculture from TTIP The report discusses potential impact of TTIP on the European agriculture and farming systems through a set of issues including geographical indications; beef, pork and poultry production, dairy production and arable crops. The paper concludes that the EU and the US have persisting differences in terms of environment protection, animal welfare and consumer safety, stating that it would be the US to benefit the most from the agreement. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
BEUC: Leaflet on Dos and Don'ts for a Good TTIP The European Consumer Organization publishes a “cooking recipe style” list of positive and negative issues to take into account for negotiating TTIP as a quality agreement. The former include tangible benefits for consumers, regulatory cooperation and explicit safeguards of EU’s precautionary principle, while the latter include ISDS/ICS, chemicals legislation and policy and health services. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
BEUC: Factsheet on Health in TTIP The European Consumer Organization believes TTIP should be negotiated carefully to ensure there are no negative impacts on the European health sector. The trade union asks for exclusion from TTIP of some issues (i.e. health services, US-style medicine promotion, changes to EU law on access to clinical trial data) and sees closer cooperation possible for issues such as mutual recognition of inspections, medicine authorization requirements and cooperation on the safety of medical devices. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EPSU: Working Paper on CETA and TTIP's Impact on Health and Social Services (ex.summary) CETA and TTIP do not guarantee governments' right to regulate as to offer an adequate protection of healthcare and social sectors. Trade agreement provisions regarding investment protection, subsidies, public procurement and temporary entry of service providers would have a direct impact on healthcare and social services provisions. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
Centre for European Reform: Report on 21st Century Trade (TTIP) The authors subtly discuss the benefits of TTIP and its potential positive effect on both negotiating sides, as well as on the third countries that would see it as a model and standard-setting trade agreement. TTIP's central role in eliminating the non-trade barriers to trade and long tradition of transatlantic regulatory cooperation are main issues discussed in this report. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Group of Stakeholders: Report on ICS's Effect on Health and Environment Group of stakeholders puts the ICS proposal on trial by examining some of the most controversial ISDS past cases involving big tobacco, oil, mining and energy companies. On these examples, the report argues such investor protection mechanism would undermine governments' right to regulate and have detrimental effect on public interest, health and environment. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
The George Washington University: Draft Report on Regulatory Cooperation The report identifies areas of opportunity in regulatory cooperation that can help reduce incompatible approaches and unnecessary costs and suggest those where regulatory divergences could remain due to different structural and legal factors. Case studies with examples of cooperation between the US regulatory bodies and the EU ones are also included. Issues such as best practices, benefits and limitations in international regulatory cooperation are discussed. 2016-04-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Atlantic Council: Report on Ten Arguments for TTIP and the Concerns to Address This report by the Atlantic Council focuses on the benefits TTIP would bring to the two negotiating sides, provides arguments in favor of the agreement and addresses main outstanding issues. Value of TTIP as a model and rule-setting agreement for other actors in global trade is also highly accentuated in the text. 2016-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Boston University: Paper on Environmental Cost of TTIP and on EU Regulations at Risk Environmental economist F. Ackerman presents key policy areas to elaborate on detrimental effect of TTIP on the EU. He argues that current EU regulative framework has many non financial benefits which are usually disregarded by most TTIP studies, holding that TTIP threatens to downgrade EU standards. 2016-04-01 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
Bertelsmann Foundation: Report on American Perspectives of TTIP With the aim of raising awareness and encourage discussion of TTIP outside Washington DC, the Foundation organized a series of town hall-style events and meetings with stakeholders in five US states. Although great potential for TTIP has been identified and attitudes towards the EU were positive, it has been concluded stakeholders need more information, as the knowledge of TTIP is generally low among average US workers. 2016-03-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
Bertelsmann Foundation: Brief on Impact of TTIP and TPP on Latin America The brief analyses potential effects of TPP and TTIP on Latin American economies that mainly depend on exporting commodities. It is estimated that TTIP could pose more of a threat to these economies than TPP, as many Latin American countries count for a great deal of trade with the US so TTIP could endanger their insider access to the US market. 2016-03-24 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission: Report on the 12th Round of TTIP Negotiations This round saw a strong push in the area of negotiation regarding regulatory cooperation and rules. The nine sectors were discussed in detail and the EU discussed the tabled 11th Round proposal on sustainable development. 2016-03-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission: Explanatory Note for the Textual Proposal on National Treatment and Market Access for Goods in TTIP This explanatory note offers a concise approach to understanding the EU's Proposal on trade in goods in TTIP. Topic of interest interest includes the brief discussion of EU's proposed General Exceptions to the articulated obligations. 2016-03-22 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Export Controls, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
European Commission: Outline on Text of Geographical Indications in TTIP The text proposal on GIs was written to establish definitions (product classes and the harmonized system), scope, a comprehensive list of GIs, general rules, and other issues needing attention. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
European Commission: Paper on Geographical Indications - Annex II This Annex is a specific list of all Spirits with their corresponding countries, designations, and product classes. This list is in addition to the list covered by the 1994 agreement between the EU and the US. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
European Commission: Paper on Geographical Indications - Annex I This Annex is a specific list of all foodstuffs with their corresponding countries, designations, and product classes. Excluded from this list are both wine and spirits, while other beverages are included. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
European Commission: Paper on Geographical Indications in TTIP This paper outlines the EU approach to GIs in regard to food stuffs, wine, and spirits. The US approach to GIs is referenced and distinguished from that of the EU, highlighting the primary reasons for sensitivity. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
European Commission: Introductory Note regarding Customs and Trade Facilitation in TTIP The paper suggests the article changes would help facilitate customs and trade by integration and harmonization of key customs procedures, clarification of the objectives of the CTF chapter, establishing a CTF Committee, and developing the SMEs. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation
European Commission: Proposal of New Articles for Customs and Trade Facilitation in TTIP Amongst the proposed articles are single window systems, a trade facilitation partnership program, data harmonization, coordination on ISs, and mutual recognition of advance rulings. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation
European Commission: EU Revised Textual Proposal for the Regulatory Cooperation Chapter This document presents EU’s revised proposal for legal text on regulatory cooperation in TTIP. It establishes the objective, scope, definitions, and coverage of the chapter. The EU suggests establishing an institutional body to implement and enforce the chapter. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: Introduction Publication on Revised EU Proposal for the Regulatory Cooperation Chapter This publication clarifies the need for an institutional body to implement regulatory cooperation and a clear and transparent process linked to it. A concise list of what the EU is hoping to gain in this area is given. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: Introduction Paper on Revised EU Proposal for the GRP Chapter The EU discusses the revised proposal regarding internal and global good governance and links TTIP-recommended GRPs to other existing FTAs. The document includes a non-exhaustive list of commitment associated with GRPs. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Textual Proposal for the Good Regulatory Practices Chapter EU’s proposal for legal text on good regulatory practices in TTIP, establishing general provisions, definitions and descriptions of GRPs. Topic of interest includes discussion regarding impact assessment, stakeholder consultations, and non-application of dispute settlement. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: Publication on Regulatory Cooperation Benefits in TTIP This document provides the framework for the EU's goals in regard to regulatory cooperation, including protecting autonomy, elimination of unnecessary or repetitive regulatory procedures, joint outcomes, etc. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: EU Annex regarding a Chapter on Distilled Spirits and Spirit Drinks This draft annex contains detailed definitions of goods and further obligations. Topic of interest includes an exhaustive list of labeling restrictions. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Other
European Commission: EU Textual Proposal for a Chapter regarding Trade in Wines and Spirit Drinks This proposal for legal text on wines and spirit drinks in TTIP establishes definitions, objective, scope, and coverage of the goods; special provisions, including labeling, origin, and certifications; and general provisions. Topic of interest include possible GI implications from EU. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Rules of Origin (RoO), Other
European Commission: EU Textual Proposal for National Treatment and Market Access for Goods in TTIP The EU’s proposal for a legal text on national treatment and market access for goods in TTIP, establishing various access concerns, such as the objective, scope and coverage, reduction/elimination of custom duties, classification of goods, non-tariff measures, etc. 2016-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Export Controls, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
European Commission: Guide concerning EU's Proposal on Agriculture and Geographical Indications in TTIP This explanatory document offers a concise approach to understanding the EU's Proposal on Agriculture and GIs, including: scope of the proposal, general disciplines, non-tariff issues, wine and spirits section, and EU objectives for GIs. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission: Paper on Non-Tariff Issues in TTIP This paper gives review to the EU AgriFood issues mentioned in the TTIP Proposal: wine, dairy, and table olives. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
European Commission: EU Textual Proposal on Agriculture in TTIP - March 2016 EU’s proposal for legal text on agriculture in TTIP defining the objective, scope, and coverage (reaffirming WTO commitments); cooperation commitments; export competition parameters and domestic support concerns in the agriculture sector. 2016-03-21 Government AgriFood Export Controls, Negotiation & Procedures
Orgalime: Position Paper on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP Representing European engineering industry, Orgalime calls for further progress of TTIP negotiations, reduction of regulatory and technical differences through standardization and conformity assessment procedures - notably alignment with ISO, IEC and ITU international standards. 2016-03-15 Stakeholder Other Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ALF-CIO and ETUC: Joint Statement on TTIP Negotiations Leaders of the two big trade union confederations from both sides of the Atlantic agreed TTIP negotiations have taken the wrong direction and the agreement is now at risk of failing to meet its commitment towards the European and American workers. They have also decisively rejected the ICS, stating that such a private justice system is not needed in any investment or trade deal. 2016-03-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment
Bertelsmann Foundation: Brief on TTIP Talks Gaining Momentum after Latest Round This brief takes stock of the outcome of the latest TTIP negotiation round that took place in February and March 2016. USTR Froman and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström expressed satisfaction over the work achieved and would continue to push for TTIP’s conclusion this year. Government procurement and ICS proposal were discussed for the first time, while it has been agreed that further work would have to be done for a set of other key issues. 2016-03-09 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
S2B and CEO: Publication on TTIP and Textiles This publication touches upon TTIP textiles chapter currently being negotiated, arguing that textiles sector would like to see progress achieved regarding differences on labeling rules, harmonization or at least approximation of technical regulations, as well as addressed issue on effects of the chapter on third countries. 2016-03-01 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
Sierra Club: Report on Trade Deals that Threaten Efforts to keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground This publication touches on the issue how big oil corporations try to undermine national governments’ environmental policies and decisions to keep fossil fuels in the ground by initiating legal disputes in private and unaccountable courts, backed by the rules of existing trade agreements like NAFTA. The same scenario could be repeated in TTIP, in the context of ICS. 2016-03-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics
Group of Organizations: Annual Survey of Transatlantic Economy 2016 Center for Transatlantic Relations of the J. Hopkins University, AmCham EU and the Transatlantic Business Council bring this comprehensive outlook of the transatlantic economy in 2016. The annual survey discusses European and the US-related jobs, trade and investment; as well as state-by-state and country-by-country trade comparison for both the EU and the US. 2016-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
CEPS: Policy Brief TTIP and Public Procurement Correct assessment of the level of openness of both negotiating sides to public procurement can only be done by taking into account all the procurement modalities. EU’s openness in procurement is greater, while the US has put in place the largest number of protectionist measures in this domain, as evidenced by the data provided by the Global Trade Alerts project. 2016-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Public Procurement
IATP: Paper on how TPP texts might reveal US Positions in TTIP Focusing on TPP provisions that could affect European food and farming systems if implemented under TTIP, this IATP paper argues that a careful reading of TPP negotiating texts could provide important clues to unveil US positions and interests during TTIP negotiations. 2016-03-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
U.S. Closing Statement of the 12th TTIP Round The 12th round saw texts on labor and environment being put at the negotiating table, as well as proposals on customs and trade facilitation, SPS and rules of origin. Significant progress was achieved on regulatory issues. 2016-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission: Statement of EU's Chief Negotiator on 12th Round of TTIP Negotiations EU’s Chief TTIP negotiator announced, by summer 2016, tabled proposals in regulatory and rules areas which are not sensitive. Rules of trade and a commitment to cooperation only if it serves the citizens are topics discussed, as well as a promise to maintain food safety. 2016-02-26 All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: List of TTIP Documents In accordance with the transparency initiative, the EC comes out with this explanatory note on EU legal texts, position papers and a list of joint EU-US shared documents. These publications follow the EC negotiating directives. 2016-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission: Stakeholder Presentation Event - 12th Round The publication provides a schedule of stakeholder presentations on TTIP, in their respective professional sectors. 2016-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission: EU Proposal on Delivery Services in TTIP The proposal touches on postal and courier/express services and includes obligations regarding prevention of market distortive practices, autonomous decisions regarding universal service, public notification/transparency regarding licenses, and an independent regulatory body to oversee fulfillment of the above. 2016-02-23 Government Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Services (Other)
Healthcare Sector Stakeholders: Position Statement on TTIP and Access to Medicines TTIP negotiations could have the negative impact on access to medicines and their affordability. IP rights for companies, as well as corporate influence through regulatory cooperation and dispute settlements are the issues tackled. 2016-02-18 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
CATO Institute: Policy Analysis on Europe's Efforts to Control Common Food Names The author argues the EU’s geographical indications unfairly privilege traditional European producers at the expense of consumer welfare and economic growth, stating that the US should fight against EU’s agenda to push for validation of GIs in TTIP negotiations in particular and against Europe’s attempt to spread the GI protection mandate at the WTO in general. 2016-02-16 Academic AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
European Commission: TTIP Advisory Group Report - February 2016 The report tackled several TTIP issues: EU's position on regulatory cooperation, good regulatory practices, and pharmaceuticals (regulatory cooperation, IPR, transparency and pricing). 2016-02-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ECIPE: Bulletin on the Public Procurement in TTIP Since the EU wants to enable its companies to bid for state level tenders, it has consequently come up with an objective to open up public procurement at sub-central levels under TTIP. This bulleting brings an assessment of the situation in the form of a check on real openness in procurement markets and offering a view of future developments in procurement. 2016-02-01 Academic Other Public Procurement
EPSU: Update Note on EU Trade Issues (CETA, TTIP, TISA) EPSU provides a monthly update on CETA, TTIP and TiSA. Emphasis is put on the ISDS and regulatory cooperation. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Transnational Institute and Global Justice Now: Research on Taxes This report outlines the detrimental; undermining effect the ISDS would have on the overall tax justice efforts, arguing that hundreds of past ISDS cases prove how companies use the system to lower their tax bills. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder Other Dispute Settlement, Investment
Group of Organizations: Publication on ISDS In this joint publication, several associations elaborate that ICS is nothing else but the disguised ISDS, to be used by corporations for their own interests. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder Other Dispute Settlement, Investment
German Magistrates Association (DRB): Opinion on the Establishment of an Investment Tribunal in TTIP DRB presents its view of the establishment of the investment tribunal under TTIP and rejects such a proposal, arguing there is neither the legal base nor the need for such system. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder Other Dispute Settlement, Investment
Greenpeace: TTIP Q&A Greenpeace comes out with the Q&A publication on various TTIP issues. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
EFILA: Paper on the Proposal for International Court System (ICS) The paper reflects on the concept of the ICS system, starting from the preparatory work for the ICS proposal, ICS structure, procedural aspects and review of investment awards, as well as on taking the WTO system as the main model for the ICS. 2016-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
European Services Forum: Position Paper concerning EC Proposal on Investment Protection and ICS in TTIP Chairman of the European Services Forum addresses a letter to the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs on the Commission's proposal on investment protection and the ICS in TTIP, expressing concern for the level of investment protection under the proposal. 2016-01-29 Stakeholder Other Dispute Settlement, Investment
World Trade Institute: Report on Assessment of TTIP Economic Impact at EU Member States Level The report examines TTIP's economic impact on each EU member state and argues that overall, TTIP should have beneficial, yet unevenly distributed, impact for the member states, businesses and consumers. 2016-01-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Overall politics
European Commission: Technical Paper for Regulatory Cooperation on Generic Medicines Proposal As stated in the EU position paper on TTIP and pharmaceutical products, the Commission believes the authorization of generic medicines should be one of the negotiating TTIP areas requiring further cooperation and standards harmonization. 2016-01-26 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC: Position on Chemicals in TTIP BEUC argues both TTIP sides should address gaps in the current consumer protection legislation and implement stricter laws on chemicals, as well as establish a better regulatory cooperation and re-evaluate their approaches to chemical sector. 2016-01-22 Stakeholder Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Environmental Bureau: Publication on Better Regulation Agenda vs Deregulation Measures under TTIP The publication confronts the concept of the Better Regulation agenda and its goals to deregulation measures of TTIP. It also reflects on European political dynamics around both concepts and discusses transatlantic regulatory differences. 2016-01-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Environmental Bureau: Letter concerning the Report on Better Regulation and TTIP EBB's Secretary-General addresses this letter to the UK Prime Minister Cameron, addressing his concern with the UK proposal for an EU-wide target to reduce regulatory burden on businesses. 2016-01-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Corporate Europe Observatory and Lobby Control: Report on Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP and its Impact on Public Interest The report analyses the origins and impact of "regulatory cooperation" under TTIP and argues that its procedures have been used by big companies to "delay, water down and prevent legislation in public interest". 2016-01-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission: TTIP Advisory Group Report - January 2016 This report gives an overview of Malmström and Froman’s meeting where they discussed forward progression aimed at completion during the Obama Admin. EU reported outstanding concerns regarding GRP and Energy (ERM chapter). Other main topics of interest discussed: focused work during the summer on Rules and RegCoop chapters of TTIP and US disapproval of sharing consolidated texts with EU advisors. 2016-01-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
DIGITALEUROPE: Assessment of TPP and Recommendations for TTIP and TISA DIGITALEUROPE welcomes the finalization of TPP negotiations and expresses satisfaction over implementation of horizontal and comprehensive disciplines regarding the Internet and digital services and products in the agreement, wishing to see their inclusion in TTIP and TISA in a similar manner. Recommendations for TTIP and TISA are listed. 2016-01-01 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
European University Association: Briefing Note on TTIP European University Association claim the EU trade negotiations could affect the European higher education and calls on the law-makers not to make committments for neither higher nor adult education, and that national governments should reserve the right to determine their own educational systems. 2016-01-01 Stakeholder Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Services (Other)
ECOS: Position Paper on Mutual Recognition of Standards in TTIP ECOS believes mutual recognition of standards under TTIP could have a negative impact on citizens and the environment, arguing standards should not prevail over legislation and warning about fundamentally different standard-setting processes. 2016-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
UK Local Government Association: Update Note on TTIP in 2016 This update note presents TTIP status and reminds of the efforts taken to secure the right of public authorities to regulate in public interest and to exclude social, health and educational services from being outsourced. 2016-01-01 Government Services (other) Overall politics, Services (Other)
War on Want: Report on the Threat TTIP represents to UK small businesses Examination of detrimental impact of TTIP on small businesses in the UK through deregulation and weakening of social, labor and environmental standards for the benefit of US corporations. 2016-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Streit Council: Paper on TTIP Potential, Prospects and Recommendations A brief general introduction of the EU-US trade relations and the beginnings of TTIP, potential benefits and major concerns related to it and general recommendations for its successful conclusion. 2016-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Jacques Delors Institute Synthesis on TTIP and Legitimate Fears of German Public Opinion Germany being one of the loudest sceptics towards the TTIP, the main elements of the debate organized by the Institute in Berlin in September 2015 are discussed, which pointed out the principal fears of the German public regarding TTIP. 2015-12-17 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Friends of the Earth Europe Publication on ICS being a Disguised ISDS The publication lists ten reasons to elaborate that the ICS proposal is in reality a rebranded version of ISDS and warns the recent ICS proposal, like its predecessor, undermines the governments' right to regulate and protects big corporations during international lawsuits. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
European Parliament Study on Comparison of the EU Service Offers for TTIP and TISA Negotiations EP's study analyses service provisions in EU offers for TTIP and TISA, showing that both agreements follow similar approaches. The study examines the scope of the two agreements, as well as rules and sector-specific provisions. 2015-12-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Federal Association of Green Business Executive Summary of a Qualitative Study on TTIP risks for SMEs in Agriculture and Food Sectors Results of the study on the risk issues posed by TTIP to European SMEs from agrifood sectors are discussed, including product labeling, unfair competition, animal welfare, etc. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Research and Campaigning Actors Report on How Investor Rights in EU Trade Deals Sabotage Energy Transition Research and Campaign organizations AITEC, Corporate Europe Observatory, Power Shift and Transnational Institute elaborate their views on how investor rights under TTIP and CETA undermine energy transition policies. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Sustainable Development, Other
Peter Chase from US Chamber of Commerce Article on TTIP, Investor State Dispute Settlement and Rule of Law Peter Chase presents the rationale behind the ISDS, reflects on public concerns about ISDS in Europe and argues that deviating from ISDS to “court system” mechanism could be detrimental for investor protection and rule of law. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder Financial Services, Other Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Investment
GMF Policy Paper on TTIP's Geopolitical Impact in a Multipolar World The German Marshall Fund of the US examines TTIP's geopolitical and strategic dimensions in a globalized environment by addressing a set of issues and providing specific policy recommendations for each. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Strategic Outlook Boyraz Report on TTIP and its Possible Impact on Turkey The International Institute for Sustainable Development comments on how TTIP could increase emissions and impede effective policies for mitigating climate change and meeting climate targets. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Other Export Controls, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
IISD Commentary on TTIP and Climate Change The International Institute for Sustainable Development comments on how TTIP could increase emissions and impede effective policies for mitigating climate change and meeting climate targets. 2015-12-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Other Export Controls, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Cecilia Malmstrom Speech on How TTIP Benefits Social Partners Ceciliam Malmstrom's speech at European Economic and Social Committee notably argued that TTIP shall benefit employers and trade unions, explained openness brings more competition, and discussed proposals on sustainable development and investment. 2015-11-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sustainable Development
EU Proposal for Investment Protection and Resolution of Investment Disputes EU proposal includes sections on investment protection, resolution of disputes and investment court system, and annexes on a mediation mechanism for investor to state disputes, and code of conduct for members of tribunal, appeal tribunal and mediators. 2015-11-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
TABC Position on Commission's Draft Text on Investment Protection in TTIP Trans-Alantic Business Council supports the Comission's efforts to modernize and improve existing investment agreements, but has serious concerns about some of the measures proposed, and questions the need for an investment court. 2015-11-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
USDA Report Summary on Agriculture in TTIP United States Department of Agriculture summarises report on agriculture in TTIP, describes TTIP negotiations, provides overviews of tariffs, non-tariff measures and tariff-rate quotas between US and EU, and presents the report's findings and methodology. 2015-11-10 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Tariffs & Quotas
USDA Report on Agriculture in TTIP United States Department of Agriculture assesses impact of TTIP on agriculture using three scenarios related to removal of tariffs, non-tariff measures and tariff-rate quotas, and finds that TTIP could increase bilateral trade, benfiting both regions. 2015-11-10 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Factsheet on Proposal for SME Chapter European Commission factsheet, outlines reasons for negotiating a SME chapter, notably because SMEs create more jobs, and lists EU's goals, such as establishing free US online helpdesk where SMEs can find information on trading with and investing in US. 2015-11-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Textual Proposal for an SME Committee in the TTIP SME Chapter EU textual proposal for a committee on SME issues provides that the committee shall notably ensure SME needs are accounted for in TTIP, monitor implementation of provisions on information sharing and make recommendations for consideration. 2015-11-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Textual Proposal for an Article on Anti-Microbial Resistance in TTIP SPS Chapter EU textual proposal aims at cooperation to reduce use of antibiotics in animal production, proposes a technical working group to notably facilitate exchange of expertise, and foresees collaboration on future guidelines and initiatives. 2015-11-06 Government AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Report of the 11th Round of Negotiations for TTIP European Commission report provides overview of discussion during 11th round which ccovered all areas of negotiations except investment protection and investment court system, with details on market access, regulatory cooperation and rules. 2015-11-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Textual Proposal on Trade and Sustainable Development in TTIP EU textual proposal on trade and sustainable development provides overarching principles, objectives and context of provisions, with articles, including notably on right to regulate and multilateral labour standards. 2015-11-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
European Commission Press Release on Sustainable Development Provisions in TTIP European Commission press release outlines elements of the EU textual proposal on trade and sustainable development, notably inlcuding provisions on the environment, labour and the role of civil society. 2015-11-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
Trade and Environment Analysis Looking Beyond Hydrocarbons Trade & Environment's analysis on liberalization of the energy market warns against the detrimental side of open energy markets and calls for development of "new style" energy chapter in line with EU 2030 objectives. 2015-11-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Sustainable Development, Other
Veblen Institute Report on Potential Effects of TTIP on Local Economies and SMEs The Paris based Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms, which leads the "MORE" campaign for Responsibility in Trade Agreements, calls for a thorough assessment of the impact of TTIP on SME's as it considers this is most probably negligible and negative. 2015-11-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Quid Novi Foundation Analysis of the Strengths of TTIP Negotiations Quid Novi Foundation's second analysis paper offers a comparison of TTIP with an EU- Gulf Cooperation Countries Council FTA in order to identify TTIP's strengths, most significant trends and major imports and exports. 2015-11-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Chief Negotiator Closing Statement at 11th Round of Negotiations EU chief negotiator, Ignacio Garcia Bercero, delivers a closing statement at the end of the 11th round of negotiations, where he highlights themes of discussion, the negotiations' principles and shares views expressed during a stakeholder forum. 2015-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Information Technology (ICT) All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US and EU Closing Statements from 11th Round of Negotiations US and EU chief negotiators, Dan Mullaney and Ignacio Garcia Bercero, respectively, share the themes and outcomes of the eleventh negotiating round. 2015-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
USTR Participant List for Stakeholder Forum during 11th Round of TTIP Negotiations US Trade Representative list of stakeholder participants at a stakeholder forum during the 11th round of TTIP negotiations. 2015-10-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
USTR Stakeholder Forum Presentation Schedule for 11th Round TTIP Negotiations US Trade Representative presentation schedule for stakeholder forum during 11th round, covers topics such as environment, labour, investment, data and telecommunications, intellectual property rights, agriculture, customs and facilitation. 2015-10-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Services (Other)
USTR Stakeholder Forum Information Pack for 11th Round TTIP Negotiations The US Trade Representative information pack for the stakeholder forum during 11th round negotiations, contains logistical details, the stakeholder presentation schedule, and additional information that may be helpful during the forum. 2015-10-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Cato Institute Article on Geographical Indications in TTIP This article argues that it is unlikely that TTIP negotiations over protection of geographical indications will result in an outcome that either side finds satisfactory, as regulatory reform sought in trade negotiations may prove difficult. 2015-10-21 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Parliament Analysis on State of TTIP Negotiations European Parliament study argues that if TTIP negotiations are to close before US President Barack Obama leaves office, the process will have to be considerably speeded up. 2015-10-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Atlantic Community Paper on TPP and TTIP Consequences for Alliance System Atlantic Community paper argues that the ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), followed by completion and ratification of TTIP, are the most important and hopeful tasks facing the alliance system today. 2015-10-20 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
AmCham EU Position Paper on Customs and Trade Facilitation in TTIP American Chamber of Commerce to European Union position paper on customs and trade facilitation suggests recommendations to TTIP negotiators, including "single window" and coordination of border inspection, and harmonisation and simplification of rules. 2015-10-20 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Cecilia Malmstrom Speech on TTIP and EU Trade Policy EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrom highlighted the rationale behind TTIP, noted how the Commission has learned from public debate on TTIP and explained how the EU Trade Policy Strategy is based on effectiveness, transparency and values. 2015-10-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Farmers and Maize Processors' Press Release Ahead of 11th TTIP Round Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations-General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives, European Confederation of Maize Production, European Renewable Ethanol, Starch Europe, warn of negative impact from increased access for US maize. 2015-10-19 Stakeholder AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Cecilia Malmstrom Speech on Benefits of TTIP for Romania EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom explained the rationale behind TTIP, touched on investment protection and transparency, and highlighted the benefits of TTIP for Romania. 2015-10-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Press Release on a New Trade and Investment Strategy European Commission press release outlining the key principles of the new trade and investment strategy: effectiveness, transparency and values. 2015-10-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Factsheet on a New Trade and Investment Strategy European Commission factsheet on a new trade and investment strategy explains, notably, the main initiatives in the new strategy, how it will benefit Europeans and developing countries, how the strategy was prepared and the next steps. 2015-10-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Communication on a New Trade and Investment Strategy European Commission issues a communication on a new trade and investment strategy that outlines how trade spurs growth, provides an overview of the global economic climate, and looks towards a strategy based on transparency and European values. 2015-10-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
AFL-CIO President on the Need for a New Trade Model in TTIP President of The American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations, argues that, TTIP negotiators should adopt a new trade model focused on decent work, shared prosperity and equitable development to produce desired benefits. 2015-10-08 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement
US Chamber of Commerce and Business Europe Joint Statement on Customs in TTIP US Chamber of Commerce and Business Europe joint statement makes recommendations on customs and trade facilitation language, including electronic submission of customs information, and simplification of requirements for customs declarations. 2015-10-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Cato Institute Analysis Considers TTIP's Impact on Multilateral Trading System The Cato Institute's Online Forum argues that mega-regionals such as TTIP could facilitate a consensus on new multilateral trade rules, but also notes that some issues like agricultural subsidies can only be addressed by the WTO. 2015-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics
European Parliament Comparative Study on EU Investment Chapters European Parliament study of investment chapters in EU international trade and investment agreements finds that the EU has tried to avoid the broad and general language of many prior investment agreements, resulting in more comprehensive regulation. 2015-09-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on EU Trade Policy in the 21st Century Eu Trade Commissioner Malmström identifies main outlooks to modernize trade policies, notably by adapting to changes in cross-border flows, improving value chain trade, and make global trade more responsible especially on environment and consumer safety 2015-09-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
BAB Leaflet on What TTIP Means to UK Life Sciences Sector British American Business argues SMEs have most to gain from TTIP and that TTIP could help ensure UK remains at front of scientific discovery, encouragre research cooperation while improving healthcare outcomes for patients, through regulatory alignment. 2015-09-24 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on Liberalisme, Free Trade and Other Values Eu Trade Commissioner Malmström identifies key objectives for policy maker to face modern challenges, notably keep up with economic developments and legitimate trade negotiations, and stressed how TTIP and EU free trade negotiations answer these goals 2015-09-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Cologne Institute for Economic Research: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in TTIP The study examines the effect of major international trade agreements on European automotive industry, as well as opportunities and challenges of TTIP as an agreement under negotiation that is hoped to alleviate existing NTBs (namely regulatory transatlantic differences) and TBTs. Potential approaches to reducing NTBs and addressing regulatory cooperation issues are discussed. 2015-09-23 Academic Automotive Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Bertelsmann Foundation Brief on TTIP as Gateway to Europe Bertelsmann Foundation explains how TTIP could be California's gateway to Europe, as it could boost California's exports to the EU, notably SME's, and how, as a partnership of equals, TTIP could reinforce high standards and develop common rules. 2015-09-17 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Reading Guide on Investment Protection and Court System in TTIP The European Commission published a reading guide reviewing main feature of its draft proposal on investment protection in TTIP, creating a new Investment Court system and appeal tribunal, and identifies main outlooks and next steps in the negotiation 2015-09-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Proposal for Investment Protection in TTIP The European Commission proposes a new Investor-State dispute settlement system including an appeal tribunal, publicly appointed judges and guarantees on governments' right to regulate, to be included in TTIP's chapter on Investment 2015-09-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
TTIP Advisory Group Agenda Meeting 17 September 2015 TTIP advisory group will meet on September 17th 2015, the main topic of the meeting being the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism 2015-09-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
US Trade Representative Froman Essay on Getting Trade Right Ambassador Froman outlines trade's central role in US' prosperity, and stresses significant consumer benefits to trade agreements like TTIP and TPP notably with the implementation of new standards to help undermine trafficking and illegal trade 2015-09-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development, Other
EU Ambassador O'Sullivan on Transatlantic Relations and TTIP EU Ambassador O'Sullivan reviews the state of the Transatlantic relation within its international context, stressing the importance of the EU-US friendship and the potential of TTIP - for the EU and Ireland, and discusses main concerns including ISDS 2015-09-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Quid Novi Foundation Analysis of the Weaknesses of TTIP Negotiations Quid Novi Foundation's analysis paper offers a comparison of TTIP with an EU- Gulf Cooperation Countries Council FTA in order to identify TTIP's weaknesses. 2015-09-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Parliament Study Comparing the EU's Investment Chapters European Parliament compares investment provisions in recent EU agreements with the Energy Charter Treaty, and both Germany-Jordan and USA-Lithuania Bilateral Investment Treaties. 5 areas of change are found in recent provisions, including transparency. 2015-09-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy Report on Energy in TTIP The Columbia Center on global energy policy recalls existing global and regional trade regime applying to energy,discusses the need for an energy chapter in TTIP, and identifies main challenges like transparency in licensing process and regulatory issues 2015-09-01 Academic Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
CEPS Paper on TBT Chapter in TTIP Michelle Egan and Jacques Pelkmans review the issue of technical barriers to trade in TTIP, identifying main sectors impacted, stressing the main frictions existing between the EU and US' regulatory systems and assessing state of the play on TBTs in TTIP 2015-08-04 Academic Automotive, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP Directorate General for Internal Policies Report on TTIP opportunities for Customs and Trade Facilitation Directorate-General for Internal Policies reviews EU customs policy and outlines how TTIP could help improving it and create new opportunities notably for SMEs, and identifies main challenges, particularly for consumers interests and safety protection 2015-08-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
EU Offer on Services and Investment in TTIP The European Commission publishes Eu's revised offer on services and investment chapter in TTIP, covering all supply modes of services and investment in non-services, including specific commitments and reservations 2015-07-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EU Text Proposal on International Agreements relating to Intellectual Property in TTIP The European Commission unveils EU's draft provisions recalling the importance and the need to ensure compliance with international agreements on IPR, which were discussed during TTIP 10th round of negotiations 2015-07-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU proposal for a text on Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights The European Commission publishes a proposal on customs enforcement of intellectual property rights in TTIP drawing the legal framework of IPR protection in the agreement, under the obligations of the GATT and TRIPS agreements 2015-07-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Rules of Origin (RoO)
European Commission Reading guide to EU Proposal on Services, Investment and e-commerce in TTIP The European Commission proposes a guide to its proposal on service, investment and e-commerce in TTIP including a review of the structure and main elements of the EU proposal, following TTIP 10th negotiations round 2015-07-31 Government Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission Technical Paper for Cooperation on Textile Fibre Names in TTIP The European Commission releases a draft proposal reviewing existing processes and potential cooperation on fibre composition labelling for textile and clothing industries, between the US and the EU 2015-07-31 Government Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Proposal for a text on trade in services, investment and e-commerce in TTIP The European Commission publishes its proposal for the TTIP chapter on services, investment and e-commerce, tabled for discussion with the US during TTIP 10th negotiations round 2015-07-31 Government Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Bertelsmann Foundation Summary Brief on TTIP 10th round The Bertelsmann Foundation reviews progress made during TTIP 10th round, notably on regulatory cooperation and in the services sector, and identifies potential sticking points such as Investor-State Dispute Settlement, energy issues, and tariffs 2015-07-30 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
CEPS Paper on the Quantification of Non-Tariff Measures for TTIP The CEPS reviews four methods methods employed to quantify non-tariff measures, outlines main similarities and differences between them, provides a strengths and weaknesses analysis, to assess what these approaches could mean for TTIP 2015-07-30 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
European Commission Report of the 10th TTIP negotiating Round European Commission review progress made over TTIP 10th round of negotiations, providing details on each negotiation area discussed, including market access, regulatory harmonization, trade rules notably IPR, SMEs, and state to state dispute settlement 2015-07-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
US GAO Report on EU and US Procurement-Related Agreements The US Government Accountability Office reviews US' and EU's procurement markets, highlights main WTO agreement on government procurement and assess opportunities offered by TTIP and TPP to expend market aces for US goods 2015-07-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Other
CEPS Paper on Consumer Protection and TTIP The Center for European Policy Analysis assesses the impact of regulatory cooperation in TTIP on consumer protection by reviewing existing provisions in previous trade agreements, and carries out case studies on chemicals, automotive and ICT sectors 2015-07-29 Academic Automotive, Chemicals, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Other
CEPS Paper on Chemicals in TTIP E. Donald Elliott and Jacques Pelkmans from CEPS advocate for a more ambitious approach on chemicals in TTIP notably by improving TSCA and REACH, ensuring market access with equivalent health and environmental goals and avoid rules duplication 2015-07-28 Academic Automotive, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 30 June 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including the TTIP Sustainability Impact Assessment by Ecorys and the sustainable development chapter, Multilateral Environmental Agreements, ILO, 2015-07-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
US and EU ICT industries joint opinion on TTIP Dean Garfield CEO of the Information Technology Industry Council and John Higgins DIGITALEUROPE Director General outline their key priorities regarding the digital sector inTTIP, notably on e-labelling, transparency and on the protection of data free flow 2015-07-20 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
US and EU Chief Negotiators' Closing Remarks at 10th Round of TTIP Negotiations US and EU chief negotiators opening remarks include highlights from the negotiations, including, notably on regulatory issues, and reflections from a stakeholder forum. 2015-07-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
CEPS Paper on Telecommuncations and Internet in TTIP The ECPS reviews main challenges relating to TTIP digital chapter, including net neutrality, antitrust and cyberspace, accessibility sues and the question of data protection, privacy laws and cross-border flows, identifying key priorities for Digital TTIP 2015-07-17 Academic Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission Minutes from Civil Society Meeting on TTIP and Health The European Commission publishes highlights from the meeting between Commission's officers and TTIP Negotiations Team members, and representatives from Civil Society organisations and stakeholders, on the case of Health in TTIP 2015-07-17 Government Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
TTIP 10th Round Stakeholder Events Programme The European Commission published the programme for the stakeholder event organised during TTIP's 10th round of negotiations 2015-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Table of Key Terms for Public Services in TTIP The European Commission explains what the text in existing EU trade agreements refering to public services means in plain English 2015-07-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
TABC paper on Energy Efficiency in TTIP TABC calls TTIP negotiators to implement harmonised product measurement standards, common energy efficiency limits, and to set a uniform accreditation of laboratories and mututal acceptance of test results to enhance energy and environmental performance 2015-07-10 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Business Alliance Letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström and Ambassador Froman The European Business Alliance reiterates its support to TTIP, stressing the political and technical progresses made in the negotiations on both sides notably with TPA and European Parliament vote on TTIP, and calling negotiators to redouble their efforts 2015-07-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
BCTT letter to Ambassador Froman and Commissioner Malmström Ahead of TTIP 10th Round The Business Coalition for Transatlantic Trade applauds the European Parliament vote on TTIP, calls for the inclusion of a dispute settlement mechanism in TTIP investment chapter and urges negotiators to achieve meaningful progress during TTIP 10th round 2015-07-09 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
MEP Sajjad Karim opinion on TTIP and ISDS British MEP Sajjad Karim, stresses the importance of the EU-US relationship for both transatlantic economies and outlines TTIP’s potential benefits while reviewing the debate on Investor-State Dispute Settlement, calling for greater transparency 2015-07-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Statement on the EP Resolution on TTIP Commissioner Malmström welcomes the European Parliament's vote on recommendations on TTIP, hoping it will clear unjustified fears, stressing TTIP will deliver jobs and high standards and strengthening the EU-US relationship and calling for a new ISDS 2015-07-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
TABC Press Release on European Parliament Recommendations on TTIP The Trans-Atlantic Business Council welcomes European Parliament's adoption of a resolution containing its recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for TTIP 2015-07-08 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Opening Remarks at EP Plenary Debate on TTIP Commissioner Malmström stresses the core importance of TTIP for the European Union and its relationship with the US, and its potential economic benefits, recalls the efforts made on transparency and urges the European Parliament to vote in support of TTIP 2015-07-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
Euratex Position Paper on Textile and Clothing Rules of Origin in TTIP European Textile and Apparel Configuration position paper on textile and clothing rules of origin, highlights importance of rules of origin and advocates for simplification of rules, while ensuring they are adapted to industry patterns. 2015-06-29 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Rules of Origin (RoO)
CEN and CENELEC paper on the risks of mutual recognition of voluntary industry standards in TTIP The European Committee for Standardization and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization assess the potential risks of mutual EU and US voluntary industry standards for the European Single Market 2015-06-28 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US President Obama Statement on TPA vote US President Obama welcomes the Trade Promotion Renewal by the Congress, following the final Senate vote, he also recalls how it will allow the US to negotiate high-standard trade agreements that protect workers and enhance American competitiveness 2015-06-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
EU Ambassador O’Sullivan Speech on EU US relations in a Challenging World EU Ambassador to the US David O’Sullivan reviews the EU-US relation, over a broad range of topics, including notably security issues, migration policies, stressing the deep EU-US economic ties and assessing challenges and outlooks for the relationship 2015-06-22 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
CECED Position Paper on EU Trade and Investment Strategy for Jobs and Growth The European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers calls for the the enhancement of regulatory cooperation between the EU and the US, to deepen cooperation with Japan and the ASEAN, improve market access and simplify customs procedures 2015-06-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Tariffs & Quotas
Former US Labor Secretaries Letter to Congressmen Opposing TPA Afl-CIO publishes the letter from two former US Labor Secretaries of Labor F. Ray Marshall and Robert B. Reich urging Senators and Representatives to refuse Trade Promotion Authority renewal 2015-06-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures
Demeter and EPHA Joint Press Release on TTIP Impact on Living Demeter and the European Public Health Alliance warn TTIP could threaten access to good food and health and jeopardize environmental, agricultural and animal welfare standards, following a Civil Society conference “Increased Trade for Better Living?” 2015-06-16 Stakeholder AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
GMF Policy Paper on France Role in TTIP The German Marshall Fund reviews France's main policy challenges in TTIP negotiations, gives recommendations before reviewing the process of politicization of TTIP in the French public debate and assesses potential developments notably economic diplomacy 2015-06-16 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Directorate General for External Policies Analysis on the Cross-Cutting Effects of PTAs on Developing Countries The European Parliament's Directorate General for External policies identifies and discusses potentially dangerous incompatible obligations included in EU's preferential trade and investment agreements, and provides recommendations 2015-06-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Parliament Analysis on TTIP and Regulation of Financial Markets The European Parliament analyses the debate on financial services in TTIP, notably its potential effects on domestic financial regulations and the impact of an Investor-State dispute settlement mechanism, and asses the risks of regulatory fragmentation 2015-06-15 Government Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Parliament Survey of Ongoing TTIP issues June 2015 The European Parliament provides a comprehensive review of TTIP negotiation state of play following the INTA Committee recommendation on May 28th 2015, it covers the whole scope of the negotiations on TTIP as of June 2015 2015-06-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker Statement on TPA vote US Secretary Penny Pritzker welcomes House of Representatives’ vote in favor of TPA, recalls how it could benefit to US workers and enterprises by negotiating new trade agreements, and stresses that some more work is left to be done to implement TPA 2015-06-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Video of President Obama’s Weekly Address on the need to pass TAA US president Obama dedicates its weekly address to explaining why TAA must pass in the House of Representatives, following its rejection on Friday 12th June. He stresses that TAA and TPA will support the grow of American economy and employment 2015-06-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
AFIA Statement on TPA vote The president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association welcomes House favourable vote on TPA, and urges it to reconsider its position on TAA 2015-06-12 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
AFL-CIO President Statement on TPA Vote The President of AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, congratulates the House of Representatives for rejecting TAA and delaying TPA renewal, and calls to turn the conversation to putting a raising wages agenda in motion 2015-06-12 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
US Trade Representative Froman Statement on TPA Vote Ambassador Froman welcomes the House of Representatives’ vote on TPA by stressing that renewing Fast Track procedures will unlock opportunity for American workers and farmers 2015-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Committee on Ways and Means Chair Paul Ryan Floor Statement on 2015 Trade Act Committee on Ways and Means Chair Paul Ryan outlines US’ lateness on trade agreement in the world, notably compared with China, and highlights that TPA is not a trade agreement but a negotiation process that will allow the US to take the lead on trade 2015-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan Statement on TPA vote Chairman Paul Ryan welcomes the passing of TPA bill in the House of Representatives, calls democrats to support Obama’s trade policy, and stresses the remaining progress to be made, notably on opening market and upholding trade rules worldwide 2015-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
President Obama Statement on TPA vote President Obama welcomes House of Representatives' renewal of TPA, recalls the need to open markets and uphold trade rules worldwide, and urges the democrats and republicans in the House to renews TAA agreement to protect its 100 000 beneficiaries 2015-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission Glossary for TTIP Documents The European Commission publishes a glossary to help public the comprehension of TTIP documents 2015-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Civil Society Associations joint letter to UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills on TTIP 26 Civil Society Associations urge the new UK Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills, Sajid Javid, to consider their fear on TTIP, notably on Investor-State dispute settlement and the possible inclusion of NHS in TTIP 2015-06-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on EU Trade and Foreign Policy Integration Commissioner Malmström outlines trade benefits for Europe by stressing how it participates to its security and how it can be a tool for supporting developments and promoting European values such as human rights, and is a part of EU foreign policy 2015-06-11 Government Consumer Goods Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EC TTIP Advisory Group Agenda June 30th, 2015 The European Commission presents the TTIP Advisory Group meeting agenda of June 30th 2015 2015-06-11 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Jacques Delors Institut Policy Paper on France and TTIP The Institut Jacques Delors reviews the French public debate on TTIP and the evolution of french public opinion on the agreement, and discuss the roots of French people opposition to TTIP, and notably on the Investor-State dispute settlement mechanism 2015-06-10 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Directorate General for Internal Policies Compilation of Report on TTIP Challenges and Opportunities The European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies publishes a compilation of 8 studies on TTIP's impact on services, public procurement, motor vehicles, customs and trade, TBTs, engineering, textiles and consumer protection 2015-06-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Cato Institute Tope Nine Myths on TPA and TPP The Cato Institute reviews and discusses nine myths on TPA and TPP, notably that they could potentially threaten democracy, give US president unlimited power on trade negotiations, and would only benefit to large corporations 2015-06-09 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Cato Institute Paper on TPA and TPP implications The Cato Institute presents the state of the play on TPA and TPP, it reviews the political background of the debate, and reviews potential further developments, notably the implementation process of these agreements, and their impact 2015-06-08 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
ECOSOC Member Jonathan Peel opinion on ISDS Jonathan Peel member of the Employers' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee discusses myths about Investor-State dispute settlement in TTIP, and highlights the main paths for a balanced ISDS in an opinion column on euractiv 2015-06-08 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Greens EFA Video on the 5 reasons to be concerned about TTIP Green FA MEPs stress 5 reasons to refuse TTIP including Investor-State Dispute Settlement, lack of transparency in the negotiations, high standards public services upholding, protection of SMEs and employment 2015-06-05 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Competition, Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EP INTA Committee Chair Bernd Lange opinion on TTIP and ISDS The INTA Committee Chair Lange reviews INTA’s recommendations on TTIP, explains the position of S&D on Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and calls for guarantees of democratic principles and public scrutiny, in an opinion piece on euractiv 2015-06-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on TTIP and the Czech Republic During a speech at Charles University, Commissioner Malmström reviewed the main potential benefits of TTIP and international cooperation for the EU and Czech Republic, including economic benefits, better functioning government and strategic benefits 2015-06-05 Government Automotive, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Institut Jacques Delors Study on TTIP and Third Countries The Institut Jacques Delors discusses outlooks for third countries after TTIP comes into force, and more specifically focuses on the case of Turkey, and calls to reevaluate the impact of TTIP on third countries notably those maintaining FTAs with the EU 2015-06-04 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO)
European Parliament Summary of INTA Committee Recommendations on TTIP The European Parliament assesses TTIP's state of the play and reviews the INTA Committee's recommendations on TTIP notably its proposals on regulatory cooperation and its position on the Commission's concept paper on Investor-State Dispute Settlement 2015-06-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Video of the ALDE Seminar on Geopolitics and TTIP EU Trade Commissioner Malmström, US Ambassador Gardner and a panel of Scholars discuss the geopolitical implications of TTIP, notably on globalisation, energy security and TTIP’s impact on third countries, at an ALDE Seminar 2015-06-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on the Geopolitical Aspects of TTIP Commissioner Malmström stresses main TTIP's geopolitical implications and aims, focusing on globalisation, energy security, and assessing the positive impact TTIP could have on third countries, notably emerging countries and EU's neighbours 2015-06-03 Government Energy & Natural Resources, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Parliament Recommendations Summary for TTIP June 2015 The European Parliament reaffirms its desire for an ambitious and comprehensive trade and investment agreement, calls for a balanced approach and the setting of a clear rule-based framework for trade and investment, and reaffirms the need for transparency 2015-06-02 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Euratex Position Paper on Textile and Clothing Rules of Origin in TTIP European Apparel and Textile Confederation delivers its position statement asking the EU regulators to keep “list rules” based on the double transformation principle in TTIP, and argues that the “value added rule” is not adapted to European textile and clothing industry. 2015-06-01 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Rules of Origin (RoO)
PIIE Paper on Regulatory Harmonization under TTIP The Petersen Institute for International Economics stresses how regulatory convergence and mutual recognition through TTIP would bring larger gains than only tariff reduction, by reviewing former trade agreements experiences, notably the 1958 agreement 2015-06-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on EU National Parliaments and Trade Commissioner Malsmtröm gave a speech at the COSAC, 53rd Plenary meeting, defending the economic and strategic benefits of TTIP, discussing existing concerns over the agreement and stressing the importance of National Parlimaents in EU trade negotiations 2015-06-01 Government Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EP INTA Committee Compromise Amendments on TTIP recommendations The European Parliament's International Trade Committee prepared compromises amendments on the draft report containing recommendations to the Commission on TTIP negotiations, notably on Investor-State Dispute Settlement and regulatory cooperation and NTBs 2015-05-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
INTA Committee Votes Results on ISDS 28 May 2015 On May 28 2015 The European Parliament's International Trade Committee proceeded to a roll-call vote on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Compromise Amendment 50A, and voted on recommendations to the Commission, on TTIP negotiations 2015-05-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EESC Opinion on Investor Protection and ISDS in EU trade and investment agreements with third countries The European Economic and Social Committee reviews case for Investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms in EU trade agreements, in TTIP and CETA and more specifically in agreements with Third Countries, and provides recommendations 2015-05-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Data Protection, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EFPIA position on Healthcare in TTIP The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations highlights TTIP main potential threats, notably on regulatory convergence issues and notably mutual recognition of production standards, intellectual property, and market access 2015-05-27 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
GMF Policy Paper on US and EU Lawmakers and TTIP The German Marshall Fund reviews legislative debates on TTIP, TPA and Trade on both sides of the Atlantic and advocates for stronger engagement from EU and US legislatures to shape negotiations, cooperate and address key issues between the US and the EU 2015-05-26 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
CPME paper on TTIP and Health Protection The Standing Committee of European Doctors adopted in 2014 recommendations on TTIP, calling governments to protect health protection according to EU treaties and stressing the need to recognize the special nature of Health in trade negotiations 2015-05-26 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
IFMSA Regional Policy Paper on TTIP The International Federation of Medical Students's Associations stresses its main areas of concern in TTIP, notably on consumer protection, access to medicines and pharmaceuticals, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and access to public services 2015-05-26 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
EPHA position paper on concerns on Health Systems in TTIP The European Public Health Alliance urges the EU to exclude health, social and education services from TTIP and to define any privately funded, not for profit organisations’ services as public services to protect charity healthcare and service provision 2015-05-22 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Other
EPHA position paper on concerns on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The European Public Health Alliance stresses the need to involve business and public interest stakeholders, and civil society into a transparent regulatory cooperation body within EU US negotiations, and ensure parliamentary oversight 2015-05-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EPHA position paper on concerns on Pharmaceuticals in TTIP The European Public Health Alliance warns TTIP could increase the price of pharmaceuticals and medicines and threaten EU pricing and reimbursement regulations, calls countries to ensure affordable medicines for all and to support public health research 2015-05-22 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Royal Phillips position paper on IP issues in TTIP Royal Phillips comunicates its recommendations on Intellectual Property protection, encouraging both EU and US to affirm and join existing international treaties like WTO TRIPs Agreement, and reviews existing legislations notably US litigation system 2015-05-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
PPTA paper on Health Industry TTIP Priorities The Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association indicates Industry TTIP priorities, including, regulatory convergence on US acceptance of EU plasma, mutual recognition of inspections, and global sufficiency for source plasma, and gives its recommendations 2015-05-22 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EPHA position paper on concerns on ISDS in TTIP The European Public Health Alliance stresses Investor-State Dispute Settlement threatens Public Health policies, advises to use alternative solutions such as national courts and bilateral contracts, and calls to eliminate ISDS from TTIP 2015-05-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EPHA position paper on concerns on TBT in TTIP The European Public Health Alliance expresses its concerns regarding Public Health in TTIP and stresses the need to uphold WTO's commitments notably in TTIP's technical barriers to trade chapter of negotiations to mainstream public health into TTIP 2015-05-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Chair of the EPP Group Jerzy Buzek position on TTIP and Diversification of Energy Sources Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the EPP Group, argues TTIP could offer a response to the need of diversification for sources of energy, and calls for a a separate energy chapter in TTIP addressing measures that currently limit crude oil and LNG exports from the US 2015-05-21 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Speech on EU-US Trade Negotiations’ Framework The German Chancellor Merkel reiterated Germany’s commitment to TTIP at a Bundestag session, stressing that EU aims to set the framework for the agreement by the end of 2015, and recalling that strengthening global trade is a major priority 2015-05-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Eurom position paper on TTIP Eurom affirms its support for TTIP, provides recommendations on non-tariff barriers for the medical device sector, and stresses its expectations for TTIP, notably on standards and patient's safety, and on mutual recognition of market access procedures 2015-05-21 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Dispute Settlement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EC TTIP Advisory Group Agenda May 26th, 2015 The European Commission presents the TTIP Advisory Group meeting agenda of July 24th 2014. 2015-05-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Other Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
BusinessEurope Letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malsmtröm on Sustainability in TTIP BusinessEurope communicates Commissioner Malsmtröm its position paper on TTIP sustainability Chapter, and recalls its support for TTIP negotiations 2015-05-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
BusinessEurope position paper on Customs Priority Issues for TTIP BusinessEurope urges the EU and US to foster regulatory cooperation in the area of customs and trade facilitation, notably by simplifying administrative procedures, reducing export control measures 2015-05-15 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other)
US Presidential Proclamation of World Trade Week 2015 US President Barack Obama proclaims May 17 through May 23 2015 as World Trade Week, stresses the importance of Trade and exports for employment and economy, and advocates US must lead on trade rules through TPA renewal and trade agreements negotiations 2015-05-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Letter to Scottish Parliament Convener for European Relations Committee McKelvie Commissioner Malmström replies Ms McKelvie's letter on TTIP impact for Scotland, stresses the efforts made by the Commission on transparency in TTIP negotiations, and answers concerns raised on Investor-State Dispute Settlement and National Health Service 2015-05-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Report of 9th Negotiation Round The report summarises the topics discussed during the ninth negotiating round on TTIP, including a broad range of topics on the three horizontal aspects of negotiation: market access issues, regulatory cooperation and rules harmonisation 2015-05-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
IAI report on TTIP Geopolitical Impact The Instituto Affari Internazionali publishes a report from Ambassador Sapiro highlighting the potential impact of TTIP on global norms, and on international trade architecture and how it could help the US and EU reassert their leadership on trade 2015-05-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Agenda 8 May 2015 TTIP advisory group's agenda on May 8th 2015 2015-05-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Council of EU summary of debate on TTIP and ISDS On may 7th 2015 the Council of EU debated on TTIP negotiations and investor-Dispute Settlement, and agev recommendations for future developments in the negotiations, notably on ISDS, based on the Commission's Concept Paper 2015-05-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
Video of Foreign Affairs Council Press conference on Trade and TTIP 07 May 2015 Commissioner Malmström and Minister Rinkēvičs report their discussion on EU trade negotiations, notably on TTIP, including the Commission's concept paper on investor-state dispute settlement, during the Council of EU meeting on foreign affairs 2015-05-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement
UE Trade Commissioner Malmström speech on Investment and TTIP at INTA committee Commissioner Malmström reviews the reform of Investment in TTIP, including the investor-state dispute settlement, the establishment of independent arbitral tribunals, the creation of an appeal mechanism and their relationship with domestic courts 2015-05-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission concept paper on the reform of Investment protection in TTIP The European Commission explains the reform of investor-state dispute settlement in TTIP, including the creation of arbitral tribunals and appellate mechanism, the enforcement of the link between ISDS and domestic courts, and identifies future challenges 2015-05-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström blog post on ISDS reform Commissioner Malmström announces the reform of investor-state dispute settlement in TTIP towards the creation of arbitral tribunals and appeal system, and at medium term, the establishment of a permanent multilateral investment court 2015-05-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström speech on the future of EU trade policy Commissioner Malmström reviews the entire scope of EU trade strategy, after a meeting with US ambassador Froman, she notably defends TTIP's purposes, and assesses challenges Europe is facing withing world economic competition and its future perspectives 2015-05-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Competition, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU textual proposal on regulatory cooperation May 2015 The European Commission publishes its initial provisions for TTIP's chapter on regulatory cooperation, following the ninth round of negotiation for TTIP in New York 2015-05-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
AIADA Position Paper on TTIP The American International Automobile Dealers strongly supports TTIP negotiations, and calls for more competition in order to enhance innovation, productivity and more choices for consumers 2015-05-01 Stakeholder Audiovisual & Entertainment, Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Swedish National Bord of Trade Report on Regulatory Cooperation and TBTs in TTIP 2015 The Swedish National Board of Trade reviews Transatlantic cooperation history and TTIP's implications for WTO, and compares regulation differences between the EU and the US in the automotive sectors, ICTs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical devices 2015-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
CCRE Position Paper on TTIP The Conseil des Communes et Régions d’Europe stresses the lack of transparency in TTIP negotiations and the few room to manoeuvre in the negotiations, and urges the Commission to ensure the agreement preserves local and regional authorities' competencies 2015-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ECIPE Policy Paper on the New World of Trade Pascal Lamy gives a Tumlir lecture on the evolution of world trade for the European Centre for International Political Economy notably reviewing the implications of TPP and TTIP 2015-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
CEO Report on Lobbying on Hormone Disrupting Chemicals The Corporate Europe Observatory and journalist Stéphane Horel denounce how corporations and lobby groups mobilised to stop the EU taking action on hormone disrupting chemicals, notably by using TTIP negotiations as a leverage 2015-05-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Other
BusinessEurope Position Paper on TTIP Sustainability Chapter BusinessEurope calls for a strong Chapter on sustainability in TTIP to encourage the implementation of ILO Conventions and Environmental Agreements ratified by US and EU Member States, and to set up a mechanism for civil society engagement in the process 2015-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
EP Directorate General for External Policies Review of Litterature on TTIP and Developping Countries The European Parliament Directorate-General for External Policies publishes a review of existing literature on TTIP's potential impact on developping countries 2015-04-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO)
US Biotech Crops Alliance letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis on EU proposal on GM foods The US Biotech Crops Alliance urges Health & Food Safety Commissioner Andriukaitis to withdraw the Commission's proposal restricting or prohibiting the use in food or feed of GM products, arguing it violates WTO rules and goes against the purpose of TTIP 2015-04-28 Stakeholder AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US NAM and TABC joint Report on ISDS The US National Associations of Manufacturers and the TABC discussed Investor-State Dispute Settlement during a conference, assessing its potential benefits and risks, based on the experience and testimony of officials, scholars and professionals 2015-04-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
Video of the EU and US Chief negotiators press conference on TTIP 9th round Dan Mullaney and Ignacio Garcia-Bercero recall their commitment to ensure States’ ability to provide public services and review progress made during TTIP 9th round, notably on regulatory cooperation, small and medium sized enterprises and market access 2015-04-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Other
EU and US Chief negotiators press conference on TTIP 9th round Dan Mullaney and Ignacio Garcia-Bercero recall their commitment to ensure States’ ability to provide public services and review progress made during TTIP 9th round, notably on regulatory cooperation, small and medium sized enterprises and market access 2015-04-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Other
EU Chief Negotiator Comments after 9th TTIP Round Ignacio Garcia Bercero summarizes the 9th TTIP Negotiation Round, where regulatory issues centred around horizontal matters and 9 sectors, progress on rules focused on energy and raw materials, and market access was subject to technical discussions. 2015-04-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Video of GMF and FES joint Conference on Trade Unions and TTIP The German Marshall Fund of the US and the Washington office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung invite trade unions representative to discuss TTIP’s impact on labour, wages and US and EU standards of living, and present the position of trade unions on TTIP 2015-04-23 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures
Video of President Obama speech on Trade and trade agreements President Obama demonstrates the benefits of US trade agreements for middle-class economics notably through higher consumers and environment protection standards, trade barriers elimination, and fair competition, at the Organizing for Action Summit 2015-04-23 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
President Obama speech on Trade and trade agreements President Obama demonstrates the benefits of US trade agreements for middle-class economics notably through higher consumers and environment protection standards, trade barriers elimination, and fair competition, at the Organizing for Action Summit 2015-04-23 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
AFL-CIO position paper on Fast Track Legislation AFL-CIO reviews TPA's features and implications, rejects it by stressing its lack of transparency and democratic control, and how it could potentially harm US workers 2015-04-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Orgalime position paper on TTIP and engineering industries Orgalime supports the implementation of transatlantic cooperation mechanisms between EU and US regulators, and calls for an enhanced cooperation between standard setting organisations and deepen cooperation on market surveillance 2015-04-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Bertelsmann Foundation Brief on Making TTIP a 21st Century Agreement Ahead of TTIP 10th round Annette Heuser, from the Bertelsmann Foundation, outlines 3 areas on which EU and US negotiators should focus in order to make TTIP a 21st century agreement: financial regulation, digital economy and e-commerce, and ISDS 2015-04-21 Academic Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EU US Joint Statement on the 6th SME Best Practices Workshop The Transatlantic Economic Council releases key documents on SMEs' best practices, notably on selling strategies, e-commerce, access to finance and crowd funding, to support SMEs' growth in the transatlantic market 2015-04-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission Report on SMEs and TTIP The European Commission publishes a report demonstrating that TTIP can significantly ease the challenges faced by European small and medium sized enterprises who export to the US, notably in the agrifood, textiles, and chemicals sectors. 2015-04-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other), Other Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EU and US Trade Associations Joint Statement on Finance in TTIP 14 stakeholders recall their support for a comprehensive TTIP agreement and urge negotiators to create a framework that includes financial services regulatory cooperation and deals with market access issues, ahead of TTIP 9th round 2015-04-19 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 17 April 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including medical devices, chemicals and pesticides, services, TPA, e-commerce and data flows, and regulatory cooperation on technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures 2015-04-17 Government AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Ways and Means Summary on Trade Priorities and Accountability Act Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee publish an accountability, transparency, and effective oversight on the Bipartisan Congressional TPA, by reviewing its main features and potential benefits for US trade negotiations 2015-04-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Position Paper on Medical Devices in TTIP The European Commission proposes elements in TTIP to promote regulatory convergence in medical devices, such as the recognition of manufacturers' quality management systems, and convergence of unique device identification and regulated product submission 2015-04-15 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US Department of Commerce Trade Facts on US States The US Department of Commerce publishes facts and figures on trade in each of the 50 US states. 2015-04-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific
AK position paper on TTIP and CETA The Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour communicates its position on the whole scope of TTIP and CETA negotiation, notably asking for more transparency in the negotiations, rejecting ISDS mechanism, and urging the EU to protect and uphold EU standards 2015-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
IAI, IPC and Stiftung Mercator common paper on Turkey Trade Strategy Scholars review the fast evolution of Turkish economy, its links to EU, assess the potential impacts of TTIP and TPP on the country and the Custom Union with the EU, and give recommendation for the future, notably on the relationship with the US 2015-04-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Commission TTIP Advisory SubGroup Meeting on Environmental Issues Report 24 March 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including notably TTIP sustainability impact assessment, environmental governance, climate change, green goods and services, endangered species, sustainable management, and waste and chemicals 2015-03-24 Government AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Other
Civil Societies Statement on EU Trade Secret Directive A multi-sectoral civil society coalition of 45 signatories from the EU and the US, calls for greater protections for consumers, journalists, whistleblowers, researchers and workers, denouncing the EU directive on trade secrets 2015-03-23 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Scottish Parliament letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on TTIP implications for Scotland Christina McKelvie, Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee, sends to Commissioner Malmström the repport prepared by the Scottish PArliament on TTIP impact on Scotland, and asks to answer specific concerns 2015-03-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission publication on the top 10 TTIP myths The European Commission addresses 10 concerns about TTIP, such as the privatization of public services, the lowering of EU standards, the implications of ISDS, the end of European cinema industry, and a decrease in environment protection and labor rights 2015-03-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Johns Hopkins Annual Transatlantic Economy Report 2015 The Transatlantic Economy Report 2015 illustrates the EU-US economic relationship by covering headline trends, an overview of EU-US commercial relations, and facts on trade and investment between the 50 US states and the 28 EU member states 2015-03-23 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Data Protection, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement
EU Position Paper on Cosmetics The paper outlines the EU's approach under TTIP to promote regulatory convergence in the cosmetics sector by presenting 10 areas that TTIP could cover, such as collaboration in assessment methods and in good manufacturing practices. 2015-03-20 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission list of texts on TTIP The European Commission publishes a comprehensive list of the texts it has shared with other EU institutions, covering the entire scope of TTIP negotiations: legal texts, position papers and drafts, studies, documents prepared by the EP or Member States. 2015-03-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
US Ambassador Froman and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Joint Statement on Public Services in TTIP Ambassador Froman and Commissioner Malmström recall the importance of public services in the US and EU and reaffirm that high quality services will remain under State control within TTIP, notably healthcare, education and environment protection 2015-03-20 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other Investment, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
ECIPE Paper on Healthcare sector within TTIP European Centre for International Political Economy studies ties between healthcare and trade, and stresses the opportunities TTIP offers to improve healthcare through transborder integration, trade and investment deregulation, and regulatory cooperation 2015-03-20 Academic Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on the challenges of regulatory convergence Commissioner Malmström reviews the EU's history with FTAs, advocates economic benefits of open markets, defends TTIP as a tool of regulatory convergence, and identifies new challenges, including impact assessments and stakeholder consultations 2015-03-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Information Technology (ICT), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory SubGroup Meeting on Animal Welfare Report 18 March 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards, and regulations concerning animal welfare, sustainable development, and laboratory practices and animal testing 2015-03-18 Government AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech on Investment in TTIP at EP INTA debate Commissioner Malmström presents solutions to critiques made against investment in TTIP, such as protection of national public policies, nomination of arbitrators for TTIP cases, an appeal mechanism and articulation between domestic legal systems and ISDS 2015-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement
EP INTA Committee Meeting - March 2015 The Members of the European Parliament International Trade Committtee discuss their draft report on TTIP recommendations. 2015-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
EP ITRE Committee Amendments 1-215 of Draft Opinion on TTIP March 2015 The Members of the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy make amendments to the draft opinion of the committee rapporteur on TTIP 2015-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Investment
Video EP INTA Committee Exchange of Views with Trade Commissioner Malmstrom - March 2015 Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom speaks and answers questions by the Members of the International Trade Committee about ISDS and options for reform, followed by a discussion of 7 panelists about the benefits of TTIP for citizens. 2015-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Scottish Parliament report on TTIP implications for Scotland 2015 The Scottish Parliament reviews TTIP's main issues and negotiating process, assesses the potential economic impact of TTIP, and gives recommendations notably on protection of public services, regulatory coherence, and Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement 2015-03-17 Government AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
UK House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Report on TTIP The Innovation and Skills Committee reviews the TTIP negotiations, recalling its economical benefits, analysising ISDS and providing an overview of the debate on TTIP, before addressing recommendations, notably on NHS and the public consultation on ISDS. 2015-03-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Daniel Hamilton from Johns Hopkins Notes for US House of Representatives Hearing on TTIP and Geostrategic Implications Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US House of Representatives, Hamilton stresses TTIP's success as crucial for both economic and geostrategic reasons for the EU and US, and highlights 3 axes to strengthen: energy, openness and poor countries 2015-03-17 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
BusinessEurope Letter to Mr Pittella and Mr Lange on ISDS BusinessEurope writes to Mr Pittella, President of S&D Group, and Mr Lange, Chair of the INTA Committee of the European Parliament, to regret their opposition to the inclusion of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in TTIP 2015-03-13 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech to Swedish Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce on FTAs and TTIP Cecilia Malmström stresses the economic importance of free trade for European economic recovery, reviews the last Economic Partnership Agreements signed, and calls for increased efforts on transparency and effective enforcing of Free Trade Agreements. 2015-03-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
EP AGRI Committee Amendments 1-227 of Draft Opinion on TTIP March 2015 The Members of the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development make amendments to the draft opinion of the committee rapporteur on TTIP 2015-03-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
UK Faculty of Public Health report on TTIP aftermath in Public Health Policy The UK Faculty of Public Health calls to reject TTIP though a comprehensive report on its potential impact on healthcare, denouncing risks of privatization, threats to intellectual property rights, and increase in the price of medicine 2015-03-12 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström speech on current progress on regulatory issues in TTIP Cecilia Malmström assesses the progress made during TTIP negotiations, notably on technical and regulatory issues, and answers concerns on the pace of the negotiations, recalling the difficult pattern of a negotiation, based on tackling disagreements. 2015-03-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CEPS Cost-Benefit Analysis on inclusion of ISDS in TTIP The Centre for European Policy Studies challenges the expected benefits of including investment provisions in TTIP and highlights potential costs such as a rise in controversial claims against the EU and a risk of reduced policy space from EU perspective 2015-03-12 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US legal scholars letter to Ambassador Froman and other US politicians opposing ISDS More than 100 US legal scholars urge the US Congress and US Ambassador to the EU to protect the US rule of law and sovereignty by ensuring investor-to-state dispute settlement is not included in trade deals, including TTIP. 2015-03-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
CEPS Report on the Implications of 1998 Transatlantic MRA for TTIP The Centre for European Policy Studies assesses the 1998 Transatlantic Mutual Recognition Agreement and draws 4 lessons for TTIP, centred on regulatory changes and impact assessment methods 2015-03-09 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
University of Helsinki presentation on ISDS in TTIP Martti Koskenniemi from the University of Helsinki doubts the usefulness of an Investor to State dispute settlement and concludes that it breaches EU law, strengthens US companies control over Europe, and threatens debt rescheduling. 2015-03-05 Stakeholder Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Investment, Public Procurement
University of Kent presentation on ISDS and EU Law Harm Schepel, from the Kent Law School, reviews EU investment law, then studies CETA's features on Fair & Equitable treatment and Indirect Expropriation and concludes that ISDS seems to be incompatible with the principle of autonomy of EU Law. 2015-03-05 Stakeholder Financial Services, Other Dispute Settlement, Investment
Spanish Agricultural Organisations letter to EU Trade Commissionner Malmström on TTIP 11 Farming producers and agricultural organisations adress a report to Commissioner Malmström stressing TTIP negative impact on employment in their sector as they fear unfair competition against US poducers because of unequal production models 2015-03-05 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström speech on Trade and the Retail Sector Commissioner Malmström discusses EU trade policy goals, recalls how it helps the retail sector, notably with low tariffs and shared standards, and evaluates future prospectives for trade and their implications on the retail industry 2015-03-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
The GUE NGL Party hosts a workshop on TTIP Benefits and Costs - Video The European United Left/Nordic Green Left invited speakers such as the Commission's DG Trade Chief Economist, Lucien Cernat, and Jeronim Capaldo from Tufts Univeristy, where they discuss various economic analyses used to predict the impact of TTIP. 2015-03-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures
Socialists and Democrats Group Position Paper on ISDS The S&D Group in the European Parliament opposes the inclusion of Investor-State dispute settlement enforcing investment protection in TTIP, and gives recommendations for trade agreements in which dispute settlement may be needed 2015-03-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Civil society organisations open letter to MEPs on concerns regarding TTIP In a joint letter, 375 civil society organisations call for more transparent and democratic negotiations on TTIP, the withdrawal of Investor to state dispute settlement, and denounce regulatory cooperation and deregulation as being undemocratic 2015-03-03 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
World Animal Protection Article on Animal Protection in TTIP World Animal Protection stresses its wish to focus the TTIP talks on farm animals that may be impacted by the agreement, for instance by setting conditions for the import of eggs from the US. 2015-03-03 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EAEA Position paper on TTIP The European Arts and Entertainment Alliance calls for the exclusion of cultural and audiovisual Services from TTIP negotiations, rejects the Investor-State dispute settlement, endorses the ETUC position of TTIP and urges EP to ensure democratic oversight 2015-03-02 Stakeholder Audiovisual & Entertainment, Consumer Goods, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
AbL Position Paper on TTIP and CETA impact on agriculture The German Peasant association representing small farm exploitation, denounces TTIP and CETA agreements as lowering EU standards for agriculture and consumer protection, and urges the EU to enhance the protection of sensitive agricultural markets 2015-03-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Other Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
USTR Report on US Foreign Trade Barriers 2015 The 2013 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the 30th in an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. 2015-03-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO)
IFA Position Paper on the Interests of Agriculture in TTIP negotiations The Irish Farmers' Association stresses the need to guarantee equivalence of standards between the EU and the US and environmental safety in TTIP, and communicates its position on different agricultural sectors including beef, dairy, pigmeat and poultry 2015-03-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Green Party study on TTIP Consequences The Green Party publishes a comprehensive study on the consequences of TTIP, discussig the main projected effects of TTIP, and assessing the main arguments and counterarguments, and providing country by country assessment 2015-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 27 February 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including regulatory issues on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and rules on sustainable development, preparation of TTIP 9th round, SMEs, and Investor-State dispute settlement 2015-02-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other)
US Chamber of Commerce paper on Regulatory Coherence and Cooperation in TTIP The US Chamber of Commerce provides guidelines to ensure high quality regulatory cooperation notably on TBTs and SPS, and it stresses the importance of transparency and stakeholder involvement, Impact Assessment and States' regulatory autonomy 2015-02-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Swedish Enterprise on Benefits of TTIP for Small Companies in Sweden Confederation of Swedish Enterprise argues TTIP will produce benefits for small companies in Sweden, presents nine companies from various regions that export to the US and shows how TTIP could increase export opportunities and jobs. 2015-02-26 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Press Release on INTA and DEVE Committees TTIP Recommendations The European Parliament announces the International Trade and the Development Committees have discussed their recommendations for TTIP negotiators and explains the next steps in the procedure. 2015-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Video - EP PETI Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 VIDEO. The European Parliament Committee on Petitions meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics. 2015-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Video - EP ECON Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics 2015-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Video - EP CULT Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics 2015-02-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Audiovisual & Entertainment All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
US Wheat Industry Note on 2015 Trade Priorities Two US wheat industry associations explain producers' 2015 trade priorities and give their support for a comprehensive TTIP with more robust sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures and transparency. 2015-02-25 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
BusinessEurope comments on European Parliament draft resolution on TTIP BusinessEurope outlines the opportunities offered by TTIP, calls for an ambitious agreement, including an investment protection mechanism, and gives its recommendations on the Parliaments' draft resolution on TTIP 2015-02-24 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
French General Secretariat for European Affairs official position on TTIP French authorities recall specific points they wish to be included in TTIP, notably regarding Geographical Indications, Non-Tariffs Barriers removal effects, agrifood sector, audiovisual services and investment protection. 2015-02-24 Government AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Financial Services, Services (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics
Corporate Europe Observatory Presentation on ISDS in TTIP for the Energy Sector Pia Eberhardt from Corporate Europe Observatory uses the energy sector as an example to illustrate the risks which would arise if investor-to-state dispute settlement was included in TTIP. 2015-02-24 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment
Ecologistas en Acción Presentation on EU energy and trade policy Ecologistas en Accion provides facts and figures on EU energy policy, including on natural gas fracking and shale oil, and makes recommendations for the future objectives of EU energy policy, including better efficiency and a reduction in consumption 2015-02-24 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific
CEEP Presentation on Energy and Raw Materials in TTIP The Central Europe Energy Partners explains the opportunities TTIP will bring to the energy sector, and argues that the EU needs to fulfill certain requirements in the sector before approving TTIP. 2015-02-24 Stakeholder AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Competition
Draft Programme of EP INTA and ITRE Committees Joint Hearing on TTIP - Feb 2015 The program includes a list of scheduled presentations for the joint hearing held by the Committees on International Trade and on Industry, Research and Energy on the impact of TTIP on relevant policy areas. 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
BEUC Presentation on Consumer Protection and TTIP The European Consumer Organisation presents several aspects of the current consumer legal framework in the EU, explores the potential risks and benefits of regulatory cooperation and mutual recognition, and highlights differences in EU-US standards. 2015-02-24 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
EP Research Service notes on the Impact of TTIP on Consumer Protection and Food Safety EP Research Service notes on the Impact of TTIP on Consumer Protection and Food Safety 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EP News Article with scheduled Committee debates on TTIP The European Parliament announces the Committees which have scheduled discussions and hearings on TTIP in February 2015 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EP TTIP Background Note The European Parliament explains its role as co-legislator during the TTIP negotiations, describes the various ways it ensures transparency, and provides a timeline of the procedure as well as a schedule of upcoming TTIP public hearings and workshops 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Video - EP DEVE Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Development meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Video - EP ITRE Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Industry, Researcha nd Energy meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Speakers at EP IMCO and INTA Committees Joint Public Hearing on TTIP Feb 2015 Biography of speakers at the European Parliament Committees on International Trade and on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection joint public hearing on the challenges and opportunities TTIP will bring to the internal market. 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Video - EP IMCO and INTA Committees Joint Public Hearing on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committees on International Trade and on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection hold a joint public hearing on the challenges and opportunities TTIP will bring to the internal market. 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Video - EP JURI Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 (Lang) The European Parliament Committee on International Trade meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EP ENVI Committee Amendments 1-156 of Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The Members of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety make ammendments to the draft opinion of the committee rapporteur on TTIP 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EP ENVI Committee Amendments 157-314 of Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The Members of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety make ammendments to the draft opinion of the committee rapporteur on TTIP 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
EP DEVE Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Development demands, among others, considering the effect of TTIP on developing countries, ensuring that TTIP will not reduce the significance of the WTO, and promoting the highest global standards on human rights. 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Other Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Tariffs & Quotas
ECCE letter to Trade Commissioner Malmstrom on Engineering Services The President of the European Council of Civil Engineers expresses the organisation's strong interest in TTIP to European Commissioner for Trade, Cecilia Malmstrom, and requests that professional engineering services be discussed in the negotiation 2015-02-24 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Services (Other)
European Commission Report on 8th Negotiation Round of TTIP The European Commission's report on the 8th round of TTIP negotiations (Brussels 2-6 February), summarizes the progress on all 3 pillars and in each of the sectors in the agreement, including steady progress at technical level 2015-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Video - EP JURI Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 (Svoboda) The European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics. 2015-02-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Video - EP AFET Committee Discussion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs meets and discusses its recommendations to the European Commission on TTIP, among other topics. 2015-02-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Ronan O’Brien paper on regulatory cooperation in TTIP O' Brien reviews the entire purpose of TTIP regarding regulatory cooperation, asses the potential benefits awaited from standards harmonization and how they are to be implemented, and analyses stakeholders' role in the negotiations. 2015-02-20 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
FoodWatch letter to EU trade Commissioner Malmström on the Economic impact of TTIP FoodWatch asks Commissioner Malmström for clarification on the expected economic impact of TTIP, estimated by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in a study commissioned by EU DG Trade in 2013 2015-02-17 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures
DIGITALEUROPE comment to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on the inclusion of Grace Period for Patents issue in TTIP Jean-Marc Leclercq, director of DIGITALEUROPE, disagrees with the inclusion of grace period for patents issue in TTIP negotiations and advises Commissioner Malmström to negotiate this within a truly international frame instead of a bilateral agreement 2015-02-16 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT), Other Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Trade Commissioner Malmstrom Speech at NATO on Transatlantic Trade and Security Cecilia Malmström gives a speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO discussing how trade can promote peace, how open markets for raw materials and energy can boost security, and how geopolitical reasoning can help trade policy be more effective. 2015-02-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics, Other
European Commission Factsheet on Pharmaceuticals in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating pharmaceuticals in TTIP, notably in the areas of inspections, approvals, and innovation, explains its objectives, and describes the most controversial issues 2015-02-12 Government Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The European Commission explains that negotiating regulatory cooperation in TTIP will cut costs without lowering protection, highlights what it wants to achieve, such as establishing a Regulatory Cooperation Body, and describes the controversial issues. 2015-02-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Trade Commissioner Malmtrom Speech on Subsidiarity and Shared Transatlantic Principles Cecilia Malmström gives a speech at the plenary session of the Committee of the Regions about the concept of subsidiarity and the values shared between the EU and the US which can help us understand the main goals of the negotiation. 2015-02-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US Chamber of Commerce Report on the Benefits of America's Free Trade Agreements The U.S. Chamber of Commerce releases a report catloguing the success of US' free trade agreements and making the case for renewal of Trade Promotion Authority, and assesses outlook for TTIP, TiSA, and TPP's benefits 2015-02-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Services (Other)
Chairman Sallai letter to EU Member States' Committees on Sustainable Developement and Social policy on TTIP impacts Mr. Sallai, chairman of Committee on sustainable development of the Hungarian National Assembly, asks EU Member States' committees on sustainable development and social policy to ensure they are aware of TTIP's potential impacts on sustainable development 2015-02-11 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
EP AFCO Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs makes suggestions, including on investor-to-state dispute settlement and civil society involvement. 2015-02-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Overview of EU position on regulatory cooperation in TTIP The European Commission provides an overview of the EU's positions in the negotiations on regulatory cooperation, outlining the EU's objectives by answering 3 questions, including why regulatory cooperation matters, and how TTIP will uphold protection. 2015-02-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Introduction to legal text on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The European Commission publishes a document accompanying its textual proposal for a chapter on regulatory cooperation, which summarizes and explains various sections of the proposal. 2015-02-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Textual Proposal on Regulatory Cooperation Feb 2015 The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in February 2015 on regulatory cooperation includes provisions on transparency, stakeholder consultations, information exchanges, and the establishment of a Regulatory Cooperation Body. 2015-02-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BDI Position Paper on Rules of Origin in TTIP The Federation of German Industries calls for a simplification of TTIP's preferential rules of origin, harmonisation of the value-added rule, the possibility to average and the creation of sector specific alternative rules of origin 2015-02-09 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Rules of Origin (RoO)
EP CULT Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education makes suggestions, notably on educational services, subsidies, and on investor-to-state dispute settlement. 2015-02-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Other Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Tariffs & Quotas
EP ENVI Committee Amendments 1-81 of Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The Members of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety make ammendments to the draft opinion of the committee rapporteur on TTIP 2015-02-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
EP INTA Committee Draft Report on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on International Trade publishes draft recommendations on TTIP, which it is responsible for submitting to the Commission, covering nearly all issues discussed in the negotiation. 2015-02-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
EU Chief Negotiator Speech at Press Conference Concluding 8th TTIP Negotiation Round EU Chief Negotiator Ignacio Garcia Bercero announces there will be 2 additional rounds of negotiations before summer and summarizes the progress of the TTIP 8th negotiation round which focused on regulatory cooperation and market access among other issues 2015-02-05 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission TTIP Stakeholder Presentations Event Participants The European Commission publishes a list of registered civil society participants for the Stakeholder Presentations Event, which includes NGOs, trade associations, think tanks, consultancies, industry representatives, and others. 2015-02-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
European Commission TTIP Stakeholder Presentations Event Programme The European Commission publishes the programme of the Stakeholder Presentation Event which includes sessions on regulatory coherence, agriculture, geographical indications, services, investment, procurement, & sustainable development, among other issues. 2015-02-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Other
EP ECON Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs makes suggestions, such as including the restrictions on state aid in the agreement and introducing national court systems as an alternative to investor-to-state dispute settlement. 2015-02-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures
EP AGRI Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development makes suggestions, including improving the protection of geographical indications and preserving standards on food safety and human and animal health 2015-02-03 Government AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
CIN-NIC Position Paper on TTIP The Collège Intermutualiste National representing Belgian mutual funds, urges the EU to improve transparency in the negotiations, to exclude healthcare from the agreement, uphold intellectual property protection, and rejects the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP 2015-02-02 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
CEATL communication on literature and publishing in TTIP The European Council of Literary Translators' Associations urges the Commission to consider the printing and publishing industries as part of the cultural sectors exempted from TTIP and to uphold the legality of national subsidies for literature. 2015-02-02 Stakeholder Audiovisual & Entertainment, Consumer Goods, Other Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström letter to Social Platform on public services and ISDS in TTIP Commissioner Malström reaffirms state's control over public services in TTIP, recalls EU legal order and EU Treaty prominence in international agreements, and answers concerns about Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement's scope and terms of use 2015-02-02 Stakeholder Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
TABC paper on Intellectual Property Rights in TTIP TABC stresses the importance of intellectual property rights for transatlantic economy and urges TTIP negotiators to tackle abusive patent litigation, maintain strong and balanced trademark system and harmonize the definition of trade secrets 2015-02-01 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US Department of Agriculture Paper on the Importance of TPA The US Foreign Agricultural Service outlines main benefits from Trade Promotion Authority for the US agrifood industry, arguing notably that TPA would strengthen US negotiators allowing them to negotiate better trade agreements 2015-02-01 Government AgriFood Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
EUCIS-LLL Position Paper on education and TTIP The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning calls for the exclusion of Education from the negotiations on TTIP, urging for a clear and specific exemption, claiming that education is a public good that cannot be traded 2015-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Copenhagen Economics Report on TTIP Impact in Ireland Copenhagen Institute provides a comprehensive report on TTIP's potential impacts on Ireland, covering a broad array of the negotiations including pharmaceuticals and chemicals, electronic equipment, services, agrifood, and SMEs and FDIs 2015-02-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Unite The Union paper on TTIP legal implications for the NHS Unite the Union stresses the legal repercussions of TTIP on the National Health System, notably the Investor-State dispute settlement mechanism, calls for a robust carve-out of the NHS from the material scope of the agreement, and gives recommendations 2015-02-01 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EHN paper on TTIP, International Trade and Cardiovascular Health The European Heart Network outlines how TTIP and trade agreements could impact health and healthcare, notably through intellectual property, technical barriers to trade and investor-state dispute settlement provisions, and gives recommendations 2015-02-01 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
VDMA position paper on Crosscutting Issues in TTIP The German Mechanical Engineering Association wishes TTIP to focus on the elimination of tariffs and extraterritoriality, business-friendly rules of origin, the harmonization of standards and assessment procedures, and investment protection 2015-02-01 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ECIPE Paper on the positive impact of TTIP on Healthcare across the Atlantic The European Centre for International Political Economy recalls how Healthcare goods and services are integrated in global trade and how TTIP can make them more efficient and fair through deeper transborder integration, regulatory harmonisation and MRAs 2015-02-01 Academic Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
British American Business compilation of testimonies from British business leaders on TTIP benefits British American Business presents a study compiling 16 case studies on British business leaders, from small to large companies, defending opportunities TTIP may offer to their activity. 2015-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Competition, Export Controls, Financial Services, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
TABC position supporting strong IPR in TTIP The Transatlantic Business Council supports a strong intellectual property rights chapter in TTIP to ensure the protection of patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, which it views as an opportunity to promote high intellectual property standards globally 2015-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
White House Economic Report 2015 Chapter on US and Global Trade The White House describes the role of the US in multilateral trade and free trade agreements, and highlights the benefits of trade for the US and developing countries, specifically looking at its impact on financial flows. 2015-02-01 Government Chemicals, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
EP EMPL Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Feb 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs makes suggestions for TTIP, such as including labour and social provisions, promoting corporate social responsibility, and considering the results of the public consultation on ISDS. 2015-02-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment paper on ISDS in the US Lise Johnson, from the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, questions the inclusion of an ISDS mechanism in TTIP, recalling the Apotex Inc. v. US case, and argues that it could increase future investment claims against the US . 2015-01-31 Stakeholder Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement
MEP Jean Lambert paper on the downsides of TTIP Jean Lambert, Member of the EP's Green Party, rejects TTIP through a collaborative work adressing a broad range of topics like health, food safety, employment, public services, digital rights, ISDS, and gives information on how to fight against TTIP. 2015-01-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue letter to US Ambassador Michael Froman and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on Transparency The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue acknowledges the EU's efforts on transparency by publishing its legal text proposals for TTIP, urges the US to do the same, and asks for further transparency by making publicly available consolidated negotiating texts 2015-01-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Position Paper on Vehicle Lighting and Vision Standards in TTIP The EU publishes a test case on the recognition of equivalence in US and EU lighting and vision standards indicating there are key differences between the regulatory approaches which highlight potential different levels of safety performances. 2015-01-30 Government Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CESifo Report on TTIP and Developing Countries The CESifo assesses the impact of TTIP on developing countries, it stresses that TTIP could be a development-friendly agreement for third countries but outlines that they will be losers, suffering notably because of a decline of price competitiveness 2015-01-29 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO), Other
German MEP Gerhard Schick Paper on TTIP risks Gerhard Schick demonstrates that TTIP's risks might be higher than its benefits and argues that it will mostly benefit large companies through investment protection and imprecise legislation, and calls to reorientate TTIP with a new negotiating mandate. 2015-01-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
TTIP advisory group information on group members The report summarises information and offers short biographies on each member of the TTIP advisory group 2015-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EU and US Public Health Organisations Letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrom on ISDS in TTIP and Tobacco Industry A Philiip Morris statement on ISDS has raised concerns for 50 EU and US public health groups fearing that including investment provisions in TTIP may infringe governments to enact non-discriminatory tobacco control policies, such as packaging regulations. 2015-01-28 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
VDA Press Release compiling public statements from German automotive industry leaders supporting TTIP The German Association of the Automotive Industry publishes the statements of major German industry leaders supporting a comprehensive TTIP, where they put forward various economic and political opportunities this would create for the automotive industry. 2015-01-28 Stakeholder Automotive, Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP News Article on INTA and JURI Committees Joint Public Hearing on TTIP The European Parliament summarises the sensitive issues surrounding TTIP which were discussed in the joint public hearing of the International Trade and the Legal Affairs Committees, namely investor-to-state dispute settlement and regulatory aspects. 2015-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP ITRE Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Dec 2014 The European Parliament Committee on Committee on Industry, Research and Energy makes suggestions, including increasing the EU's energy security, establishing free trade for fuels, and harmonising regulations to define public support for energy sources 2015-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
EP AFET Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Jan 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs highlights the significance of TTIP, including in terms of geopolitical strategy and energy security. 2015-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström letter to Platform of European Social NGOs on Services in EU FTAs EU Trade Commissioner Malmström reviews the protection of economic services, public interest services and public procurement regulation in EU Free Trade Agreements, and the way investor-to-state dispute settlement integrates within this framework 2015-01-27 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Services (Other)
Alberto Alemanno Presentation on Regulatory Coherence in TTIP Alberto Alemanno provides background information on regulatory coherence and details about the regulatory and the sectoral chapters in TTIP. 2015-01-27 Academic AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Freie University Professor Speaking Notes on ISDS Professor Hindeland from Freie University explains the challenges of ISDS and makes recommendations for a European ISDS model which would need to incorporate 5 key features. 2015-01-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Freie University Professor Presentation on ISDS Professor Hindeland from Freie University explains the challenges of ISDS and makes recommendations for a European ISDS model which would need to incorporate 5 key features. 2015-01-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Leiden University Law Professor Speaking Notes on ISDS Professor Baetens of Leiden University explains reasons for the creation of investor-to-state dispute settlement, clarifies common misunderstandings, and concludes with a cost-benefit analysis. 2015-01-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Leiden University Law Professor Presentation on Regulatory Aspects and ISDS Professor Baetens of Leiden University explains reasons for the creation of investor-to-state dispute settlement, clarifies common misunderstandings, and concludes with a cost-benefit analysis. 2015-01-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
ACEA Secretary General Presentation on Regulatory Aspects of TTIP The Secretary-General of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association provides facts and figures about the transatlantic car industry, explains industry requests for TTIP, and describes differences in EU and US regulation 2015-01-27 Stakeholder Automotive Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Acting Director of WTO Legal Affairs Presentation on Regulatory Issues in TTIP The Acting Director of Legal Affairs at the World Trade Organisation provides general information about the regulatory coherence chapter in TTIP and concludes with sector-specific examples in the areas of motor vehicles and chemicals. 2015-01-27 Government Automotive, Chemicals, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
UNCTAD Director Speaking Notes on ISDS James Zhan, Director of Investment and Enterprise at the UN Conference on Trade and Development, provides facts and figures on ISDS, summarises the pros and cons, and concludes with alternatives to ISDS. 2015-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
UNCTAD Director Presentation on ISDS James Zhan, Director of Investment and Enterprise at the UN Conference on Trade and Development, provides statistics on ISDS and UNCTAD's 5 options for reforming the ISDS system. 2015-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
DG Trade Director Presentation on ISDS Rupert Schlegelmilch, Director of Services and Investment in the European Commission DG Trade, provides an overview of the debate surrounding investor-to-state dispute settlement and explores the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives to ISDS. 2015-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Draft Programme of EP JURI and INTA Committees Joint Hearing on ISDS in TTIP The program includes a list of scheduled presentations for the joint hearing held by the Committees on Legal Affairs and on International Trade on investor-to-state dispute settlement and regulatory aspects in TTIP. 2015-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
JURI INTA Joint Hearing on ISDS in TTIP - Video The European Parliament Commitees on Legal Affairs and International Trade hold a joint hearing to discuss ISDS with panelists from the Commission, UNCTAD, the automotive industry, and various academics. 2015-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive Dispute Settlement, Investment
CIEL report on standards protection in TTIP The Centre for International Environmental Law accuses US and EU Industries to threaten public health and global environment by using TTIP to align protection standards at the lower level possible, notably on food and pesticides safety regulations 2015-01-26 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP Briefing on ISDS State of Play and Prospects for Reform The European Parliament describes the existing ISDS regime, undertakes statistical overview of cases, highlights challenges and implementation issues, and sets out reform options and alternative systems. 2015-01-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
BusinessEurope paper on SMEs in TTIP BusinessEurope reviews TTIP's implications for small and medium-sized enterprises, notably on intellectual property rights, custom duties and procedures, non-tariff barriers, investment protection, and access to public procurement 2015-01-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Unite the Union letter to Commissioner Malmström on the NHS exemption from TTIP General Secretary of Unite the Union asks Commissioner Malmström to specify whether or not the UK's National Health Service will be subject to TTIP as it is in CETA, and calls for clarifications from EU spokespeople in their medias briefings 2015-01-22 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Breast Cancer UK position on TTIP and ISDS Breast Cancer UK stresses TTIP would weaken EU chemicals regulation and endocrine disrupting chemicals, it warns TTIP and Investor-State Dispute Settlement would jeopardize the right to regulate, and have an impact on rules on fracking in the EU 2015-01-21 Stakeholder Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Video of discussion with US Congressmen on importance of TTIP Congressional TTIP Caucus Co-Chairs insist on the significance of TTIP and the importance of strengthening transatlantic trade on shared values, warn on the consequences of failing to reach an agreement and insist on the need for transparency to succeed 2015-01-21 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Cosmetics Europe letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrom on TTIP Cosmetics Chapter The President of Cosmetics Europe advises Commissioner Malmström to reinforce the EU negotiation team for the cosmetics chapter in TTIP with safety assessment and in-market control experts, to avoid imbalance with the US negotiation team 2015-01-20 Stakeholder Chemicals, Manufacturing (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EP IMCO Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Jan 2015 The European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection makes suggestions, including opening markets for SMEs, establishing mutual recognition of professional qualifications, and removing technical barriers to trade. 2015-01-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 16 January 2015 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including transparency issues, Trade Promotion Authority and TPP, regulatory coherence and a review on the public consultation on investment protection and Investor-to-State dispute settlement 2015-01-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Parliament Compilation of Key Studies on TTIP January 2015 The European Parliament publishes a compilation of 13 key studies on TTIP covering the entire scope of the negotiations 2015-01-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Business Associations on EU ISDS Public Consultation US and EU business associations view the ISDS public consultation as an important step towards the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP, an enforcer of existing principles in US and EU laws, and as part of a trend towards transparency in international investments. 2015-01-14 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
AmChamEU Statement on European Commission Report on ISDS Public Consultation AmCham EU welcomes the Report as an important transparency initiative, and endorses the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP as a contributor toward greater investor confidence and a catalyst for the inclusion of similar protection in future agreements. 2015-01-14 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Eurocoop position on TTIP and Food The European Community of Consumer Co-operatives stresses TTIP potential threats to food safety and quality, high standard and sustainable private labels and calls TTIP negotiators to ensure consumer protection and information 2015-01-13 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Geographical Indications (GIs), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Business Associations Joint Statement on TTIP Investment Consultation Report 15 Business Associations, including AmCham, BusinessEurope and the Trans-Atlantic Business Council, call for an ambitious TTIP agreement covering trade and investment and including investor-state dispute settlement, and give their recommendations 2015-01-13 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
BDI President on Results of European Commission Consultation on ISDS in TTIP The President of the German Business Lobby welcomes overwhelming public participation and improved transparency. BDI urges the Commission to take heed of the consultation's results and create a standard-setting investment protection mechanism. 2015-01-13 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Factsheet on European Commission Report on ISDS Public Consultation The European Commission reports the findings of an online public consultation which will be debated in Q1 2015 leading to proposals for TTIP. 2015-01-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Report on ISDS Public Consultation The European Commission reports the findings of an online public consultation on ISDS which will be debated in Q1 2015 leading to proposals for TTIP (140 Page version). 2015-01-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Directorate General for Internal Policies Report on TTIP Impacts on EU Energy Markets and Manufacturing Industries The European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies reviews TTIP negotiation process and assess its potential impact on European energy and manufacturing sectors before giving recommendations 2015-01-12 Government Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Commission Factsheet on ICT in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating information and communication technology in TTIP, explains its objectives, such as setting common principles, and describes the most controversial issues, including security concerns. 2015-01-12 Government Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT) All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP TRAN Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Dec 2014 The European Parliament Committee on Committee on Transport and Tourism finds it regrettable that TTIP does not include a chapter on transport issues, and calls the Commission to address US protectionism in the air transport and maritime sectors. 2015-01-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Factsheet on Rules of Origin The European Commission explains that rules of origin are a key part of any trade agreement and highlights TTIP as an opportunity to develop common rules, limit fraud, and promote trade and investment, among other objectives. 2015-01-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Rules of Origin (RoO)
EP Working Document Draft Report Recommendations to Commission on TTIP The European Parliament publishes their working document in view of preparing the draft report on its recommendations to the Commission on TTIP, which discusses several issues such as public procurement, agriculture, energy, and regulatory cooperation. 2015-01-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
ECIPE Paper on SMEs Trade in TTIP The European Centre for International Political Economy reviews TTIP chapter dedicated to SMEs and assesses their participation in the agreement and its potential effects 2015-01-07 Government Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Factsheet on Government Dispute settlement The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating Government Dispute settlement in TTIP and explains its objectives, such as ensuring transparency. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Factsheet on Competition policy in TTIP The European Commission gives reasons for negotiating competition in TTIP, notably to tackle issues pertaining to state-owned enterprises and subsidies, and explains its main objectives, including enforcing competition laws and further developing rules 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Factsheet on SMEs in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating a chapter on SMEs in TTIP and explains its main objectives, which include establishing a free US online helpdesk and exchanging best practices on helping SMEs export or invest abroad 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Other
European Commission Factsheet on Customs and Trade Facilitation in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons and objectives for negotiating customs and trade facilitation in TTIP, focusing on establishing new rules to streamline customs procedures which would save costs for companies and make EU-US exports easier 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation
European Commission Factsheet on Energy and Raw Materials in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating energy and raw materials in TTIP, explains its main objectives, and describes the most controversial issues such as fracking, fossil fuels, and carbon emissions 2015-01-07 Government Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
EU Position Paper on Sustainable Development in TTIP The European Union publishes a position paper tabled for discussion in the negotiating round of May 2014 outlining detailed key issues and elements for provisions in the sustainable development chapter of TTIP. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
European Commission Issue Paper on Labour Rights and Civil Society Participation in TTIP The European Commission paper aims to facilitate discussions during the Roundtable on labour rights in TTIP by presenting its approach to labour issues, highlighting the most relevant issues in TTIP, and raising key questions to discuss with stakeholders 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
European Commission Factsheet on Sustainable Development in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating sustainable development in TTIP, explains its objectives, and describes the most controversial issues, notably labour standards, climate change, and conflict resolution 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EU Position Paper on Vehicle Seatbelts in TTIP The EU proposes a detailed methodology for automotive regulatory equivalence on safety performance in TTIP, tabled for discussion in the September 2014 negotiating round, which concludes that EU and US requirements provide equivalent high level of safety 2015-01-07 Government Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Vehicles in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating vehicles in TTIP and explains its objectives, including matching standards and harmonising certain EU and US regulations. 2015-01-07 Government Automotive All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Textiles in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating textiles in TTIP, and explains its objectives, notably on labelling, product safety, and standards. 2015-01-07 Government Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Medical Devices in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating medical devices in TTIP (e.g.: make devices more accessible and traceable while maintaining high safety standards), explains its objectives, and describes the most controversial issues 2015-01-07 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Union Position Paper on Engineering Industries in TTIP The European Union publishes its position on regulatory aspects of engineering industries in TTIP which was tabled for discussion in the negotiating round of May 2014, describing elements of regulatory cooperation which could benefit the industry. 2015-01-07 Government Manufacturing (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Cosmetics The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating cosmetics in TTIP, explains its objectives, such as cooperating on scientific safety assessments and finding alternative methods to animal testing, and describes the most controversial issues 2015-01-07 Government Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Other
European Commission Factsheet on SPS in TTIP The European Commission explains its reasons for negotiating food safety and animal and plant health in TTIP, highlights the aims of the chapter, and describes the most controversial issues, including GMOs and animal welfare. 2015-01-07 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Factsheet on Technical Barriers to Trade in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating technical barriers to trade in TTIP, which includes labelling requirements, safety testing, and conformity assessment procedures, explains its objectives, and describes the main concerns. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on Public Procurement in TTIP The European Commission highlights the benefits that negotiating public procurement in TTIP will bring for public authorities and businesses, explains its objectives, and describes the most controversial issues. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement
European Commission Factsheet on Services in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating services, explains the benefits it will bring to businesses, such as increased access, mobility, certainty, protection, and describes the most controversial issues, including data protection 2015-01-07 Government Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other Data Protection, Services (Other)
European Commission Factsheet on Trade in Goods and Custom Duties in TTIP The European Commission highlights reasons for negotiating trade in goods and tariffs, explains its objectives (e.g.: savings for companies, increased transatlantic trade) and describes the most controversial issues. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Factsheet on Chemicals in TTIP The European Commission explains its reasons for negotiating chemicals in TTIP, highlights its objectives, and describes the most controversial issues. 2015-01-07 Government Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Textual Proposal on Government to Government Dispute Settlement in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in March 2014 on Government to Government Dispute Settlement includes articles on consultations and mediations, dispute settlement procedures, and compliance. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Textual Proposal on Subsidies in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in March 2014 on Subsidies includes general provisions on transparency, consultations, and confidentiality. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Other
European Commission Textual Proposal on State-Owned Enterprises in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in July 2014 on State-Owned Enterprises includes provisions on non-discrimination, commercial considerations, transparency and corporate governance. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Other
European Commission Textual Proposal on Competition in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in March 2014 on Competition includes general provisions on anti-trust and mergers. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Textual Proposal on SMEs in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in May 2014 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises intends to support the growth and development of SMEs by increasing their opportunities to trade and invest across the Atlantic. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas, Other
Textual Proposal Customs and Trade Facilitation The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in March 2014 on Customs and Trade Facilitation includes articles on the release of goods, goods re-entered after repair, risk management, post-clearance audit, advance rulings and penalties 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Information Technology (ICT), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation
European Commission Textual Proposal on SPS in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in September 2014 on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures includes articles on import procedures and requirements, trade facilitation, control measures, equivalence, and verification. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Textual Proposal on Technical Barriers to Trade in TTIP The European Commission’s initial proposal for legal text tabled in March 2014 on technical barriers to trade includes articles on transparency, standardisation, conformity assessment procedures, and labelling requirements. 2015-01-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
EP LIBE Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Jan 2015 The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs makes suggestions, notably on privacy and data protection. 2015-01-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures
ECIPE and Georgetwon CBPP joint Policy Brief on TTIP, An Accident Report The European Centre for International Political Economy identifies main obstacles to TTIP, and advises the EU and US to find a common understanding of mutual ambitions and to gather political support in order to reach a comprehensive agreement 2015-01-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CHEM Trust position on TTIP CHEM Trust warns inclusion of chemicals in TTIP will lower protection in the EU arguing US Standards are out-dated and heavily influenced by lobbying, CHEM Trust urges the EU to keep using OECD and international conventions for cooperation on chemicals 2015-01-01 Stakeholder Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Other
TABC factsheet on ISDS in TTIP The Trans-Atlantic Business Council provide the main figures relating to Investor-State Dispute Settlement for the US, the EU and their economic partners, identifies main sectors involving claims and reviews ISDS cases outcomes 2015-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement
TABC position paper on ISDS in TTIP TABC discusses fears about Investor-State Dispute Settlement and stresses its main benefits for SMEs and international companies, notably the possibility to set a global standard on transatlantic investments and create independent justice courts 2015-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
API and IOGP Joint Position Paper on Potential Energy Issues in TTIP The American Petroleum Institute and the International Oil and Gas Producers Association affirm their support for trade liberalization in oil and natural gas, and indicate their expectations for TTIP on regulatory matters impacting the energy industry 2015-01-01 Stakeholder Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Dispute Settlement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
ETUI Paper on Health and Safety Protection for EU Worker in TTIP The European Trade Union Institute discusses TTIP's potential negative impact on the level of protection provided to EU citizens and workers, notably stressing incompatibility between REACH and TSCA, and possible REFIT and OSH deregulation in the EU 2015-01-01 Academic Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
D.I.E Paper on Development Policy Actors and TTIP The German Development Institute discusses TTIP's impact on developing countries and global trade, advocates policy actors to make TTIP more development-friendly, and gives recommendations, notably strengthening multilaterism and transparency in trade 2015-01-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
LSE and Modus Europe report on TTIP and Health The London School of Economics and political Sciences, and Modus Europe review the impact TTIP and International trade including GATS and TiSA, on health and healthcare systems in Europe, through different lenses and criteria, and give recommendations 2015-01-01 Academic Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung paper on TTIP and TPP The Rosa Luxembourg Foundation recalls the history of Free Trade Agreements and of Free Trade, denounces TTIP and TPP as being corporatists agreements, and reviews the action of Anti-FTAs actors in the US, notably the fair trade movement 2015-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
ETUI Article on the Missing Issue in TTIP Researchers from the European Union Trade Institute explain their view on various TTIP economic impact studies, examine the differences in EU-US regulations, and explain what could be the regulatory outcome of TTIP 2015-01-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US Congressional Research Service Report on TPA and the role of Congress in Trade Policy The Congressional Research Service publishes a report on Trade Promotion Authority and the role of Congress in US trade policy with details on TPA's history, its key elements, and the main issues and options Congress is faced with. 2015-01-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Tariffs & Quotas
CES Ifo working paper on potential economic consequences of TTIP Economists from the CES Ifo Institute estimate the economic results of TTIP based on a Ricardian trade model and simulate the trade, value added, and welfare effects of TTIP, assuming it would remove all tariffs and reduce non-tariff barriers. 2014-12-23 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis
CEPS paper on Agriculture, Food and opening markets in TTIP The Centre for European Policy Studies stresses the importance of agrifood in transatlantic trade and how TTIP could benefit these sectors, notably by removing tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers, and proposes 4 modalities for the negotiations. 2014-12-19 Academic AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources Economic Analysis, Geographical Indications (GIs), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP INTA Committe Chair Bernd Lange letter to Commissioner Malmstrom on MEP access to TTIP documents Bernd Lange asks Commissioner Malmström to give all Members of Parliament access to EU Restricted TTIP documents and to extend the access of consolidated TTIP documents to all International Trade Committee members and key members from other committees 2014-12-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis paper on TTIP Scholars evaluate TTIP's features such as investor-to-state dispute and regulatory coherence, assess pros and cons for firms and the public, and stress the high economic adjustment costs it would entail, in exchange for low economic benefits. 2014-12-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
VDMA and NPES Joint Declaration on TTIP negotiations Two printing technology associations reaffirm their support for free trade, business-friendly rules of origin, MRAs and standards harmonisation, and call for the swift completion and ratification of TTIP 2014-12-18 Stakeholder Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
European Commission Video on Upholding Standards in TTIP The European Commission recalls the objectives of TTIP and answers concerns about standards protection within TTIP 2014-12-18 Government AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Geographical Indications (GIs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP ENVI Committee Draft Opinion on TTIP Dec 2014 The European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety makes suggestions emphasising the need to preserve high standards, and states that it strongly opposes the inclusion of an investor-to-state dispute settlement. 2014-12-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
CBI Interactive Diagram on Reasons to Support TTIP The Confederation of British Industry published on their website an interactive diagram with the top 5 reasons to support TTIP, including increased opportunities for SMEs, more choice and lower prices for consumers, less red tape, and higher investment. 2014-12-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström reply to UK Parliamentary Group Chair on TTIP negotiations Commissioner Malmström responds to various concerns from a UK parliamentary group, including on the protection of public services in TTIP, the inclusion of investor-to-state dispute settlement, and the transparency of negotiations 2014-12-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Services (Other)
TABC paper on Innovation in TTIP The Trans-Atlantic Business Council call for the inclusion of a comprehensive separate chapter on innovation in TTIP, focusing on emerging technologies and harmonization in policy areas facilitating regulatory cooperation 2014-12-16 All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Aprodev Webinar Slides of EU Civil Society Concerns on Agrifood in TTIP Karin Ulmer of Apodev gives an overview of the main concerns of EU civil society with regards to the impact of TTIP on food and farming, including food safety, food labeling, public procurement, and sustainable agriculture. 2014-12-16 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
CES Ifo article on possible TTIP economic aftermath Economists from the CES Ifo Institute perform a trade policy analysis by employing a structurally estimated general equilibrium model to assess the potential welfare gains and costs from TTIP for the EU member states, the US, and third countries 2014-12-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 12 December 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including updates on TTIP 8th round, regulatory coherence in TBTs and SPS, discussion on the Working methods of the group, and progress on investor-state dispute settlement consultation 2014-12-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Iowa State University study on Impact of TTIP on Biofuel and Feedstock Markets Economists from Iowa State, AgroParis Tech and INRA assess the impact of TTIP on EU and US bio-economies by considering various scenarios, such as the effect of tariff liberalization on sugar production and oilseed crushing. 2014-12-07 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Export Controls, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström speech on Trade and European Tradition of Civil Society Commissioner Malmström defends the positive economic impact of TTIP, assesses the ties existing between trade and civil society, and reviews EU's transparency policy and initiatives in TTIP negotiations 2014-12-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
Report of discussion between EU Trade Commissioner Malmström and Civil Society on EU trade policy Commissioner Malmström answers Civil Society's concerns on EU trade policy on various topics, including transparency, environment, sustainable development, SMEs, services, and explains the impact of TTIP on specific sectors like medical or automotive 2014-12-04 Government AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Report on the Impact of ISDS on TTIP The report covers the wide scope of TTIP and its impact on Dutch (EU)-US investment relations through a deep historical study, a cost-benefit analysis centred on regulation settings, and risk mitigation and financial responsibility considerations. 2014-12-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement
ECIPE Paper on ISDS in BITs and its economic effects The European Centre for International Political Economy studies the evolution of investor-to-state dispute settlement, shifts recently observed, and explores the economic impact of investment treaties before suggesting 3 options to consider in the future. 2014-12-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
Law Professor Dr Tietje Presentation on ISDS Dr. Christian Tietje presents the important characteristics of ISDS, includind its history, its articulation with CETA, and protection from expropriation, and insists on the relevance of ISDS in a EU-US cooperation framework. 2014-12-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Other Competition, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
IPVIC presentation on ISDS The International PhotoVoltaic Investors Club presents its activity and provides arguments for its support of ISDS in TTIP, including improving access for small and medium-sized investors, higher transparency and better support from institutions. 2014-12-04 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Stockholm Chanber of Commerce presentation on ISDS The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce presents the features of international arbitration, such as neutrality and enforceability, and provides facts and figures defending investor-to-state dispute mechanism. 2014-12-04 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrom 1st Speech to EP INTA Committee Commissioner Malmström stresses the need for dialogue and transparency between the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament and the Commission and assesses future trade challenges for EU bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. 2014-12-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Export Controls, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech at European Parliament INTA Committee Trade Commissioner Malmström highlights her priorities at the European Parliament i.e. the importance of cooperation, main issues on hand and Trade policy for the future. TTIP was confirmed as priority between institutions, industry and NGOs. 2014-12-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
ILO Senior Economist Presentation on Labour Provisions in Trade Agreements A senior economist from the International Labour Organisation gives general statistics on labour provisions in trade agreements, explains the ILO's role in these agreements, and provides information about EU and US approach in recent trade agreements 2014-12-02 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Other
CEPII Working Paper on Free Trade Agreements Consequences for sub-Saharan Africa The Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales reviews the implementation processes of global trade agreements, and their potential impact on sub-Saharan countries, and recommends an ambitious and global African trade integration 2014-12-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Parliament Briefing on TTIP and Labour The European Parliament reviews labour provisions in TTIP and analyses their evolution in trade and investment agreements, comparing the differences between the Eu and the US' approaches, and stresses issues related to TTIP's potential impact on jobs 2014-12-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
D.I.E Paper on What if TTIP Fails The German Development Institute reviews the consequence of an hypothetical failure of TTIP, stressing that this would not necessarily benefit to the WTO, and argues that the difficulties of the TTIP negotiations may have been underestimated 2014-12-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Institute of Modern Politics report on TTIP The Institute of Modern Politics analyses TTIP negotiation, denounces its opacity and the domination of corporate interests, reviews its risks, assesses Bulgaria's position and gives recommendations. 2014-12-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Sustainable Development
industriALL Trade Union Position on TTIP industriALL urges TTIP negotiators to guarantee Transparency, to promote ILO convention and preserve workers' rights in the negotiations, to prevent services from deregulation, to protect Intellectual Property Rights and to reject ISDS 2014-11-26 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
EP communication to the Commission on transparency in TTIP The European Parliament suggests measures such as classification of trade information, extensive access to TTIP documents for Members of the European Parliament, and sharing of information with Parliament, in order to ensure greater transparency. 2014-11-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Health NGOs common paper on healthcare and Research and Development in EU trade Médecins sans Frontières, Oxfam and HAI Europe stress that TTIP threatens EU public health systems, notably by promoting excessive IPR, and offer 7 solutions to improve access to medicines and biomedical innovation through trade. 2014-11-24 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission TTIP Advisory subGroup Meeting on Services Report 21 November 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including governmental authority exception in GATS, EU postal services, TFEU provisions regarding public services, public procurement, links between TTIP and TiSA, and next steps coming up 2014-11-21 Government Financial Services, Services (other) Competition, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
US Wheat Associates report on foreign trade barriers to US Exports The US Wheat Associates defends the economic benefits of open markets for US Wheat Industry and presents regional or national case studies of unjustified persistent foreign barriers to Wheat trade and their impact, notably in China, EU and India 2014-11-20 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Competition, Economic Analysis, Export Controls, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
NHS Confederation briefing on TTIP implications for NHS The National Health Service Confederation provides a factual analysis to identify threats and opportunities which TTIP may pose for the NHS, and discusses whether including an investor-to-state dispute mechanism would influence UK policy. 2014-11-19 Academic Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EAEA letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrom on TTIP The European Association for the Education of Adults expresses its concerns with a potential inclusion of education services in TTIP, as they fear its impact on education quality standards, and calls for more transparency and dialogue with stakeholders. 2014-11-19 Stakeholder Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Audio of EP Public Debate on TTIP hosted by SD Group The European Parliament's Socialists & Democrats hosted a panel discussion by EU and US civil society and EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström focusing on key issues of TTIP for consumers, including food, medicine, public services, and ISDS. 2014-11-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
ESF Position Paper on Services Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The European Services Forum supports increased regulatory cooperation in services and outlines the objectives of the regulators in services, the Commission's proposal, existing EU-US dialogue in the sector, and concludes with recommendations. 2014-11-18 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Data Protection, Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Speech at European Parliament SD Conference on TTIP Cecilia Malmstrom gives a speech before the Socialists & Democrats of the European Parliament explaining how TTIP can help consumers get what they need from the economy and from government. 2014-11-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
CEPR Economists Article on Regulatory Coherence in TTIP Lionel Fontagne and Sebastien Jean from the Centre for Economic Policy Research explain the EU and US' motives to become leaders in global standard-setting with TTIP, highlight the focus on regulatory issues, and perform their own economic analysis. 2014-11-16 Academic AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Atlantic Council survey on TTIP opportunities for small business The Atlantic Council recalls SMEs' crucial role in the US and EU economies, identifies their main barriers to trade, and gives recommendations on tariffs elimination and regulatory cooperation, to ensure TTIP addresses SMEs' needs 2014-11-13 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
GMF Policy Paper on Germany’s Pivotal Role in TTIP The German Marshall Fund stresses the importance of German political debate in achieving TTIP, and highlights the obstacles that may threaten it notably Civil Society opposition with polemics over ISDS, MRAs or TTIP impact on worker and union rights 2014-11-13 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
AmCham EU Reply to European Ombudsman Consultation on Transparency in TTIP AmCham EU defends the European Commission and USTR by acknowledging their efforts to raise transparency in TTIP, which have been unprecedented in previous negotiations, and stresses the need for governments to raise awareness of TTIP with their citizens 2014-11-05 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EP Study for ENVI Committee on Relevant Legislative Areas of TTIP The study of the European Parliament's policy department for economic and scientific policy analyses key differences in EU and US legislation in 8 areas: medical devices, cosmetics, food, sanitary, nanomaterials, cloning, energy, and motor vehicles. 2014-11-05 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EU Commission DG Trade Director General Article on why TTIP is Worthwhile J. L.Demarty, DG of the Commission's DG trade, focused on 2 arguments in favor of TTIP: the economic benefits, such as more trade, jobs, and growth, and the strategic dimension, in terms of protecting and promoting European values globally. 2014-11-03 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
TACD Position Paper on Access to Medicines The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue stresses the need to guarantee access to medicines, and the importance of the cost issue in the US and the EU, and calls to enhance medical knowledge sharing, public health protection, and global right to access 2014-11-01 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EP Internal Policies report on relevant legislation areas of TTIP The EP Directorate-General for Internal Policies reviews the differences between US and EU legislation in 8 areas, notably on SPS measures, food, medical devices, to assist environment, public health and food safety commitee members monitoring TTIP 2014-11-01 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BusinessEurope Reply to EU Ombudsman Consultation on transparency in TTIP BusinessEurope stresses the need for an adequate balance between transparency and protecting the EU's strategic interests, assesses the efforts already made towards transparency, and provides various recommendations. 2014-10-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
MEP Bernd Lange Article on the Lack of Transparency in TTIP Negotiations.docx B. Lange, Chair of the European Parliament's International Trade Committee, argues the widespread criticism on TTIP is due to poor communication and should be addressed with more transparency, and calls on policymakers to take clear positions. 2014-10-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
Economists, stakeholders and scholars online debate on the future of US trade with Europe Stefan Selig, Daniel Hamilton, Ed Cook, Frank Sportolari and Joseph Lake, debate on impact of TTIP on the economy, review US economic partners and their views on US goods, services and brands, and study the US and EU cultural approach to economy 2014-10-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 28 October 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including transparency issues, group's working methods, and Mrs Malmström's calendar on TTIP, notably on future meetings on Technical Barriers to Trade and n investor-state dispute settlement 2014-10-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Bertelsmann Foundation Summary of the 7th Round of TTIP The Bertelsmann Foundation reviews the progress of the 7th round of TTIP negotiation, notably on regulatory cooperation and digital economy, and highlights obstacles that may arise like investor-state dispute, procurement, and geographical indications 2014-10-28 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures
EESC's Jacek Krawczyk Article Supporting TTIP and giving Advice on how to Reach a Successful Agreement J. Krawczyk, President of the EU Economic and Social Committee's employer's group and its rapporteur on TTIP emphasises the opportunity it presents to promote European values and standards globally and argues citizens need to be better informed 2014-10-28 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Sigmar Gabriel article on German views of America The German Vice-Chancellor for Economics spoke at the Center for European Studies at Harvard on how National Security Agency spying, Google and Chlorine Chicken are pitting Germans against Americans and TTIP 2014-10-24 Government Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
NEMA and Orgalime Joint position paper on TTIP Orgalime and The National Electrical Manufacturers Association express their support for TTIP and regulatory cooperation but argue ISO and IEC should remain the preferred standardisation platforms to include third countries in the harmonisation process 2014-10-23 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
DIGITALEUROPE Director General column on TTIP and European economy John Higgins, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE, defends TTIP by stressing its potential economic benefits through tariff barriers removal and standards harmonization, notably in the Information and Communication Technology field 2014-10-23 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU and US industry associations joint statement on regulatory harmonisation in TTIP Orgalime and NEMA argue that the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission should remain the main standardisation platforms to allow harmonisation not only between US, EU but with third countries 2014-10-23 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EGA letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on EU FTAs The European generic and biosimilar medicine industries affirm their support for CETA, including the full implementation of the export provision under the Supplementary Protection Certificate, as well as for TTIP and the EU-Japan negotiations. 2014-10-23 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
IATP Webinar on TTIP impacrs on Local Food Systems, on SPS and TTB Issues, and on EU Civil Society Concerns on Agrifood VIDEO The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy presents a three part webinar on the implications of TTIP on local food systems, on sanitary and phytosanity issues, and on EU civil society concerns on food and farming. 2014-10-23 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker speech on mandate prorities to the EP Juncker stresses his presidency's main priorities, including the energy union and digital single market projects, TTIP and ISDS, and addresses concerns on a broad range of issues like sustainable development, space policy and citizenship 2014-10-22 Government Automotive, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other Competition, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
14 EU Ministers letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström on ISDS in TTIP 14 EU Ministers recall their support for TTIP and the need for transparency in the negotiations, assess the existing concerns on investor-state dispute settlement, and reaffirm their will to establish a balanced dispute settlement mechanism 2014-10-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
TACD letter to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström resquesting a meeting The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue asks Commissioner Malmström for a meeting with Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, to engage with US consumers' views on TTIP 2014-10-21 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Services (other), Other Negotiation & Procedures
RCN Response to the European Commission Consultation on ISDS The Royal College of Nursing recalls its opposition to investor ISDS by stressing that governments should be able to implement public policies, such as in the National Health Service, without being challenged by multinational companies 2014-10-21 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
USTR Michael Froman column on the Strategic Logic of Trade US Trade Representative Michael Froman recalls the strategic importance of trade, reviews the opportunities offered by negotiations like TPP, TTIP and AGOA to shape the global economy, strengthen US economic power and extend its influence 2014-10-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Overall politics
European Commission List of Lead Negotiators for the TTIP The European Commission published its list of lead negotiators for TTIP as of October 2014. 2014-10-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EP Analysis on Civil society Concerns on TTIP The European Parliament examines the various concerns of civil society with regard to TTIP, including a lack of transparency, environmental and consumer safety issues, and workers' rights, and explains how the Commission has responded to these concerns. 2014-10-15 Government AgriFood, Chemicals, Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP Directorate General for External policies Analysis of Civil Society Concerns on TTIP The European Parliament's Directorate General for External policies reviews main Civil Society's concerns about TTIP, including notably transparency, workers' rights, Investor-State dispute settlement, data privacy and consumer and environmental safety 2014-10-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Atlantic Community Article Supporting ISDS in TTIP Hendrine Kuel from Atlantic Community think tank argues TTIP should include investor-state dispute settlement to provide necessary protection for companies with limited options in their national system, and will not necessarily foster corporate profit. 2014-10-10 Academic Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment
European Council Negotiating Mandate for TTIP The European Council Negotiating Mandate lays out the objectives and scope for the Commission to negotiate a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement focusing on 3 components: market access, regulatory issues and non-tariff barriers, and rules. 2014-10-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
GMF Article Compilation on Europe's New Leadership The German Marshall Fund publishes a compilation of articles discussing Europe's role as a global leader in various sectors, including trade, where TTIP is of strategic importance to the EU although it faces some significant challenges. 2014-10-07 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Karel de Gucht Speech on the Need for TTIP to be Better Understood by the Public Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht highlights public concerns and encourages opening discussions to reassure the public by focusing on 3 topics: regulations, investment protection, and transparency. 2014-10-07 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Commission Communications Officer Article on ISDS A communications officer from the European Commission dismisses current concerns on investor-state dispute settlement in TTIP negotiations, which he believes are exaggerated and unfounded. 2014-10-07 Government Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment
UK House of Commons Research Briefing on TTIP The UK House of Commons gives a briefing on the background, negotiation process and sticking points of TTIP, including investor-state dispute settlement, foods standards, and public procurement. 2014-10-03 Government AgriFood, Financial Services, Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Public Procurement
Greg Skelton from American Chemistry Council Article Reacting to TTIP Position Paper by Civil Society Groups on Chemicals Greg Skelton from the American Chemistry Council reacts to a position paper written by civil society groups opposing TTIP negotiations on chemical regulation, and mitigates their claims and concerns by concluding they lack supporting evidence. 2014-10-03 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EU and US Lead Negotiators Opening Remarks at Press Conference after 7th TTIP Negotiation Round US and EU Chief Negotiators, Dan Mullaney and Ignacio Garcia-Bercero, give an overview of topics for the 7th TTIP negotiating round and reiterate their commitment to removing non-tariff barriers while maintaining high standards. 2014-10-03 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other Competition, Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
EU and US Lead Negotiators Joint Press Conference after 7th TTIP Negotiation Round - Video Dan Mullaney, Chief US Negotiator, and Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Chief EU Negotiator, hold a joint press conference to end the 7th round of TTIP talks and give an overview of the progress of negotiations. VIDEO 2014-10-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Report of the 7th Round of TTIP Negotiation The European Commission publishes their report of the 7th round of negotiations, highlighting the progress made on various issues, including customs facilitation, the EU's sanitary and phytosanitary proposal, and the intellectual property rights chapter. 2014-10-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Bertelsmann Stiftung presentation on TTIP impact on Germany Andreas Esche assesses TTIP potential aftermath on German economy, including the impact of trade barriers removal, the evolution of German foreign trade, and the microeconomic effects of TTIP for Germany on both regional and sectoral scales 2014-10-02 Academic AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
EURATEX Position Paper on Textile and Clothing Regularory Issues in TTIP EURATEX, representing the European textile and clothing industry, supports TTIP and identifies several technical barriers to trade which it urges negotiators to remove, including certain labelling requirements and consumer safety regulations. 2014-10-02 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Trade Commissioner De Gucht Reply to CIEL and ClientEarth letter on Chemical Regulation in TTIP Trade Commissioner Karl De Gucht replies to a letter from environmental NGOs, reassuring that regulatory cooperation in chemicals would not lower environmental and health standards, and would bring great benefits to the scientific community. 2014-10-02 Government Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Karel De Gucht Reply to Letter from NGOs on Regulatory Cooperation in Chemicals in TTIP Negotiations Karel de Gucht addresses the concerns of NGOs opposing the inclusion of regulations on chemicals in TTIP, and reassures them that economic efficiency will not be favoured at the expense of health and environment protection 2014-10-02 Government Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Hans Böckler Stiftung paper on TTIP impact on Public Services Legal Framework Markus Krajewski and Britta Kynast from Hans Böckler Stiftung review TTIP's potential impact on European public services' legal framework, notably on the energy sector, on investment protection and on liberalisation of trade in services 2014-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
EuroMemo Group Report on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The EuroMemo Group reviews TTIP's proposals for regulatory cooperation and how significant it is, explains TTIP functioning, outlines the role of stakeholders in TTIP negotiations, and proposes an outcome for regulations from TTIP 2014-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP External Policies report on Civil society concerns about TTIP The European Parliament Directorate-General for External Policies reviews TTIP concerns, notably investor-state dispute settlement, environmental and consumer safety, data privacy and intellectual property rights, and answer the fears raised 2014-10-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Madariaga paper on TTIP and the future of European Union The Executive Director of the Madariaga Foundation questions TTIP's soundness by raising 6 objections, notably on the economic, legal, geopolitical fields, urges EU citizens to focus on European Identity, and urges to trade off TTIP for plurilateralism 2014-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Economic Analysis, Investment, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Research Article by Jeronim Capaldo from Tufts about the effects of TTIP Jeronim Capaldo from Tufts University assesses the effects of TTIP using the UN Global Policy Model and makes several conclusions, including that it will lead to lower GDP, incomes and employment, and will increase financial instability. 2014-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Labour & Free movement
Research Article by Ronan Obrien on the Impact of Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP Ronan O'Brien clarifies implications on regulatory cooperaiton in TTIP by assessing whether the regulatory changes as a result of TTIP will lead to a reduction in regulatory standards, or even in a higher level in some cases. 2014-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Textile and Clothing Industry Associations' Presentation on Apparel and Footwear in TTIP Three associations from the textile and clothing industry give a presentation at a stakeholder event on apparel and footwear in TTIP, with an overview of global value chains in apparel, EU-US apparel trade statistics, followed by recommendations. 2014-10-01 Stakeholder Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Tariffs & Quotas
ICTA Comments to USTR on Nanomaterials The International Center for Technology Assessment urges EU&US government to develop regulatory frameworks to ensure premarket safety assessment and pre-approval of use of nanoparticles in consumer products to protect the public, workers, and environment 2014-10-01 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
HSBC Commissioned Report on US Trade Statistics, Benefits, and Policy Recommendations HSBC commissioned report gives US trade statistics, highlights the benefits of trade, and makes policy recommendations to strengthen these benefits for the US, including exerting maximum effort to close a successful TTIP and Trans-Pacific Partnership. 2014-10-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
CIEL, Client Earth and NFDC Statement_ Toxic Partnership Revealed The Center for International Environmental Law and NGOs react to a leaked TTIP chemicals annex and explain why they object to inclusion of chemicals in TTIP negotiations, seen as favouring business interest over environment and consumer protection. 2014-10-01 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
USTR Stakeholder Forum Presentation Schedule for 5th Round of TTIP Negotiation Presentation schedule of various stakeholder presentations at the forum hosted by the Office of the US Trade Representative in presence of EU and US Chief negotiators. 2014-10-01 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Business Alliance for TTIP communication on regulatory cooperation and communication in TTIP The EU Business Alliance for TTIP recalls its support for TTIP, stresses the importance of regulatory convergence for transatlantic economy and urges negotiators to ensure more transparency towards citizen and Civil Society 2014-09-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Textile and Clothing Industry Associations' Joint Position Paper on the TTIP Three associations from the textile and clothing industry give their support for a comprehensive TTIP, and give several recommendations such as increased regulatory convergence, the elimination of tariffs, and flexible rules of origin. 2014-09-30 Stakeholder Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Tariffs & Quotas
BDI Position Paper Supporting an Investment Chapter in TTIP The Federation of German Industries provides information about transatlantic investment, gives 4 reasons to include an investment chapter in TTIP such as increased market access and a way to settle investment disputes, and concludes with recommendations. 2014-09-30 Stakeholder Chemicals, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment
Business Alliance for TTIP Position Paper Supporting Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation The Business Alliance for TTIP explains why the regulatory component of TTIP is the key to success: regulatory cooperation should allow high consumer protection standards to be maintained, but at lower cost for business, which is critical for SME's. 2014-09-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Transport & Logistic Services Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Study on TTIP Impact Volume 1 The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung reviews TTIP's potential effects, covering the whole range of the negotiations including TiSA and NTBs, it assesses the relation between TTIP and TPP and the implications of these mega-agreements for the World trading order 2014-09-29 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
NMPF, USDEC, IDFA joint press release on CETA 3 US dairy products associations express their serious concerns on EU-Canada CETA provisions on geographical indications like Feta, Gorgonzola, and Munster, as it could raise trade barriers and endanger access to the Canadian market for US producers 2014-09-29 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
Statement by European Civil Society Organisations on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP Civil society groups strongly oppose TTIP negotiations on the regulation of chemicals, food standards, and financial services, fearing it may imperil health, environment and welfare, and urge for transparency and the exclusion of regulatory cooperation. 2014-09-29 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
German Think Tank announces upcoming Debate on Contentious Topics in TTIP through Series of Articles The think tank Atlantic Community announces the upcoming publishing of articles exposing various sides of the debates on transparency, ISDS, financial markets, and general criticism of TTIP. 2014-09-29 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics
EP Briefing on Parliament Hearing of Trade Commissioner-Designate Cecilia Malmström The European Parliament brief provides highlights from Malmström's hearing, prior to her approval as Trade Commissioner, where she faced questions from Members of the International Trade Committee focusing on TTIP, ISDS, transparency, and public services. 2014-09-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Competition, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Trade Commissioner-Designate Cecilia Malmström EP Hearing - Video Trade Commissioner-designate Cecilia Malmstrom responds to 45 questions from Members of Parliament of the International Trade Committee, who focused particularly on the issues of ISDS, transparency, and public services. VIDEO 2014-09-29 Government AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Trade Commissioner-Designate Cecilia Malmström Opening Remarks at European Parliament Hearing Trade Commissioner-designate Cecilia Malmstrom lists principles she intends to follow and highlights the importance she will give to the TTIP negotiation, and to its capacity for regulatory cooperation while maintaining a high level of protection. 2014-09-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Herbert Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies Bulletin on Current State of TTIP Negotiations Herbert Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies publishes a Free Trade Bulletin on the current state and prospects of TTIP negotiations, describes the main challenges it faces, and concludes with issue-specific recommendations to move forward. 2014-09-29 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Financial Services, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
EP Research Service Article on TTIP and the Cultural Exception The European Parliament Research Service explains the concept of cultural exception in trade agreements and clarifies that, according to the Commission, TTIP will not interfere with the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS). 2014-09-29 Government Audiovisual & Entertainment Intellectual Property (IPR), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Outline for Provisions on chemicals in TTIP The European Commission publishes its outline for provisions on chemicals in TTIP, including objectives, fields of cooperation, and the establishment of a chemicals working group. 2014-09-26 Government Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EPC Commentary on Global Impact and Obstacles of TTIP Romain Pardo, Junior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre, highlights the impact TTIP could have on 3rd countries and on multilateralism, as well as the obstacles which have proven difficult to overcome in previous EU trade negotiations. 2014-09-26 Academic AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Sustainable Development
German Parliamentry Video Debate on TTIP VIDEO German Federal Parliamentary debate in which Federal Minister for Economy and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, refutes the Left party’s accusations of a lack of transparency of TTIP negotiations, and highlights the opportunities offered by TTIP. 2014-09-25 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Overall politics
European Commission Publication on Ideas for Chemical Cooperation in TTIP The European Commission examines practical possibilities for cooperative interactions between REACH and CLP processes by identifying areas of mutual interest within the EU and US regulatory systems. 2014-09-24 Government Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP Analysis of Expected Impact of TTIP on EU Member States and Third Countries The DG for External Policies of the European Parliament analyses and summarises the methodology and results of various studies on the impact of TTIP on the EU, on individual member states(MS), and on 3rd countries, and concludes MS will benefit unevenly. 2014-09-23 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Letter to UK Parliament Supporting TTIP The UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable, supports TTIP and refutes the validity of public concerns, notably on ISDS and the potential impact of the agreement on British public services. 2014-09-22 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Competition, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
German Social Democrat Party SPD Position Paper for TTIP The Social Democrats in Germany voted in favor of a motion in support of TTIP last Saturday. Germany’s economy minister Sigmar Gabriel acknowledges that Europe has a window of opportunity with TTIP. 2014-09-20 Government
EP Directorate General for External Policies Analysis on TTIP impact on EU Member States and Third Countries The European Parliament Directorate-General for External Policies compiles and reviews main academic studies and impact assessment on TTIP, focusing on EU Member States and selected third countries 2014-09-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 18 September 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including regulatory coherence, chemicals and REACH, Sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards, and transparency issues 2014-09-18 Government Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Cologne Institute for Economic Research Policy Report on TTIP The Cologne Institute for Economic Research Policy Paper aims to demystify common misperceptions about the effects of TTIP 2014-09-18 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
TABC paper on TTIP outlooks The Trans-Atlantic Business Council stresses main benefits from TTIP notably on economic growth, competitiveness and innovation, and on the geopolitical scale 2014-09-17 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Heritage Foundation Paper on TTIP Geopolitics The Heritage Foundation addresses the geopolitical motives behind TTIP and argues the agreement will not redress the shift in the geopolitical balance of power, as it may lead to increased regulation which will make the West grow even more slowly. 2014-09-17 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Heritage Foundation Paper on TTIP Economic Benefits and Potential Risks The Heritage Foundation argues the benefits of TTIP have been overestimated, and that while agreement should promote economic freedom, the US should not accept to increase government regulation. It lists potential risks and concludes with recommendations. 2014-09-17 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
UPS CFO Kurt Kuehn Comment on TTIP Benefits for SMEs The CFO of UPS, Kurt Kuehn, discusses some of the potential benefits of TTIP for SMEs, including reduced tariffs and the easing of regulations, and acknowledges that EU and US regulatory differences represent an obstacle to the agreement. 2014-09-17 Stakeholder Services (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Pew Research Center Report on Public Opinion of Trade and Foreign Investment The Pew Research Center examines public opinion on trade and business ties between countries through surveys, and analyzes the implications of these opinions on TTIP negotiations. 2014-09-16 Academic Financial Services Competition, Investment
GMF Discussion of Transatlantic Trade and US-German Relationship with Former German Minister of Finance, Peer Steinbrück VIDEO. Peer Steinbrück gives 3 recommendations to address public scepticism surrounding TTIP: increase transparency, correct misconceptions, and negotiate investment-state dispute settlement in a pragmatic manner. 2014-09-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Confederation of Danish Industry lists 10 Common Myths on TTIP The Confederation of Danish Industry lists and clarifies 10 myths about TTIP, including the belief that it poses a threat to democracy, public services, food safety, and the environment. 2014-09-15 Stakeholder AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
AFBF Press Release on Delegation to Reduce Trade Barriers Abroad The American Farm Bureau Federation announces a delegation visit to Brussels in September 2014 to meet with EU leaders to discuss TTIP and stipulate US farmers' commitments to open market access. 2014-09-15 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Services (other) Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
US Ambassador to the EU Anthony Gardner Speaks about Communications Challenges Surrounding TTIP At an AmCham EU Meeting, Ambassador Gardner gives 4 recommendations on how to improve public outreach surrounding TTIP, including better communication with SMEs and greater engagement with civil society. 2014-09-11 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
Video of US Ambassador speaking at European Policy Centre (EPC) on TTIP Ambassador Gardner positions TTIP as the best available debt free stimulus to relaunch jobs and growth and stresses the need for leaders to counter misperceptions and scaremongering and explain the economic and geostrategic importance of the negotiations. 2014-09-11 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Commission Reply to Request for Citizens' Initiative Petition STOP TTIP The Commission informs the organisers of the citizens' initiative STOP TTIP that it cannot register their proposed initiative inviting the Commission to repeal the Council decision authorising the negotiations. 2014-09-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Jean-Claude Juncker Mission Letter to Cecilia Malmström Commissioner-designate of Trade Juncker defines responsibilities of Trade Commissioner including a focus on working towards a reasonable and balanced TTIP, which does not threaten European standards and cultural diversity, and enhancing transparency of process. 2014-09-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Investment, Overall politics
EP External Policies report on US Congress position on TTIP The European Parliament Directorate-General for External Policies assesses Congress' part and organisation regarding the conclusion of trade agreements, stresses its main concerns on TTIP, and predicts possible future scenarios for the role of Congress 2014-09-09 Government AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Other Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Member Information Description of each of the 16 members of the European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Members 2014-09-09 Government AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services Sustainable Development
EP Briefing on US Congress Positions on TTIP This European Parliament report explains the role of the US Congress in the TTIP negotiations, the various views within Congress and five principal issues of concern: agriculture, IPR, regulatory cooperation, public procurement and energy. 2014-09-09 Government AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Financial Services, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Brookings Institute Policy Paper on the Economic Rationale and Strategic Dimension of US Trade Agenda The Brookings Institute explores the economic and strategic rationale behind key US trade initiatives, compares the challenges facing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and TTIP, and concludes with 7 policy recommendations. 2014-09-05 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EPHA Press Release on the Future of Public Heath in Europe and the Impact of TTIP on Social and Public Health The European Public Health Alliance discusses the EU's role in addressing the decline in public health due to the economic crisis, and challenges TTIP's ability to simultaneously promote economic growth and protect social and public health safeguards. 2014-09-05 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Johns Hopkins University SAIS Study on Geostrategic Implications of TTIP Dan Hamilton reviews the rationale behind TTIP and explains its challenges as well as the major economic and geopolitical advantages, focusing on energy, issue of openness and developing countries. 2014-09-04 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
US Ambassador Gardner speech on TTIP at EP INTA on 3rd September 2014 The US Ambassador to the EU introduces himself to the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade and focuses on TTIP's benefits for both sides of the Atlantic. He addresses skepticism by providing arguments against common myths on TTIP. 2014-09-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
CIELs CEO Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP The CEO of the Center for International Environmental Law comments on the regulatory issues which should be included in TTIP environmental review and outlines 6 elements to be considered regarding the regulation of toxic chemicals. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
NECL Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators urges TTIP environmental review to assess the impact on climate change from 5 dimensions, such as transportation-related increases in CO2 emissions and restrictions on government climate policies. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Transport & Logistic Services Labour & Free movement, Sustainable Development
Oceana Inc.s Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP Oceana Inc urges the USTR to include key marine conservation issues in the TTIP environmental review by aiming for high standards in 5 areas: fisheries management, illegal fishing, fishing subsidies, shark conservation and emissions from shipping. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Transport & Logistic Services Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Humane Society Internationals Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP Humane Society International proposes 4 topics to include in TTIP's environmental review: wildlife trade, fisheries sustainability, oceans and marine life conservation and the environmental impact of industrialized farming. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Mercury Papers Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP Mercury Paper responds to the TTIP Environmental Review by encouraging the inclusion of 2 sustainability goals, i.e. tackling illegal logging and deforestation, which could result in positive global impacts and help regain public support for TTIP. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
ELIs Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP The Environmental Law Institute urges the environmental review to include an assessment of TTIP's potential impacts on the introduction of invasive species in the US and on the authority's ability to regulate trade in harmful organisms. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
CIEL Members Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP The Center for International Environmental Law members urge the USTR environmental review to include rigorous analyses of TTIP's potential impacts on environmental laws, with special consideration for 7 areas, such as energy exports and climate policy. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Sierra Club Response to USTR Solicitation on Environmental Review of Proposed TTIP Sierra Club comments the Environmental Review of TTIP, calling for the inclusion of 7 most impacted areas: energy, investment, regulatory cooperation, technical barriers to trade, procurement, natural resources and fossil fuel subsidies. 2014-09-02 Stakeholder AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Spirits Europe Position on TTIP Spirits Europe calls for a specific chapter for Spirit drinks regulations in TTIP, advocates the extension spirit drink geographical indications, and urges negotiators to remove US border fees, and ensure rules of origins match industries' logistics 2014-09-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
BDI Position Paper on Investment in TTIP The Federation of German Industries stresses how the investment chapter is crucial to TTIP by reviewing its main features notably Investor-State dispute settlement and market access, and arguing TTIP should become a gold standard for investment treaties 2014-09-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services, Services (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Statewatch Analysis on TTIP and TiSA Threat to Protection of Privacy Ralf Bendrath, senior policy advisor to Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP (Greens/EFA), indentifies TTIP and TiSA potential risks for European data protection standards, notably for e-commerce and on personal data localization 2014-09-01 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Services (Other)
Ecologic Institute Report on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP and Democracy The Ecologic Institute reviews TTIP's chapter on Regulatory Cooperation and existing regulatory coherence mechanism and identifies TTIP's potential impact on national legislation and national politics' implementing powers, before giving recommendations 2014-09-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Appendix to CEPII Report on TTIP Risks and Opportunities for Agri-food The Appendix presents the results and caveats of the economic study of the Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales which assesses the possible economic impact of ad-valorem equivalents. 2014-09-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
FoE-CiWF-IATP joint open letter to the EU Commissioner on European food safety under TTIP 3 major EU-US food and environmental organisations disagree with the European Commission's claim that TTIP is compatible with high food safety standards, by responding to 3 specific statements on food safety, SPS systems equivalence and animal welfare. 2014-08-27 Stakeholder AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Reply to BEUC-FoE letter on economic impact assessment of 5th May 2014 Trade Commissioner De Gucht responds to 2 major EU NGOs' joint letter accusing the Commission of imprecise communication on TTIP economic impact assessment, by addressing the 4 specific examples raised in the letter. 2014-08-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
Link to TTIP-related BusinessEurope documents Link to TTIP-related BusinessEurope documents, press releases and studies. 2014-08-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
BEUC Factsheet on Food safety in TTIP The European Consumer Organisation reviews the differences between EU and US approaches to food safety, and assess TTIP potential benefits and risks for the consumers before giving its 7 requests focusing on the need for harmonising high standards 2014-08-15 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Bertelsman Foundation factsheet on the 6th TTIP negotiation round The Bertelsmann Foundation provides a summary of the 6th round of negotiations, by listing 6 main takeaways and 4 potential sticking points, such as the inclusion of an investor-state dispute settlement and an energy chapter. 2014-08-05 Stakeholder AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
ETF Position Paper on TTIP negotiations The European Transport Workers’ Federation calls to exclude shipping from TTIP and protect, promote cabotage regulations, rejects any exceptions to the Jones Act, and establish an EU level playing field to address social dumping practices 2014-08-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
European University Association 2nd Update of Background Paper on TTIP The European University Association gives an update on the status of higher education as a tradable service in TTIP, covers general political background, the progress of the negotiations, and various topics including market access to higher education. 2014-08-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Statistical Overview of Online Public Consultation on ISDS in TTIP Commission statistics on the replies to the public consultation on ISDS in TTIP include the number of contributions, the type of respondents, and their country of origin. 2014-07-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
CSIS Analysis on Europe’s Trade Strategy under TTIP Amy Studdart of the US based Centre for Strategic and International Studies discusses the differences between economic and geo-strategic motivations behind the TTIP project and highlights the challenges of managing them. 2014-07-31 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Parliament Study on Risks and Opportunities for EU Agri-Food sector in TTIP This European Parliament commissioned analysis of likely effects of TTIP on EU agri-food exports, imports and regulation assesses the benefits and challenges and puts them in the context of the geopolitical and economic value of a TTIP agreement. 2014-07-31 Government AgriFood Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Analysis of the potential Economic Impact of TTIP on Portugal through Quantitative Assessment Academics from World Trade Institute, CEPR and University College London analyse the impact of TTIP on Portugal's economy and find tariff elimination to have larger and faster benefits for Portugal than for the EU as a whole. 2014-07-31 Government AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
European Ombudsman's letter to the Commission on transparency and public participation in TTIP negotiations European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly submits an own-initiative inquiry to the Commission and provides 5 concrete solutions to improve transparency in TTIP, such as releasing negotiating documents on the website or establishing a public register. 2014-07-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Other
European Ombudsman's letter to the European Council on transparency and public participation in TTIP negotiations European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly submits an own-initiative inquiry to the Council regarding the public disclosure of the negotiating directive, on the ground that improved transparency promotes public trust and increases the chances of success of TTIP. 2014-07-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Summary of state of play in TTIP negotiations after 6th Round State of Play TTIP post 6th round in all chapters discussed such as tariffs, market access, services, investment, public procurement, regulatory, TBT, SPS and sectors such as textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cars and ICT as well as energy and RoO. 2014-07-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 24 July 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including regulatory compatibility in the automotive sector, pharmaceuticals, customs and trade facilitation, rules of origin, competition, and energy and raw materials 2014-07-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
Open letter to Ambassador Froman from environmental groups on Energy in TTIP Sierra Club and other 35 environmental groups ask the US for the exclusion of a specific chapter on energy and raw materials from TTIP, as this could lead to automatic approval of export licenses for crude oil and natural gas. 2014-07-24 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Export Controls, Negotiation & Procedures
EP Research Service Article on IPR in TTIP Negotiations The European Parliament Research Service explains the concept of cultural exception in trade agreements and clarifies that, according to the Commission, TTIP will not interfere with the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS). 2014-07-24 Government AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment
IATP Article Reacting to Leaked TTIP draft Chapter on Food Safety and Animal and Plant Health Issues The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation highlights 3 key factors for the success of innovation industries: larger market, limited excess competition, and IP protection, and articulates best practices to achieve them through TTIP. 2014-07-24 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
IATP Webinar on TTIP and Antimicrobial Resistance US and EU need to strengthen standards that prevent the use of antibiotics in the food system as the dependency of livestock production systems on antibiotics is a growing problem. TTIP threatens progress made in reducing AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) 2014-07-24 Stakeholder AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Other
TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Agenda TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Agenda 2014-07-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Christopher Yukins and Hans-Joachim Priess Analysis of Legal Aspects of Procurement in TTIP In light of the impasse in TTIP procurement negotiations, the authors give recommendations on how EU negotiators could gain better access to US procurements and thereby use TTIP to establish a permanent cooperative structure with the US. 2014-07-23 Government AgriFood Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
IATP Analysis of TTIP leaked draft chapter on food safety and animal and plant health issues The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy comments on the SPS measures included in the leaked draft chapter on food safety and animal and plant health issues, urging the Commission and the US Trade Representative to disclose negotiating texts. 2014-07-23 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
IATP article on document that reveals TTIP threatening public health and food safety IATP argues that the leaked chapter indicates negotiators continue to subordinate SPS regulations to maximizing trade. IATP believes that the chapter lacks enforceable language and public health issues will lose out to corporate interests in TTIP. 2014-07-23 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
IATP analysis of the draft TTIP chapter on food safety,animal and plant health issues (SPS) IATP provides a thorough analysis of the EU objectives in draft SPS chapter in TTIP and the concerns for food safety, animal welfare and plant health, rationales for eliminating food re-inspection and testing in TTIP, resolving SPS disputes and ISDS. 2014-07-23 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
CECED Position Paper on EU-US Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers welcomes the negotiators' efforts to reduce tariffs and NTBs, and recommends closer alignment of standards, certifications, energy labelling, substance restrictions, exports controls and RoO. 2014-07-22 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Export Controls, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht Speech at a first general discussion on EU trade policy with the INTA committee European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht lays out the current trade policy and challenges for the new Committee on International Trade (INTA) 2014-07-22 Government Negotiation & Procedures, Other
CIGI paper on Transatlantic Economic Agreements_ Parsing CETA and TTIP CIGI paper on the similarities of TTIP and CETA; both negotiations will take longer than expected and regulatory issues are difficult. However, it can be good that the negotiations take time, to educate the public and have spillover effect on WTO 2014-07-21 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
USTR Press release following the 6th Negotiation round in Brussels VIDEO: USTR on progress made in the 6th round in exploring ways to open markets to support job creation, growth and competitiveness, bridging divergences in regulatory regimes, without compromising the level of health, safety and other regulations. 2014-07-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Press Conference on 6th Round on TTIP Live recording 6th round of negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - press conference 2014-07-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
The EU's Chief Negotiator, Ignacio Garcia Bercero, statement at the end of the 6th round EU Chief Negotiator Garcia Bercero provides an overview on the discussions of the 6th round on issues such as market access, services, procurement, regulatory issues, SPS, and the 9 sectors currently being discussed such as cars and chemicals. 2014-07-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Transatlantic Working Group discusses Intellectual Property Rights In July 2014 the EU and US convened a session of the Transatlantic IPR Working Group to discuss cooperation in the IPR field. The group is composed of officials representing lead agencies and services from both EU and the US and was established in 2005. 2014-07-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Intellectual Property (IPR)
European Commission Preliminary Report with statistical overview of the Online public consultation on ISDS in TTIP The Commission provides general statistics on the responses to the public consultation such as replies by country and profile of respondents and provide information about the next steps 2014-07-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
EU, US and Canadian NGOs report on Dirty Deals - How trade talks threaten to undermine EU climate policies Friends of the Earth US and Europe, Canadians, Greenpeace, Sierra Club and TE argue that through trade agreements, US and Canada push the EU to allow market access for tar sands and undermine environmental efforts and weaken EU climate policies. 2014-07-17 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
BEUC statement on Food safety and TTIP The European Consumer Organisation stresses the need to ensure public health and consumer protection in TTIP by promoting food safety, highlights the gap between EU and US methods and criteria, and argues EU's approach to bovine safety is more efficient 2014-07-16 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
ECSA Secretary General Patrick Verhoeven Statement on TTIP Maritime Chapter at Stakeholder Event The Secretary General of the European Community Shipowners' Associations describes areas where the TTIP maritime chapter could increase market access, such as the liberalisation of maritime transport services, and lists other areas which could improve. 2014-07-16 Stakeholder Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Other
EEuropean Commission List of registered participants at TTIP Stakeholder event on 16th July 2014 European Commission releases the full list of 366 companies and associations who participated at the TTIP Stakeholder session of the 6th negotiation round. 2014-07-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Chief Negotiators' Briefing to Stakeholders after 6th negotiation round European Commission presents the 6th stakeholder briefing session, where EU and US chief negotiators Bercero and Mullaney offered insight into the negotiating process and answered stakeholders' concerns on issues such as transparency, ISDS and energy. 2014-07-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP on US-EU trade talks_ gateway to growth or a big corporate takeover_ Video - EuroParlTV collects the views of some Parliamentary groups on TTIP: ALDE on jobs, growth and global standards, Greens on corporate interests, EPP on market access, S&D on public services protection. Commissioner De Gucht takes the last word. 2014-07-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Investment, Labour & Free movement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Digitaleurope on the insertion of a digital economy chapter in TTIP Digitaleurope urges both sides to insert a chapter in TTIP dedicated to digital economy issues. By separating these issues from the broader draft chapter covering engineering, the negotiating teams should make progress on e-labelling and e-accessibility. 2014-07-16 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
TTIP and Culture The note explains how the Commission deals with cultural matters in trade negotiations and particularly, in TTIP. Culture, especially audiovisual services, has been subject to an exception in FTAs which will in be the case also in TTIP 2014-07-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Other
German Chamber of Commerce paper on TTIP myths and objectives The German Chamber of Commerce answers fears on TTIP, notably on negotiation transparency, investor-state dispute settlemennt, and consumer protection, and highlights TTIP's main features like regulatory cooperation and non-tariff barriers elimination 2014-07-15 Stakeholder AgriFood, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
CIGI paper on Transatlantic economic agreements The Center for International Governance Innovation reviews CETA and TTIP, analyses their origins and features, assesses their obstacles, notably on regulatory convergence and public consultation, and stresses the persistent importance of multilateralism 2014-07-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC reply to the European Commission Public Consultation on ISDS The European Consumer Organisation demands the exclusion of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP and CETA by describing risks and concerns raised for consumers, notably on food and environmental safety and on bypassing national court systems 2014-07-15 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EC Program of the 6th round Stakeholder Presentations event July 16th, 2014 The European Commission presents the program of the stakeholders event of July 16th 2014, with indicative timing for each presentation. 2014-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Kent Law School achademics submission to the European Commission Public consultation on ISDS Submission to the Commission ISDS consultation by 4 law schools expressing concern about ISDS and criticism of the proposed provisions. The authors are joined by over 100 other prominent scholars from all over Europe and across the globe 2014-07-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht statement on TTIP during European Parliemament Plenary debate European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht discusses TTIP and the challenges ahead with the new European Parliament 2014-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Programme for Stakeholder Presentations Event TTIP 6th round Programme for Stakeholder Presentations Event in Brussels during TTIP 6th round 2014-07-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
EC TTIP Advisory Group Agenda July 24th, 2014 The European Commission presents the TTIP Advisory Group meeting agenda of July 24th 2014. 2014-07-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC concerns on chlorinated chicken importation The European Consumer Association is concerned that a trade deal with the US will lead to the importation of chlorinated chicken to the EU and believes that the European approach to meat safety is better and should be maintained. 2014-07-14 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EPC Policy Brief on ISDS and TTIP – A miracle cure for a systemic challenge_ The European Policy Center's policy brief gives an overview of background, status-quo and prospects for ISDS in TTIP, and concludes that solutions for ISDS have to be found. 2014-07-14 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
EP Directorate General for Internal Policies Study on TTIP impact on EU Agrifood Sector The European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies reviews existing barriers to EU agricultural exports to the US, assesses TTIP's potential effect on the EU agrifood sector and identifies TTIP's threats and opportunities for the sector 2014-07-13 Government AgriFood Competition, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
BAB Response to European Commission Consultation on ISDS in TTIP British American Business emphasises support for ISDS and investment protection and argues for protection against discrimination and expropriation, the right to regulate balanced by the right to invest, and strengthened transparency, among others. 2014-07-13 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Document on Public Consultation on Modalities for ISDS in TTIP The Commission explains its objectives with regards to investment protection provisions by providing background information and questions, inviting comments and suggestions on issues such as non-discriminatory treatment, expropriation, and ISDS. 2014-07-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU Civil Society joint response to the public consultation on ISDS in TTIP 6 Civil Society organisations express their concerns regarding the inclusion of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in TTIP by stressing its threat to Public Health and to the most-favoured nation provision, and argue ISDS is neither needed nor justified 2014-07-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement
BusinessEurope Reply to EU Consultation on Investment in TTIP BusinessEurope expresses its views on modalities for investment protection and investor-state dispute mechanism in TTIP, notably on issues like expropriation, fair and equitable treatment, and an appellate mechanism 2014-07-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Public Health NGOs Joint Response to European Commission Consultation on ISDS in TTIP Health Action International and other NGOs oppose the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP, and explain why they believe its inclusion would have a negative impact on public health and for access to medicines, especially for low and middle-income countries. 2014-07-11 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
AmCham EU’s response to the EC’s public consultation on modalities for investment protection and ISDS in TTIP AmCHam EU explains its approach to investment protection and ISDS in relation to TTIP, and presents its interpretation on issues such as national treatment, most-favored nation treatment, fair and equitable treatment, expropriation and domestic remedies. 2014-07-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EC Communication on the State-of-Play ahead of the 6th round of TTIP negotiations The European Commission summarises what was covered in the 6th round of negotiations, incl. market access, regulatory cooperation in 9 sectors, rules and principles (including sustainable development, IPR, dispute settlement, SMEs, trade remedies). 2014-07-11 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
European Parliament Analysis on Intellectual Property in TTIP The European Parliament recalls existing background on intellectual property rights, reviews differences between US and EU's IPR regulations, and analyses the implications on an IPR chapter in TTIP negotiations, and notably identified potential IP issues 2014-07-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Services (other) Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU and US Environmental NGOs Letter to USTR and EU Trade Commissioner on Chemicals in TTIP CIEL and other EU & US environmental NGOs write to Ambassador Froman and Commisioner de Gucht to express their opposition to the regulation of chemicals in TTIP. 2014-07-10 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EP Research Service Overview of TTIP for Plenary The European Parliament Research Service provides a brief for MEP's prior to plenary session, which highlights history,objectives and process of negotiations, potential benefits, key issues of contention and public concern and previous EP positions. 2014-07-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Joint NGO Letter to Froman and de Gucht against the regulation of chemicals Numerous environmental and health NGOs sent a joint letter to Commissioner De Gucht and USTR Froman raising concerns on Regulation of Chemicals in TTIP 2014-07-10 Stakeholder Chemicals Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
WTI study on potential impact of TTIP on the Swiss economy and external relations WTI analyses 3 different TTIP scenarios; tariffs only, tariffs and modest NTB liberalization and tariffs and ambitious NTB liberalization and the effect those scenarios would have on Switzerland, including a comparative legal analysis 2014-07-10 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
VDMA position paper on sector annex Engineering Industry of TTIP The German Mechanical Engineering Association argues that the TTIP chapter on engineering should focus on eliminating technical trade barriers, notably in terms of regulatory cooperation, access to regulatory information, and specific safety issues. 2014-07-09 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Letter from EU Chief Negotiator for TTIP to UK Parliament All-Party Group on TTIP Ignacio Garcia Bercero writes to the Chair of the UK Parliament Group on TTIP explaining how the negotiations could affect the British National Health Service with regards to provisions on services, public procurement, and investment protection. 2014-07-08 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Services (Other)
IATP Webinar on TTIP and GMOs The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Arc 2020 invite Friends of the Earth Europe and Center for Food Safety to discuss about the possible influence of EU-US trade negotiations on EU requirements on GMOs approvals and food labeling. 2014-07-08 Stakeholder AgriFood Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Bercero's response to the UK Parliament on investment protection in health services Chief EU negotiator explains implications of TTIP for the UK National Health Service, arguing that publicly funded health services are covered by special reservations and that ISDS cannot affect the UK's sovereign right to make changes to the NHS 2014-07-08 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement, Services (Other)
US Congress Members Letter to USTR Froman asking to exclude commercial airline trafic from TTIP US Congress Members oppose the inclusion of commercial aviation traffic and air services agreement in TTIP 2014-07-08 Government Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Services (Other)
EP Directorate for External Policy Analysis on Global Implications of TTIP, focusing on China and TPP The Ifo Institute gives an overview of EU-US trade and analyses the implications of various liberalization scenarios on welfare, on labor markets, on industry and on the global trading regime. 2014-07-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission note on Public Services Protection in TTIP and other EU trade agreements European Commission explains the mechanisms the EU has in place for protecting public services in trade deals and through which EU governments are given the right to freely legislate on regulation, monopolies and national treatment. 2014-07-04 Government Services (other) Public Procurement
API and OGP joint Position on Oil and Natural Gas Industry in TTIP American Petroleum Institute and International Oil and Gas Producers Association stress their main objectives on TTIP calling notably for free trade to ensure energy security, elimination of tariffs, and harmonization on standards & safety regulations 2014-07-03 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Professor from York University Law School Reply to European Commission Consultation on ISDS in TTIP and CETA Gus Van Harten from York University Law School provides a detailed reply to the European Commission's approach to investor-state dispute settlement in TTIP, and argues the Commission has failed to address some concerns in investor-state arbitration. 2014-07-03 Academic Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment
European Parliament Analysis on EU and US Trade Policy and its Global Implications - TTP, TTIP and China European Parliament Policy Department provides an overview of the new US foreign trade strategy with its pivoting to Asia through TPP and its renewed interest for the EU through TTIP, and discusses the possible impacts of these trade deals on China. 2014-07-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht speech aon TTIP at CDU Wirtschaftsrat Economic Conference 2014 de Gucht argues that TTIP would boost growth and jobs on both sides of the Atlantic and explains how it would do that. He goes through the 4 key issues in the current TTIP debate; transparency, investment protection, regulatory standards and services 2014-07-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
JHU Working Paper_ Labor Rights and Labor Standards in Transatlantic Trade and Investment Negotiations Johns Hopkins University working paper provides 8 recommendations on how EU and US should bring the social and labor dimension of TTIP to new, higher standards; such as using OECS guidelines and adhering to ILO standards and conventions. 2014-07-02 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement
CIEL and ClientEarth paper on chemicals in TTIP The Centre for International Environmental Law and ClientEarth urge the European Commission to insist the US commit to EU's policy to implement a strategy for non-toxic environment in order to protect public health, innovation and sustainable development 2014-07-01 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Dispute Settlement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
UK Government Response to the House of Lords European Union Committees 14th Report on TTIP The UK Government gives its assessment of the opportunities and challenges presented by TTIP by discussing its importance to the UK, addressing common misconceptions, and responding to 43 specific observations. 2014-07-01 Government AgriFood, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
UK Government Response to the House of Lords EU Committees fourteenth report on TTIP The UK government responds to the Parliament's report on TTIP, by stressing its importance for the UK, addressing common misconceptions and commenting the report's 43 recommendations concerning the deal's purpose, specific content and negotiating process. 2014-07-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Financial Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
UK Government leaflet on consumer benefits of TTIP UK government leaflet on consumer benefits of TTIP such as lower prices, greater choice of products and increased protection when buying and ordering online from the US 2014-07-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Insurance Europe, AIA and ACLI joint statement on TTIP 3 insurance federations and trade companies recall their support for TTIP, and advocate the inclusion of financial services in the final agreement 2014-06-30 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
AIM Position Paper on TTIP International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies calls for the exclusion of health and healthcare services from TTIP, harmonization on pharmaceuticals, medical devices and public procurement policies, and rejects Investment State Dispute Settlement 2014-06-28 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
AEM CECE CEMA Joint letter to US and EU Chief negotiators on TTIP Construction and Agricultural Machinery Equipment Manufacturers reaffirm their support for TTIP and call for the inclusion of their sectors to achieve regulatory harmonization and the elimination of tariffs and technical barriers to trade. 2014-06-26 Stakeholder AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Brot für die Welt Note on Sustainable Trade Policy_ No to the TTIP Bread for the World warns against TTIP's negative impacts on the sustainable development of emerging economies and on the European social and environmental standards. ISDS in particular is seen as a threat to governments' scope for action and rule-of-law. 2014-06-26 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
Dutch Foreign Trade and Development, Foreign Affairs Ministers Study on ISDS Impact in TTIP Scholars review historical background of investment protection and the Dutch-US international investment relations before assessing costs and benefits of Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and discussing financial responsibility issues 2014-06-24 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Other Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commissioner for Trade de Gucht speech on TTIP and Investment de Gucht explains the state of play on investment protection in TTIP; the public consultation and why investment protection is needed in trade agreements and in TTIP 2014-06-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
IISD Reply to the European Commission's Public Consultation on Investment Protection and ISDS in TTIP The International Institute for Sustainable Development comments on 12 main statements, including substantive investment protection, non-discriminatory treatment, fair and equitable treatment, expropriation, right to regulate, transparency in ISDS, etc. 2014-06-23 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR)
EuroCommerce Position Paper on TTIP EuroCommerce affirms its support for TTIP arguing it will benefit EU economy, notably on market access, distribution services, that it will remove barriers to trade, and enhance investment, it calls for a balanced ISDS and effective protection of GIs 2014-06-20 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other)
BEUC Comment on why consumers should be at the heart of TTIP The European Consumer Association is concerned that TTIP does not focus enough on consumer interests and makes 4 proposals including eliminating fees for transatlantic telecommunications and establishing a transatlantic food alert system 2014-06-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Information Technology (ICT) All - Non Issue Specific, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Kemal Kirişci Chapter on the Geopolitical Impact of TTIP on Turkey Kemal Kirişc discusses TTIP's geopolitical objectives and their potential impact on Turkey, explains how Turkey could contribute to these objectives, and examines ways that Turkey could get involved in the TTIP negotiations. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Eveline Herfkens Chapter on the Economic Impact of TTIP on SubSaharan Eveline Herfken argues that TTIP could be an opportunity to improve market access for Sub-Saharan Africa by addressing the integration, harmonization, and modernization of current EU and US preferential schemes with 3rd countries. 2014-06-15 Academic AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Rules of Origin (RoO), Tariffs & Quotas
Vera Thorstensen and Lucas Ferraz Chapter on the Economic Impact of TTIP on Brazil in Johns Hopkins Publication The authors analyse TTIP's implications for the Brazilian economy by simulating 4 scenarios with different degrees of tariff and non-tariff barrier reduction. 2014-06-15 Academic AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Colin Robertson Chapter on CETA Implications for TTIP in Johns Hopkins Publication Colin Robertson summarises the achievements of CETA in various areas, discusses implications for NAFTA and TTIP, and lists 11 lessons to be learned from CETA. 2014-06-15 Academic AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
Johns Hopkins Working Paper on TTIP Implications for the Global Economic Integration of Central and Eastern Europe Johns Hopkins University publishes a Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Series analysing the economic impacts of TTIP on Central and Eastern EU Member States depending on 3 plausible scenarios. 2014-06-15 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Investment
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper on TTIP, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia The Center for Transatlantic relations of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies sees TTIP as a way to ensure that the Atlantic alliance is rebooted on the basis of shared economic interests, as well as military and security ties. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other), Other Investment, Overall politics
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper urging TTIP to not Lose Momentum Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper urging TTIP to not Lose Momentum 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment Data Protection, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Parsing TTIP’s Geopolitical Implications Center for Transatlantic relations of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies explores TTIP's geopolitical upsides, i.e. the West's reclamation of strategic power, and downsides, i.e. dividing lines between the West and rising states. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper on the Geopolitical Implications of TTIP Centre for Transatlantic relations of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies acknowledges the great economic potential of TTIP, but argues that considerable weight must also be given to the geopolitical benefits. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper on the Strategic Significance of TTIP The Centre for Transatlantic relations of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies argues that TTIP is a strategic move to strengthen US-EU long term relations, just as much as a means to accelerate economic growth. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper on the Geostrategic Implications of TTIP Centre for Transatlantic relations of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies analyses TTIP's political and strategic implications on the negotiating partners, on rising powers, on poorer countries and on the multilateral trade system. 2014-06-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
SIFMA and AFME Joint Press Statement on financial services and TTIP The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe believe that TTIP should promote a common regulatory framework for financial services between the EU and the US. 2014-06-13 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EU Commissioner Michael Barnier's Speech on EU-US Leading partners in Financial Reform Commissioner Barnier mentions 5 main areas that require EU-US cooperation in financial regulation: structural reforms to the banking sector, bank capital requirements, resolution of banks, insurance and derivatives. 2014-06-13 Government Financial Services Financial Services, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 12 June 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including aviation and education services, rules of origin, public procurement, and sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards 2014-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
BEUC Factsheet on ISDS The European Consumer Association calls for the exclusion of ISDS from TTIP and other future EU negotiations, on the basis of 10 problems related to ISDS: transparency issues, risk of frivolous or unlawful cases, impartiality of arbitrators, etc. 2014-06-12 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Sustainable Development
EESC Press Release on TTIP Vote The European Economic and Social Committee members voted in favor of TTIP. They believe that, with a robust sustainable development chapter and a strong civil society monitoring mechanism, TTIP can bring growth and job creation in the EU. 2014-06-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Sustainable Development
NCBA statement to Committee on Ways and Means at Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy Bob McCan, President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, recalls the importance of the beef industry, highlights existing barriers to trade both in the US and abroad, notably Russia and China, and supports US trade negotiations on TTIP and TTP 2014-06-11 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Competition, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Transatlantic Academy paper on the Geopolitical Implications of TTIP Charles A. Kupchan highlights the positive geopolitical effects of TTIP, arguing it will revitalize Western democracies and reinforce their economic and financial assets, but warns it could also widen the political gap between the West and emerging powers 2014-06-11 Academic Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Overall politics
BusinessEurope position on Energy in TTIP BusinessEurope reviews the energy sector in the US and EU and calls for a dedicated chapter on energy in TTIP with tariffs and non-tariff barriers removal, non-hindering sustainable energy policies, and collaboration on innovative technologies . 2014-06-10 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
De Gucht's Speech at Wroclaw Global Forum 2014 TTIP, Strengthening our Values De Gucht reassures stakeholders on goals of TTIP: strengthening EU-US shared values of open markets, democracy and respect for the individual, by making regulations more compatible and uniting approaches to labor rights and environmental protection. 2014-06-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Trade Commissioner De Guchts Speech in Poland on TTIP - Strengthening our Values Trade Commissioner De Guchts Speech on TTIP; what the Commission is doing and how TTIP can help the economy 2014-06-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EC Minutes of Civil Society Dialogue meeting after 5th TTIP Negotiation round The European Commission updates on the progress made since the last Civil Society Dialogue and addresses questions from over 25 stakeholders on issues ranging from regulatory cooperation to public procurement. 2014-06-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
ETUCE and other EU and US Organisations Letter to President Obama and EC President Barroso on Education Services in TTIP European Trade Union Committee for Education and other organisations insist TTIP must improve general living and working conditions, and raise potential concerns for education from the pressures of privatisation and commercialisation. 2014-06-02 Stakeholder Services (other) Labour & Free movement, Public Procurement
US Chamber Speech on opportunities for business in Europe and Spain at TTIP event in Madrid on 2nd June 2014 US Chamber President Thomas Donohue reassures on TTIP’s ability to create jobs, spur growth, and improve the competitiveness of Spain and the entire transatlantic market, while calling for more decisive support from the European business community. 2014-06-02 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Canadian Council of Chief Executives Study on Rules of Origin in Global Trade The Canadian Council of Chief Executives reviews the question and challenges of rules of origin in the context of free trade deals, advocating a simplification of preferential rules of origin and harmonize certification mechanisms 2014-06-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
EU and US Plastic industries Associations joint position on TTIP Euromap and the Plastics Industry Trade Association explain the importance of the Transatlantic mechanical engineering business and call for enhanced regulatory cooperation, facilitation of custom procedures and the complete elimination of tariffs. 2014-06-01 Stakeholder Automotive, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Series - TTIP, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Series on TTIP, the balance between the Central and Eastern European States and Russia 2014-06-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Series - Parsing TTIP’s Geopolitical Implications Transatlantic Partnership Forum Working Paper Serie on the positive geopolitical effect of TTIP and the possibility to expand liberal values and practices to the rest of the world 2014-06-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Business Alliance of Slovakia Report on TTIP and Slovakia The Business Alliance of Slovakia assesses TTIP's economic benefits for Slovakia by reviewing the links between Slovakia and the US, outlining entrepreneurs' support for TTIP, and provides forecast of TTIP's economic impact 2014-05-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
TABC position paper on Cross-Border Data Flows The Trans-Atlantic Business Council supports the development of horizontal and binding commitments on cross border free flow of data, and urges TTIP negotiators to implement applicable rules on data protection and control data flow restrictions 2014-05-30 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC to the European Commission_ call for unbiased communication on TTIP The European Consumer Association questions the way in which the Commission uses figures in their Economic Impact Assessment of TTIP and appeals for a more honest and transparent assessment. 2014-05-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US Chamber Blog on Investment in TTIP US Chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation vice president Sean Heather gives 2 reasons why TTIP should include investment: fill in the gaps of incomplete EU-US investment treaties and strengthen EU and US investment ties to third countries. 2014-05-28 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Investment
EU Chamber press release on EU Forums on TTIP US Chamber communicates its intention to spread high-level forums in key European capitals to demonstrate its support for TTIP. 2014-05-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
USTR News Transcript of final press conference after 5th Round of TTIP Negotiations US and EU Chief Negotiators Mullaney and Garcia Bercero summarize the work done until the end of the 5th round and answer questions from stakeholders on issues such as energy, financial services regulation, public procurement, rules of origin, etc. 2014-05-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
USTR News Statement of Froman after 5th Round of TTIP Negotiations USTR Michael Froman issues a statement on the conclusion of the 5th round of negotiations, stressing on the progress made so far and on the open dialogue with stakeholders. 2014-05-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
DGAP article assessing central issues of TTIP debate The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. answers 5 concerns about TTIP, including whether it will lower standards and the reasons for which Commission and the US are supportive of including an investor-to-state dispute settlement. 2014-05-22 Academic AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other), Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EMB Press Release rejects TTIP Agreement calling for the negotiations to cease European Milk Board's President Romuald Schaber summarizes the position of the European milk producers by declaring TTIP a threat to fair competition and high product and safety standards, and calls for the immediate termination of the negotiations. 2014-05-22 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
CSI and ESF Joint Letter Requests Service be a major component of TTIP The US Coalition of Service Industries and the European Services Forum urge for the inclusion of services in TTIP and particularly in areas such as market access, government procurement, investment protection, regulatory cooperation, etc. 2014-05-22 Stakeholder Financial Services, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
AHC Presentation on TTIP and healthcare trade policy at Stakeholder event on 21 May 2014 The Alliance for Healthcare Competitiveness advocates 3 principles: zero tariff and zero non-tariff barriers for all segments of the healthcare ecosystem, regulatory convergence and inclusion on health services in TTIP. 2014-05-22 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
AMI Press Release on meat and poultry trade at Stakeholder forum on 21 May 2014 American Meat Institute's President and CEO Jim Hodges calls for the elimination of EU import duties for US pork and poultry products. 2014-05-22 Stakeholder AgriFood Customs & Trade Facilitation, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
De Gucht's Speech at the European Affairs Committee of the Bundesrat TTIP, The real Debate De Gucht clarifies the real intention of TTIP: designed to bring direct economic gains (by lowering barriers to trade) and broader strategic gains (by shaping global norms, rules and standards between the world's two largest powers). 2014-05-22 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
BEUC Comment on TTIP_ Transparency now! The European Consumer Association urges the European Commission to make the negotiating texts public, in order to seek meaningful input from parliamentarians, stakeholders and informed citizens. 2014-05-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
EU Trade Commissioner Speech TTIP and The Real Debate EU Trade Commissioner Speech on consumer protection and investment in TTIP and the benefits of the agreement 2014-05-22 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
NCTO Presentation on U.S. Textile Industry positions on TTIP The National Council of Textile Organizations analyses TTIP's stakes for the textile industry, notably stressing the need to attract long-term manufacturing investment, and reviews political considerations that could hinder the success of TTIP 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other), Other Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
AAFA presentation on EU-US regulatory coherence At a stakeholder event during 5th TTIP negotiation round, the American Apparel & Footwear Association demonstrates the benefits of regulatory cooperation on product safety, labeling, and chemical management rules, and concludes with recommendations. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
BEUC position paper on consumers protection in TTIP The European Consumer Organisation calls for a TTIP centred on consumer protection, notably on food safety, regulatory cooperation, and financial services, for more transparency in negotiations, and urges EU to exclude investor-state-dispute settlement 2014-05-21 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
AAPC, ACEA and Alliance joint Press Release on EU-US vehicle safety equivalence at Stakeholder meeting on 21 March 2014 The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, the American Automotive Policy Council and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers reiterate their strong support for the harmonization of EU and US vehicle safety requirements. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Automotive Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CFA Presentation at TTIP Stakeholder event on 21 May 2014 Consumer Federation of America's Legislative Director Rachel Weintraub outlines the association's main concerns on TTIP and its effects on consumer protection in 4 areas: product safety, regulatory pre-emption, regulatory convergence and transparency. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Services (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
NCTO Presentation on US textile industry positions in TTIP at Stakeholder event on 21 May 2014 The National Council of Textile Organizations' President and CEO Augustine Tantillo presents the position of the US textile industry and gives 3 reasons in support to the application of the yarn forward rule of origin. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sustainable Development
NCTO Press Release on US textile industry and TTIP at Stakeholder event on 21 May 2014 The National Council of Textile Organizations underlines its intention to collaborate with the European Apparel and Textile Confederation and other European industry groups to reach a joint US/EU textile industry position in TTIP. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Consumer Goods Public Procurement, Rules of Origin (RoO)
BDI, BusinessEurope and RGIT Presentation on regulatory cooperation in TTIP at Stakeholder event on 21 May 2014 The Federation of German industries, Business Europe and the US Representative of German Industry and Trade advocate 6 guiding principles for regulatory cooperation in TTIP, such as a including a focus on both a horizontal and a sector-specific component. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
AAFA presentation on Regulatory Coherence Apparel and Footwear Industry at stakeholder meeting on 21 May 2014 American Apparel & Footwear Association calls for the harmonization of product safety standards, labeling requirements and chemical management regulations in EU/US apparel and footwear accessories, besides other TTIP objectives. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Chemicals, Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Rules of Origin (RoO)
AIA Press Release during Stakeholder event 21 May 2014 American Insurance Association's Director of International Affairs Stephen Simchak urges for the inclusion of financial services regulatory cooperation and ISDS provisions in TTIP. 2014-05-21 Stakeholder Financial Services, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
IDFA Article Defends Common Cheese Names at TTIP Stakeholder Event International Dairy Food Association argue against protecting common food names for use by US dairy companies. TTIP should not deny US dairy companies the use of common food names to carve out exclusive market access for EU producers 2014-05-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Agenda for TTIP Stakeholder Event 21st May 2014 Stakeholder presentation schedule for TTIP Stakeholder Event 21st May 2014 2014-05-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
CFDA and AAFA joint Letter to USTR Froman on TTIP 5th round The Council of Fashion Designers of America and the American Apparel & Footwear Association urge the US Trade Representative, Michael Froman, to seek the elimination of all duties on textiles and textile inputs, using figures to defend their claim 2014-05-20 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Other Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
French Minister's declaration on TTIP and its benefits for the French economy French Minister of Foreign Trade Mme Fleur Pellerin reassures the National Assembly on TTIP and comments on the potential benefits for the French economy, namely exports, investments and jobs. 2014-05-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
OriGIn press release in favor of GIs in TTIP during 5th round of negotiations The Organisation for an International Geographical Indications Network strongly encourages the protection of GIs through TTIP, highlighting their contribution to the rural economy and consumer protection. 2014-05-20 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Sustainable Development
IATP Webinar on Trade rules for poultry and pork The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy discusses the different trade policy approaches of the EU and US to poultry and pork hygiene criteria, decontamination treatments, including peroxyacids and chlorine washes, and worker safety. 2014-05-20 Stakeholder AgriFood Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
UNI Europe Manifesto on TTIP UNI Europa calls for a reformulation of TTIP with the involvement of trade unions, and outlines 6 necessary conditions, such as strengthening social and labour rights, respecting collective agreements, and respect public authorities' rights to regulate. 2014-05-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Sustainable Development
Friends of the Earth Press Release on TTIP Friends of the Earth Europe warns against the lack of transparency and the excessive industry influence in the negotiating process of TTIP, and calls for a greater involvement of civil society. 2014-05-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
250 Civil society organizations call for full transparency about EU-US trade negotiations 250 civil society groups express concern about lack of transparency in TTIP and urge the Commission to open the negotiation process to the public, by releasing negotiating mandate, EU position papers, drafts and final versions of individual chapters. 2014-05-19 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
Letter From Four US Public Health Groups To Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny against tobacco Four US public health organizations ask the Irish government to ensure that TIIP protects public health policies from trade or investment challenges initiated by the tobacco industry. 2014-05-19 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
NFTC Myths vs. Fact TTIP is Going to Lower European Standards National Foreign Trade Council argue that both sides have high standards on different issues and instead of discussing which is better, parties have to focus on finding compromises and to work towards regulatory convergence where possible. 2014-05-19 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Cefic Oped on Regulatory Cooperation for Chemicals in TTIP An Executive Director from Cefic expresses her support for enhanced chemicals regulatory cooperation in TTIP, which could boost efficiency of the regulatory process and help share the burden between authorities. 2014-05-18 Stakeholder Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Turkish Minister of Economy Zeybekci comments on TTIP and Turkish Trade Policy During a Borrkings Institution event in Washington, Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci discussed the existing ties between TTIP negotiations and Turkey and how could TTIP impact on Turkey's relations with the US 2014-05-15 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Other
BEUC Factsheet on consumers and TTIP The European Consumer Organisation explains TTIP negotiation process, highlights its potential benefits and risks for consumers, and asks for full transparency, the exclusion of investor-state-dispute-settlement and high standard harmonisation 2014-05-15 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
BEUC Factsheet on TTIP's potential benefits and risks for consumers The European Consumer Association outlines 4 potential benefits and 4 potential risks of TTIP for consumers, and requests full transparency, no weakening of consumer protection standards and discard of Investor-State Dispute Settlement. 2014-05-15 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
UK House of Lords European Union Committee 14th Report on TTIP The UK House of Lords' EU Committee examines the UK Government's approach to the TTIP negotiations, assesses the possible progress on issues the UK has identified as priority, and explores concerns about possible adverse effects of an agreement. 2014-05-14 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Geographical Indications (GIs), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement
US Ambassador to the EU Anthony L. Gardner To debunk the TTIP myths Gardner interviews on TTIP. Gardner discusses the myths about negative implications of TTIP on consumers and says that regulatory cooperation on financial services will not be included. One of the main current concerns is the ISDS mechanism. 2014-05-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Position Paper on Textiles and Clothing The paper outlines possible elements for a TTIP approach on textile and clothing products and contains recommendations for possible elements for textiles and clothing provisions in TTIP 2014-05-14 Government Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Position Paper on Pharmaceuticals The paper presents an approach under TTIP on pharmaceutical products and contains proposed actions and possible elements for pharmaceuticals provisions in TTIP 2014-05-14 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Position Paper on Motor Vehicles The paper presents the ultimate goal pursued in TTIP; mutual recognition of technical requirements for vehicles and strengthening UNECE cooperation, and provides a methodological approach to the issue and the main areas of work. 2014-05-14 Government Automotive Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Position Paper on Chemicals The paper introduces the EUs main objective on chemicals and identifies 4 main areas in which a higher degree of convergence may be sought as well as concrete suggestions for future EU-US cooperation 2014-05-14 Government Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Press Release EU publishes negotiating positions in five more areas Press release of the Commission publication of negotiating positions in TTIP on five topics. The papers include proposals for enhancing the compatibility of rules and regulations. 2014-05-14 Government Automotive, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission video of Civil Society Stakeholder Meeting on the ISDS consultation on TTIP European Commission officials from DG Trade host a meeting with a few hundred civil society representatives to discuss the objectives and content of the consultation process on investor-state dispute settlement. (ISDS) 2014-05-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
A Comparative Overview of the EU and US Legislative and Regulatory Systems "The report provides information on possibilities for enhanced regulatory coherence and cooperation in TTIP, and provides a comparative overview of the US and EU legislative and regulatory processes, highlighting differences and similarities" 2014-05-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 12 May 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including regulatory cooperation, the difference in EU and US risk management, and sustainable development objectives in terms of labor and environment. 2014-05-12 Government Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Public Citizen TAFTA Corporate Empowerment Map Public Citizen criticizes TTIP and provides a "Corporate Empowerment Map" listing 75,000 multinational companies in both EU and US that would get privileges if TTIP would take effect and which could challenge environmental and green energy policies 2014-05-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EU US Trade Statistics Overview Overview EU US Trade Statistics 2009-2013 2014-05-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis
TTIP Explained in 6 pages Factsheet provides an overview over the 3 main important elements of TTIP as well as other important issues and explains the economic benefits of the agreement and how the negotiations are carried out 2014-05-06 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
BEUC Letter to De Gucht on Communication of the results of the TTIP economic impact assessment The European Consumer Organization and Friends of the Earth criticize the Commission for communicating the results of the TTIP impact assessment in a misleading way, e.g. by focusing on best case scenarios and using unsubstantiated figures on jobs. 2014-05-05 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
US Chamber of Commerce_ Global Trade Benefits Hit Home US Chambers argues that trade agreements including TTIP will create benefits at home, such as jobs and household purchasing power and boost growth for American manufacturers, farmers, and small enterprises that rely on exports. 2014-05-05 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
CEICMO position paper on TTIP The European Association of the Machine Tool Industries supports TTIP and calls for the abolishment of tariffs, the enforcement of transatlantic mobility and trade facilitation, better regulatory cooperation and increased Investment protection. 2014-05-03 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BusinessEurope position on ISDS in TTIP BusinessEurope describes Investor-State Dispute Settlement, argues that it is necessary to include it within TTIP, and gives leads on how to improve it, notably by creating a code of conduct for arbitrators and introducing an appeal mechanism 2014-05-02 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
CECOF position paper on TTIP The European Committee of Industrial Furnace and Heating Equipment Association requests its sector to be included in TTIP, the elimination of tariffs and technical barriers to trade, business-friendly rules of origin and the harmonisation of standards. 2014-05-02 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Rules of Origin (RoO)
EU Delegation to the US brochure on TTIP The European Union Delegation to the US publishes a brochure presenting TTIP's goals and benefits for the EU and the US, including facts and figures on Transatlantic and Global trade 2014-05-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
BEUC factsheet on TTIP The European Consumer Organisation publishes a factsheet on TTIP, reviewing its main features and implications, explaining the negotiation process, assessing potential benefits and risks for consumers, and gives its position on negotiations 2014-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Bertelsmann Foundation paper on TTIP effects in Germany Scholars from the Bertelsmann Foundation assess the positive economic impact of TTIP on 16 sectors, such as electronics and metal processing industries, and on German states, notably for exporters like Bavaria, Baden Württemberg or North Rhine Westphalia 2014-05-01 Stakeholder Automotive, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Export Controls
CEMA position paper on Agricultural Machinery regulation in TTIP The association for European Agricultural Machinery recommends a 3 step approach to address challenges in TTIP, including the establishment of a regulatory cooperation working group on agricultural machinery to ensure future legislation coherence. 2014-05-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
IATP Trading away localization in TTIP The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy raises doubts about the EU-US proposal for a third-country cooperation chapter on anti-localization barriers: TTIP should respect emerging economies' priority of protecting local investment and job creation. 2014-05-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Investment, Labour & Free movement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Speech by Karel De Gucht What we need to make TTIP work Trade Commissioner de Gucht on 3 main things to make TTIP work and the benefits of the agreement 2014-05-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Speech by President Barroso at Stanford University Global Europe, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Speech by President Barroso at Stanford University on Europe as a global actor, the major challenges faced and how TTIP can shape globalisation, with a common set of rules, high environmental and social standards and better regulatory cooperation 2014-05-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
US Chamber of Commerce and BusinessEurope common paper on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The US Chamber of Commerce and BusinessEurope explain TTIP's regulatory features, discusse the importance of regulation and standards cooperation, detail their positive impact on transatlantic economy and answer frequently expressed concerns about TTIP 2014-04-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
TTIP The Regularory Component U.S. Chamber of Commerce giving an introduction on how TTIP will enhance regulatory cooperation between European and American authorities and the benefits of regulatory cooperation. 2014-04-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
USCC_ Why Trade is a Big Deal for Small Business US Chamber of Commerce article arguing that expanding trade opportunities is a big deal for companies of all sizes, especially for SMEs, which testify on the importance of trade agreements 2014-04-30 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Ecorys Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment on the TTIP for European Commission Ecorys provides an inception report detailing how it will go about its TTIP impact assessment. It includes an assessment of available materials, a report on stakeholder consultations and an outline of the work to be undertaken. 2014-04-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis
BEUC Comment on Food in TTIP_ What is at stake for EU consumers_ The European Consumer Association argues that the EU should make sure that TTIP does not lead to a reduction of the notoriously high food safety standards in the EU. TTIP should be an opportunity to make food safer on both sides of the Atlantic. 2014-04-28 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US-EU Summit 2014 Transcript of Press Conference of Obama, Van Rompuy and Barroso Press Conference of Obama, Van Rompuy and Barroso on Ukraine, energy security, climate change and trade 2014-04-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Overall politics, Sustainable Development
AFL-CIO position on TTIP AFL-CIO, which represents America's workers on trade, ackowledges the potential benefits of TTIP for EU and US workers, and gives recommendations to ensure the promotion of the rights and interests of working people. 2014-04-25 Stakeholder AgriFood, Financial Services Investment, Labour & Free movement, Sustainable Development
European Parliament Study on TTIP and the Parliamentary Dimension of Regulatory Cooperation European Parliament Study on the Parliamentary roles in the light of TTIP and outlining of Regulatory divergence between the EU and the US. This report also discuss the existing and historic Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation. 2014-04-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Report 23 April 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including negotiations on chemicals, regulatory cooperation in services, US impact assessments, and the results of the consultation on investment protection 2014-04-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Article by Mr Formosa – Head, EU Policy and Legislation, MEUSAC on TTIP Article by Mr Formosa – Head, EU Policy and Legislation, MEUSAC on the aim of TTIP, areas negotiated and potential benefits of the agreement. 2014-04-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Lisa Schroeter; Global Director of Trade and Investment Policy, The Dow Chemical Company on the benefits of TTIP Lisa Schroeter; Global Director of Trade & Investment Policy, The Dow Chemical Company , on the benefits of TTIP and increased regulatory cooperation 2014-04-22 Stakeholder Chemicals Data Protection, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
AICGS on Transatlantic Data Flows Study explains data transfer issues across the Atlantic and the new legal and regulatory issues and challenges raised by increased data flows. Harmonization of data protection laws is not feasible and a discussion is needed. 2014-04-21 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Data Protection
The Transatlantic Academy_ Bridging the Energy Divide and EU-US Energy Relations in TTIP The Transatlantic Academy discusses what TTIP can deliver on energy, outlining the partners differences and common interests, where the focus of the negotiations will lie on energy issues and the way forward. 2014-04-21 Academic Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
US Chamber of Commerce article on advocacy in support for trade US Chamber of Commerce argues that support for federal policies that could increase international competitiveness starts with advocacy at local and state level about the economic value of international trade and provides some practical examples of this 2014-04-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
BusinessEurope position on economic importance of TTIP BusinessEurope assesses the impact of TTIP by highlighting its broad ranged economic benefits, notably on the production of goods, choice of services, access to public contracts, raw material and energy markets and investment protection 2014-04-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Trade Statistics Trade Statistics EU-US April 2014 2014-04-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis
European Parliament Analysis on European Commission Impact Assessments of TTIP The European Parliamentary Research Service reviews European Commission’s Impact Assessment of TTIP, notably focusing on their economic model and assessing the economic modelling used in academic studies mandated by the Commission 2014-04-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
ETUCE Statement on Education in TTIP The European Trade Union Committee for Education calls upon the Commission to exclude education from the TTIP negotiations, expressing concerns of the impact this could have on the latter as a result of privatisation and commercialisation pressures. 2014-04-15 Stakeholder Audiovisual & Entertainment, Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CECE position paper on the construction equipment industry in TTIP The Committee of European Construction Equipment calls for the inclusion of the construction equipment industry in TTIP and advises the European Commission to focus on eliminating tariffs and technical barriers to trade. 2014-04-14 Stakeholder Automotive, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Vice-Chair of EP INTA Committee Article on the 'Citizen Pillar' of TTIP Jan Zahradil, vice chair of the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee, highlights the need to strengthen the "citizens' pillar" in TTIP to increase accountability, and calls on parliamentarians to ensure the negotiations are fact-based. 2014-04-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commissioner for Trade De Gucht Speech on The Future of TTIP – The Benefits and How to Achieve Them European Commissioner for Trade De Gucht Speech on the benefits of TTIP for both sides with a particular focus on the benefits of TTIP for France in areas such as gas, sustainable development, procurement and services 2014-04-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Financial Services, Investment, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
EP Directorate General for External Policies Study on TTIP and The Parliamentary Dimension of Regulatory Cooperation The EP Directorate-General for External Policies reviews EU and US' attempts to remove regulatory divergence between them, draw up a state of play of the existing differences on regulation, and provides outlooks for parliamentary cooperation in TTIP 2014-04-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Transport & Logistic Services Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EP Publication on ISDS Provisions in EU International Investment Agreements Vol 2 Studies The European Parliament publishes 3 studies: on investment protection agreements, on ISDS and alternatives of dispute resolution , and on international investment protection agreements and EU law. 2014-04-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
Survey report Pew Research Center and Bertelsmann Foundation Global Attitudes- German and US views on TTIP Survey report of study by Pew Research Centre where the public in Germany and the US support TTIP in general, but both Americans and Germans oppose specific details such as restrictions investment, harmonisation of regulatory standards and data privacy 2014-04-09 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Bertelsmann Foundation Press Release on Report on Creating a Transatlantic Marketplace - German and American Views According to a survey by the Pew Research Centre the public in Germany and the US support TTIP in general, but both Americans and Germans oppose many specific details; 2014-04-09 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Pew Research Center and Bertelsmann Foundation Report on Creating a Transatlantic Marketplace - German and American Views A report by Pew Research Centre examines American and German attitudes towards trade. The public support TTIP in general, but both sides oppose many specific details such as restrictions investment, harmonisation of regulatory standards and data privacy 2014-04-09 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
OFSE Study Assessing the claimed benefits of TTIP The study by OFSE commissioned by GUE/NGL calls into question the benefits of TTIP as the study finds downside risks associated with removing remaining trade tariffs and very few actual economic gains from TTIP in terms of GDP, jobs, and real wages. 2014-04-08 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
GUE_NGL Press Release on TTIP Press release on a GUE/NGL study calling into question the benefits of TTIP as the study finds downside risks associated with removing remaining trade tariffs and very few actual economic gains from TTIP in terms of GDP, jobs, and real wages. 2014-04-08 Press report All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
EU Representation in the US Brochure on Benefits and Challenges of TTIP Timmons of the National Association of Manufacturers argues that eliminating trade barriers would reduce the cost of business operations, increase competitiveness and encourage innovation and growth opportunities and job creation 2014-04-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Statement Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Related Agencies Michael T. Scuse Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services presents the 2015 Budget and program proposals for the Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (FFAS) mission area of the Department of Agriculture (USDA). 2014-04-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood All - Non Issue Specific
NAM article in Forbes by CEO Jay Timmons on TTIP Timmons of the National Association of Manufacturers argues that eliminating trade barriers would reduce the cost of business operations, increase competitiveness and encourage innovation and growth opportunities and job creation 2014-04-07 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Michael Ducker, President of FedEx Express article on global trade agreements Michael Ducker, President of FedEx Express argues that passing TPA is critical to getting future trade agreements approved and the need to encourage the Congressional to support it. 2014-04-07 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
U.S. Senate Moves To Protect Bratwurst and Bologna From EU Over-Reach on Geographical Indications In a letter to USTR Michael Froman and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, senators have urged the US government to defend commonly used food names, such as “bologna” and “black forest ham” in TTIP negotiations 2014-04-07 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
Letter From 45 Senators to USTR Michael Froman And Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on GIs in TTIP Letter From 45 Senators To U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman And Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on EU GIs as a trade barrier to meat manufacturers of the concerned States 2014-04-04 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
Questions for Committee on Ways and Means Full Committee Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy US Trade representative Froman answers questions from Committee on Ways and Means members, covering the entire scope of US trade negotiations including, TTIP, TPP, TiSA, and concerns on Information Technology, Intellectual property, and Anti-Dumping 2014-04-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Export Controls, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US Chamber of Commerce Statement to Committee on Ways and Means at Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy The US Chamber of Commerce stresses the need for US Trade policy to focus on access to foreign markets, notably through TTIP, TPP, TiSA and AGOA agreements and within WTO, and urges Congress to renew Trade Promotion Authority 2014-04-03 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement
American Farm Bureau Federation Statement to Committee on Ways and Means at Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy The American Farm Bureau Federation denounces the EU's use of the precautionary principle, non-tariff barriers and geographical indications, stresses the need to open the European agrifood market, and urges the Congress to renew Trade Promotion Authority 2014-04-03 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
ACC Statement to Committee on Ways and Means at Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy The American Chemistry Council supports TTIP and TPP negotiations, advises Congress to renew Trade Promotion Authority in order to swiftly conclude TPP and TTIP agreements, and calls the US to further pursue their commitment in the APEC forum 2014-04-03 Stakeholder Chemicals Customs & Trade Facilitation, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
AAE Statement for the Record to Committee on Ways and Means at Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy The Express Association of America urges Congress to renew Trade Promotion Authority, highlighting the economic need for regulatory cooperation, free trade and fair competition in the sector of services, provided by TTIP, TPP and TiSA agreements 2014-04-03 Stakeholder Automotive, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
ACLI statement to US Ways and Means Committee Hearing on President Obama’s Trade Policy The American Council of Life Insurers stresses its main concerns on trade, notably foreign equity caps and restrictions on cross border data flows, recalls its support for TTIP, TiSA and TPP, calls Congress to vote the Trade Promotion Authority renewal 2014-04-03 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Joint Press Statement from the EU-US Energy Council The EU-US Energy Council discussed, among other things, the need to reinforce energy security in Europe, decrease of external energy dependency through increased production of domestic energy, a common European energy market and EU-US energy policies 2014-04-02 Government Energy & Natural Resources Overall politics
ETUI Paper on TTIP's benefits and Liberalisation The European Trade Union Institute stresses that TTIP benefits have been exaggerated and that ISDS only benefit to business' interests, but advocates that TTIP negotiations should be an opportunity to argue for a different conception of globalisation 2014-04-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Socialists and Democrats EP Group Position Paper on TTIP The S&D group in the European Parliament reviews TTIP potential opportunities, calls to uphold EU standards in the negotiations, to guarantee data protection and finance regulation, to eliminate Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and transparency in TTIP 2014-04-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Services (Other)
Transatlantic Academy compilation on the state of Transatlantic relations Scholars provide various case studies and analyses on a broad range of Transatlantic topics, including on energy relations, European politics, and EU an US relations with third countries notably Turkey and Russia 2014-04-01 Academic Energy & Natural Resources, Other Economic Analysis, Sustainable Development
European University Association 1st Update of Background Paper on TTIP The European University Association gives an update of where TTIP negotiations stand, covering context and issues including market access, mutual recognition of professional qualifications, e-commerce, ISDS, and public procurement. 2014-04-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Services (other) Data Protection, Geographical Indications (GIs), Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
EP Assessment of Commission Impact Assessment of the effects of TTIP The European Parliament commissioned the Center for European Policy Studies to examine the validity of the Commission’s impact assessment of TTIP, by analyzing the underlying economic model and comparing it with previous assessments of EU trade 2014-04-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commissioner Michel Barnier Speech on Financial Services European Commissioner Michel Barnier Speech on Financial Services covering derivatives, financial regulatory reform and long-term financing. 2014-04-01 Government Financial Services Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures
USTR Report on US Foreign Trade Barriers 2014 The 2013 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the 29th in an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. 2014-03-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Rules of Origin (RoO)
OFSE paper on TTIP assessed benefits Scholars question TTIP economic benefits and criticize previous economic studies' methodologies, notably CEPR's, highlighting incorrect figures and estimations including neglected social & macroeconomic adjustment costs or non-tariffs measures impact 2014-03-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals Competition, Economic Analysis, Export Controls, Labour & Free movement
European Commission short publication on ISDS in EU Agreements The European Commission gives background information on investment protection and investor-to-state dispute settlements, describes what are the objectives of introducing these features in trade agreements, and how to improve the dispute settlement system 2014-03-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
USITC Report on Trade Barriers Perceived by SMEs as Affecting Exports to EU US International Trade Commission lists the major cross-cutting and industry-specific trade barriers that US SMEs perceive as most seriously affecting their exports to the EU including cost of complying with different standards and securing IPR. 2014-03-31 Government AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Export Controls, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
USTR Report on SPS Measures 2014 The 2014 Report on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Report) is dedicated to describing significant barriers to U.S. food, farm, and ranch exports arising from SPS measures applied by foreign governments 2014-03-31 Government AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Memo on Obamas visit for EU-US Summit 2014 by U.S. Ambassador to the EU U.S. Ambassador to the EU elaborates on his takeaways from Obamas visit; Ukraine, energy security and TTIP 2014-03-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US Department of Commerce Publication on US Trade Statistics US Department of Commerce Publication on top US Trade Partners 2014-03-31 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
Top 3 Reasons Why Germany Should Support TTIP TTIP would benefit Germany more than other EU countries. By converging regulatory requirements and eliminating unnecessary barriers to trade, the country would see strong job creation and economic growth. 2014-03-31 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures
Top 3 Reasons Why Germany Should Skip TTIP Industry has promised jobs and growth, but many civil society organizations fear regressive food and safety standards, excessive corporate power in the courts, and compromised privacy will be negative for Germany and argue that Germany should skip TTIP 2014-03-31 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
USTR Press Release on USITC Report on How TTIP Will Benefit SMEs U.S. International Trade Commission have Released a Report on How TTIP Will Benefit SMEs where they have interviewed a number of them to find out about barriers exporting to the EU and what can be done 2014-03-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
AmCham EU Press Release on New Study AmCham EU Press Release on the launch of the study The Transatlantic Economy 2014 2014-03-28 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
European Commission Notice of Consultation on ISDS in TTIP The European Commission Notice of Consultation on ISDS outlines some background information on ISDS, as well as the organization and guidelines of the consultation. 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
AmCham EU Publication on The Transatlantic Economy 2014 Executive Summary The Transatlantic Economy 2014 Executive Summary on EU-US Economies, trade, services, jobs and investment 2014-03-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
AmCham EU Publication on The Transatlantic Economy 2014 State-by-State and Country-by Country The Transatlantic Economy 2014: European Commerce and the 50 U.S. States, a State-by-State Comparison and U.S. Commerce and Europe: a Country-by-Country Comparison 2014-03-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
AmCham EU Publication on The Transatlantic Economy 2014 Headline Trends AmCham EU Publication on The Transatlantic Economy 2014 Headline Trends : benefits of TTIP, eurocrisis and the Global Economy 2014-03-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
USTR Blog Post On ISDS Consultations USTR explains US approach to ISDSand provides 8 facts on investor-state dispute settlement under U.S. trade agreements; such as right to regulate and transparecy 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures
Statement by EUTrade Commissioner De Gucht on the launch of a public consultation on investment protection in TTIP Statement by Trade Commissioner De Gucht explaining the launch and contents of the public consultation on investment protection in TTIP 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Press Release European Commission launches public consultation on investor protection in TTIP "Press Release on the launch of the public consultation on investor protection in TTIP explaining the aim of the consultation and the Commissions intention as well as how the consultation will work" 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Commission Memo Questions and Answers on Public online consultation on investor protection in TTIP "Commission Memo on the public online consultation on investor protection in TTIP answering practical questions on how the consultation will work and explaining why investment protection and ISDS is needed in TTIP" 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Paper on ISDS Consultation The Public consultation on TTIP containing introduction to each issue, 12 questions and a reference tekst 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Notice on ISDS Consultation Commission note on the objectives and content of the consultation as well as background on ISDS and TTIP 2014-03-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Remarks by Obama in address to European Youth during US-EU Summit 2014 Remarks by Obama in address to European Youth during US-EU Summit 2014 on global security, world politics and Ukraine crisis 2014-03-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
US-EU Summit 2014 White House Fact sheet on US-EU Cooperation Factsheet on the history of US-EU cooperation 2014-03-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
FACT SHEET U.S.-EU Economic Ties That Bind Factsheet on the EU-US economy, TTIP, and people-to-people coonections such as studies and cultural exchanges. 2014-03-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
EU-US Summit 2014 Remarks by the President of the European Council Remarks by President of the European Council Van Rompuy on EU-US cooperation following the EU-US summit 2014-03-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
EU-US Summit 2014 Remarks by the President of the European Commission Commission president Barrosos speech on deepening of transatlantic relations following the EU-US summit 2014-03-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
Atlantic Council and Bertelsmann Foundation 2014 Stakeholder Survey The Atlantic Council and the Bertelsmann Foundation review key positions and opinions of more than 300 stakeholders from the EU and the US on TTIP negotiations, identifying main issues and potential sticking points for future talks 2014-03-25 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other All - Non Issue Specific, Other
BusinessEurope Press Release on Energy must be part of EU-US Trade Deal Ahead of the EU-US Summit 2014, BUSINESSEUROPE calls for the inclusion of energy provisions in TTIP 2014-03-25 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US and European Financial Services Trade Associations Joint Statement on TTIP US and European Financial Services Trade Associations Joint Statement on TTIP highlighting the importance of creating a financial services regulatory framework between the US and EU 2014-03-25 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EPP Comment on the EU-US Summit 2014 EPP statement on the EU-US Summit concerning Ukraine, energy, trade agreement and to develop strategies to address global threats and challenges such as Syria 2014-03-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
Civil Society response to the Pharma Industry wih list for TTIP 7 civil society organisations denounce the 5 most worrying proposals of the pharmaceuticals industry, including notably concerns on intellectual property regulations, pricing policies, clinical trials, and dispute resolution mechanisms 2014-03-24 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US Workers Uniting statement on TTIP US Workers Uniting argue that TTIP should strengthen social, labour and environmental rights by raising legal and regulatory standards and raises a number of conditions to be met in areas such as public procurement and regulatory cooperation 2014-03-24 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Remarks by Obama during visit to the Netherlands Remarks by Obama during visit to the Netherlands on NATO and Nuclear/energy security 2014-03-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Overall politics
Commission MEMO on EU-US 2014 summit and EU-US relations Commission MEMO on EU-US 2014 summit covering global economy; trade, energy; Foreign and security policy cooperation and Internet Governance 2014-03-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Data Protection, Overall politics
Debate on the Future of Trade Pedro da Motta de Veiga, Director, CINDES, Heinz Haller, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, Dow Chemical Company and Dave Ricks, President, Lilly Bio-Medicines debate on TTIP 2014-03-22 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Conversation with Karel De Gucht and Michael Froman Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade, and Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative discuss TTIP and world trade 2014-03-22 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
CEEV Press Release on wine chapter at Stakeholder Forum on 21 May 2014 The European Wine Companies Committee supports the inclusion of a wine chapter in TTIP, aimed at protecting all wine GIs, eliminating tariffs, simplifying certifications and administrative procedures, improving regulatory convergence,etc. 2014-03-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Customs & Trade Facilitation, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Remarks by European Council President on Ukraine,energy dependance and TTIP Remarks byThe European Council President Herman Von Rompuy on Ukraine crisis , EU dependance on Russian energy and TTIPs role in US Energy supplies to the EU as well as on climate change and EU-Africa summit 2014-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Folder on TTIP Communication The folder on TTIP communication explains how the Commission consults the public, cooperates with Parliament and Council as well as experts and interest groups such as trade unions. It also covers sharing of documents and position papers 2014-03-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
De Gucht Paper on Trade in Transition European Commissioner for trade de Guchts note on trade policy and global challenges 2014-03-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
S and D Public Event on TTIP S&D Public Event on TTIP Programme 2014-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
S and D Press on Release on Public Event TTIP Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament vowed they will closely oversee the negotiation process and make sure that any final agreement benefits citizens" 2014-03-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
US Mission to the EU Blog post on TTIP US Mission to the EU Blog post on the fourth round of TTIP, and EU-US Summit 2014-03-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
BusinessEurope position on standards in TTIP BusinessEurope reviews US and EU standardisation systems, assesses key issues like transparency and conformity assessments, and gives 8 recommendations, notably on technical cooperation, risk assessment harmonisation and stakeholder consultation 2014-03-15 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US Sailors Union Newsletter on Possibility of TTIP Dismantling Jones Act The Sailors Union of the Pacific reacts to a leaked Commission document which could dismantle the Jones Act, and argues the Commission wants to include provisions which would undermine US maritime and airline jobs and national and economic security. 2014-03-14 Stakeholder Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Other
AmCham EUs position paper on TTIP AmCham EUs position paper on TTIP covering all issues related to TTIP such as tariffs, regulatory cooperation, investment and services 2014-03-14 Stakeholder AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Joint EU Civil Society Response to the Big Pharma wish list in TTIP Study by Commons Network in cooperation with 5 organizations , including Medicines in Europe Forum analyzing 5 proposals of the pharmaceutical industry's wish list for TTIP which pose a threat to the European public health system and democracy. 2014-03-14 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
USTR Blog Post On Investment Consultation USTR explains the US consultation on its model investment agreement including public meetings and hearings, engagement with stakeholders and further process in TTIP 2014-03-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Statement By USTR Froman at the Close of the 4th Round TTIP Negotiations USTR Froman is pleased with the progress of the 4th Round TTIP Negotiations and the stakeholder engagement 2014-03-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Impact Assessment on Trade Sustainability in TTIP ECORYS Sustainability Impact Assessment on TTIP on economic results as well as social and environmental analyses and sectoral analyses with a specific emphasis on competitiveness impacts and on SMEs. 2014-03-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Sustainable Development
Commission Press Release on Ways to help SMEs to take advantage of TTIP The EU and US have published a document focusing on SMEs and explained that progress had been made in all 3 negotiating areas; market access, regulation and rules. 2014-03-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Customs & Trade Facilitation, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
TABC recommendations on Energy and Climate for TTIP TABC rejects the inclusion of a dedicated chapter in energy in TTIP and to rely on WTO rules while stressing the need to ensure a free and non-discriminatory trade of energy goods, and to develop compatible standards in the US and the EU 2014-03-13 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Law professor Freya Baetens presents a cost-benefits analysis of ISDS inclusion in TTIP Freya Baetens from the Centre for European Policy Studies discusses the arguments of Poulsen, Bonnitcha and Yackee in a precedent study and defends the potential benefits of ISDS while proposing 4 options to balance ISDS and make it less controversial 2014-03-12 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Cefic Speech on Regulatory Cooperation for Chemicals in TTIP An Executive Director from Cefic expresses her disagreement with a CIEL/ClientEarth report on chemicals regulatory cooperation in TTIP, by supporting the idea that EU & US regulations can be improved and giving examples of possible areas of cooperation 2014-03-12 Stakeholder Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Programme of Stakeholder Presentations Event for TTIP - March 2014 The European Commission publishes a detailed programme of the stakeholder presentations event for TTIP which took place on 12 March 2014 2014-03-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
IDFA Commends Senators Call for Push Back Against EU Efforts to Restrict Common Cheese Names International Dairy Foods Association commends the letter by senators to US negotiators to reject EUS claims of Geographical Indications (GIs) on cheese names. 2014-03-12 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Trade and Investment Barriers Report 2014 The Report addresses key barriers faced by EU companies on the markets of EU’s strategic partners. Its objective is to raise awareness of the main trade restrictive measures and the importance of tackling them 2014-03-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis
Commission Trade and Investment Barriers Report 2014 The Trade and Investment Barriers Report addresses key trade and investment barriers faced by EU companies in markets such as China, India, Japan and Russia. The report also provides results of progress made on market access barriers since last year 2014-03-12 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
AmChams in Europe Publication on Together For Jobs and Growth AmChams in Europe Publication on Together For Jobs and Growth explaining what is TTIP, existing barriers in different areas , how TTIP will be approved and what the benefits are. 2014-03-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
USDEC and NMPF Press Release on US Senators call to stop Fight over Dairy Names The U.S. Dairy Export Council and National Milk Producers Federation welcome the senates statement to reject the EU proposal on the restriction of use of common food names through Geographical Indications (GIs) 2014-03-11 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
CCFN Press Release on Common Names and Food Trade Consortium for Common Food Names argue that US has to ensure that EUs policy on Geographical Indications (GIs) does not impair U.S. businesses' ability to compete domestically or internationally by imposing a restriction of using certain names 2014-03-11 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
Letter From 55 Senators To U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman And Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on GIs Letter From 55 Senators To U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman And Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on EU Gis as a trade barrier to dairy and food manufacturers of the concerned States 2014-03-11 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
Senators Urge Negotiators To Defend Common Names and Food Trade by Rejecting EU’s Over-Reach on Geographical Indications US senators urge negotiators to defend common cheese names and protect the US producers against the EUs GI policies and any legislation that would restrict the ability of U.S. producers to use common cheese names 2014-03-11 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs)
Notre Europe Paper TTIP at the forefront of the 21st Century International Trading System The Paper by Notre Europe discusses the possibility for regulatory convergence in TTIP and the timetable ahead 2014-03-10 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CEO Report on How corporations profit from Europes crisis countries Corporate Europe Observatory report on corporations using international investment agreements and making profit by suing to governments from Europe’s crisis countries 2014-03-10 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
EURATEX and AAFA Joint letter to TTIP negotiators The European Apparel and Textile Confederation and the American Apparel & Footwear Association Joint letter to TTIP negotiators requesting zero duties for apparel and textile in TTIP. 2014-03-10 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Tariffs & Quotas
U.S. Objectives and U.S. Benefits In TTIP A Detailed View The USTR factsheet describes the US Administration’s goals and objectives, and outlines how TTIP will benefit workers, businesses and consumers in areas such as trade in goods, services and investment, regulatory issues and customs 2014-03-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Rules of Origin (RoO), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
ECPA and CLA joint Proposal on US-EU Regulatory Cooperation CropLife America and the European Crop Protection Association call to enhance transatlantic cooperation in 4 areas including agricultural chemicals, risk assessment, harmonization on maximum residue levels, and protection of intellectual property 2014-03-07 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Europe Brewers call for level playing field in EU-US Trade talks Europe’s brewers call for a level playing field on tax relief for small brewers to be included in TTIP 2014-03-07 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
ECPA-CLA TTIP Position Paper on Regulatory Cooperation The European Crop Protection Association and CropLife America propose 4 areas for regulatory cooperation: sectoral negotiations on chemicals, risk assessment, harmonization of MRLs and IPR-protection. 2014-03-07 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ECPA CLA Proposal on US-EU Regulatory Cooperation The European Crop Protection Association and CropLife America propose 4 areas of collaboration; sectoral negotiation on agricultural chemicals, risk assessment as the basis for the regulatory framework, harmonization of MRLs and IPR protection 2014-03-07 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Cefic reply to Commission’s request for further details on joint ACC-Cefic proposals for enhanced cooperation on chemicals European Chemical Industry Council and American Chemistry Council submission to the Commission with futher clarification of proposals for enhanced cooperation in chemicals in the context of processes and procedures under REACH and TSCA 2014-03-07 Stakeholder Chemicals Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
DIE Analysis The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement – The dispute over investor state dispute settlement The analysis by German Development Institute points at the role of EU and US investment negotiations with China and suggests that EU and US should carefully assess the economic and political costs of including ISDS in TTIP 2014-03-04 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
British Government Press Release gives Reassurance on consumer protection in TTIP Press Release: UK Minister Clarke provided reassurance to consumer campaigners that the British government would not be party to lowering environmental, consumer or health and safety standards in TTIP 2014-03-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
German NGOs joint Position Paper opposing TTIP Over 50 German NGOs reject the TTIP agreement notably arguing it would threaten freedom of freedom, data protection in the EU, and lower consumer and environmental standards, furthermore they denounce the lack of transparency in the negotiations 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Swedish National Bord of Trade Report on Regulatory Cooperation and TBTs in TTIP 2014 The Swedish National Board of Trade discusses Transatlantic cooperation and TTIP's implications for WTO, and analyses regulation differences between the EU and the US in the automotive sectors, ICTs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical devices 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
Kommerskollegium on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP The Swedish National Board of Trade analyses EU-US regulatory cooperation and solutions for technical barriers for various sectors, highlights Swedish interests and assesses whether they coincide with the views of various European stakeholders. 2014-03-01 Government Automotive, Chemicals, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Dispute Settlement, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BDI Position Paper on Protecting European Investment Abroad The German Business Lobby notes trends in international investment agreements in general, notably EU and German agreements, and proposes several principles for comprehensive protection, including effective dispute settlement. 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
DBRiskAlert explains and warns against German agenda for the banking sector Deutsche Bank Risk Alert warns against the inclusion of financial services in TTIP. The perpetuation of the Deutsche Bank's business model is seen as a threat to the US pursuit of a global system that can protect taxpayers against financial crises. 2014-03-01 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC Election Manifesto - A Strong EU Consumer Policy The European Consumer Organisation presents a review of Parliament policy-making during the past 5 years affecting consumer issues and presents consumer priorities for the next Parliament 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT) Financial Services, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
BusinessEurope Paper - Picture A Global Europe BusinessEurope Paper - Picture A Global Europe: The business community’s vision for the EU- with a message to the next European Parliament, 2014-2019 touching upon issues such as energy, innovation, education and competition 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Competition, Overall politics
Eurometaux Position Paper on TTIP The European Association of Metals sets out priorities in TTIP, which cover regulatory cooperation, intellectual property rights and services, Rules of origin, access to raw materials, energy issues, and submits proposals 2014-03-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
Unite Here Paper on Financial Services inclusion in TTIP Unite Here on the consequences and risks for the global banking system of inclusion of financial services in TTIP with a focus on Germany and Deutsche Bank. 2014-03-01 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services
Sierra Club Paper on costs of NAFTA The report of Sierra Club- a US grassroot environmental organization, finds that NAFTA has facilitated environmentally destructive activities, undermined the ability to regulate and weakened domestic environmental safeguards 2014-03-01 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
US Civil Society Coalition letter to USTR on ISDS policies in TTIP "US Civil Society Coalition including Consumer Federation of America and Consumers Union welcome the EU ISDS-consultation and plead for a similar ISDS-consultation in the US" 2014-02-28 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
De Gucht Statement after Informal FAC Trade in Athens Trade Commissioner de Gucht statement after Informal Foreign Affairs Trade Council in Athens welcoming the support of the ministers of the TTIP negotiations. 2014-02-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Commission Fact Sheet on the EU-US Trade Agreement The factsheet mentions 5 myths about TTIP, such as internet restrictions and GMOs and explains why they are false. It also gives a background to what TTIP is about. 2014-02-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Data Protection, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
USTR Post on Helping SMEs Exports Expand Trade with EU USTR Post on Helping SMEs Exports Expand Trade with EU, why TTIp would benefit the US economy and current status 2014-02-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Ambassador Miriam Sapiro Remarks at National Association of Business Economists U.S. Trade Policy Leveling the Playing Fiel Ambassador Miriam Sapiro talks about the 3 main objectives of TTIP; market access, regulatory and rules, as well as on Trade in Services, Trade Facilitation and TPA 2014-02-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Minutes of Meeting the 2014-02-25 Advisory Group was updated on political stocktaking where issues such as exchange of offers and negotiating timetable were discussed. ISDS-consultation and improved engagement with stakeholders were other points raised in the discussion 2014-02-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Meeting Agenda 2014-02-25 Advisory Group Meeting Agenda 2014-02-25 2014-02-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
Maine Press Release on letters to USTR concerning TTIP negotiations Maine Press Release on TTIP letters to USTR requesting greater transparency, exclusion of ISDS and concerns over health policy, public procurement and local food policies 2014-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement
Maine letter to USTR on sub-central government procurement Maine is concerned that TTIP provisions could restrict local requirements for food and any binding commitments on State governments should not be imposed without approval 2014-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement
Maine letter to USTR on Pharmaceutical and Medical device reimboursement and IPR issues in TPP Maine opposes including pharmaceutical reimbursement procedures in TTIP and presents provisions to include addressing these concerns such as affordability; safety, no appeal mechanism and reimbursement procedures not to be subject to ISDS 2014-02-24 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures
Maine letter to USTR on ISDS provisions in TTIP Maine expresses concerns over the process of TTIp negotiations and the inclusion of ISDS provisions 2014-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
UK MPs Debate on Procurement, Environment, Labor At Parliament Hearing On TTIP Transcripf of UK MPs Debate on Procurement, Environment and Labor At Parliament Hearing On TTIP 2014-02-24 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Sustainable Development
European Green Party Position Paper against TTIP The European Greens challenge TTIP's economic analysis, the ISDS mechanism, the lowering of standards and the end of trade multilateralism. They instead favor alternative transatlantic cooperation frameworks in environmental protection and tax evasion. 2014-02-22 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sustainable Development
Insurance Europe position on TTIP Insurance Europe supports TTIP, calls for rules on market access and enhanced cooperation procedure for regulatory issues, and urges the US and EU to use TTIP as a political framework to support and enhance future dialogues for insurance regulation 2014-02-21 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
European Green Party Position Paper on TTIP - Too many untrustworthy promises and real risks Trade should improve our planet, not priveledge big business. Greens therefore take an opposition position vis-à-vis TTIP. We mobilize against any trade agreement that does not honour these principles, therefore we oppose TTIP in its current form. 2014-02-21 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
House of Commons Library Publication on Proposed TTIPs Negotiating Process and Sticking Points The House of Commons publishes a short briefing on the history of EU-US economic diplomacy and the proposed TTIP negotiation process, emphasising sticking points such as food standards, public procurement, intellectual property, and financial services 2014-02-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services All - Non Issue Specific, Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other)
De Gucht speech at Trade Policy Conference on Europes Economic Future Speech of Trade Commissioner de Gucht on Europes Economic Future mentioning different trade agreements in general and TTIP in particular: benefits, for Denmark in particular, concerns and the trade agenda 2014-02-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
A Values-Driven Trade Policy Remarks by USTR Froman at the Center for American Progress Remarks by USTR Froman on a Values-Driven Trade Policy: exports create jobs and growth at home, importance of protection of environment, innovation, transparency, and TPA 2014-02-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Sustainable Development
US Congressional Research Service report on US and EU Motor Vehicle Standards The report looks at ways in which TTIP might lead to a convergence of motor vehicle regulatory regimes focusing on 3 aspects; safety, emissions and fuel efficiency 2014-02-18 Government Automotive Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
De Gucht speech on TTIP at the Atlantic Council Speech of Trade Commissioner de Gucht on TTIP at the Atlantic Council noting that negotiations need to step up in all 3 areas and that convergence is necessary in these areas for transatlantic and global rule-making 2014-02-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Press release on TTIP Stocktaking discussion between De Gucht and Froman During the TTIP Stocktaking discussion the negotiators discussed progress made. De Gucht hoped for ambitious proposals in 4 areas including services and procurement and stressed the need for progress on 4 rules issues, such as GIs and environment 2014-02-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Competition, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Commission press statement on the TTIP Stocktaking discussion between De Gucht and Froman Trade Commissioner de Gucht statement on progress in TTIP thus far and way ahead. 2014-02-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Towards the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Atlantic Council on-the-record conversation with European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht on the latest developments on the TTIP negotiations 2014-02-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
USTR Froman welcoming remarks before TTIP Stocktaking meetings USTR Froman welcoming remarks before TTIP Stocktaking meetings, expecting to get a clearer sense of meeting the challenges, to determine how to move forward, maintain momentum and move towards a conclusion of the negotiations 2014-02-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
De Gucht opening remarks at the stocktaking meeting on TTIP Opening remarks of Trade Commissioner de Gucht on TTIP negotiations and progress 2014-02-17 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Tripping over TTIP_ Obstacles overshadow EU-US trade pact Deutsche Welle on increased opposition to TTIP and the domestic obstacles in the EU and US towards concluding TTIP 2014-02-14 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures
Karel de Gucht Reply to Civil Society Organisations' TTIP Position Paper on Chemicals Trade Commissioner Karl de Gucht replies to position paper by civil society groups including CIEL and ClientEarth, addressing their concerns on TTIP chemicals negotiations and reassuring them EU environmental and health standards will not be lowered. 2014-02-10 Government Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
War on Want and ROSA Luxemburg Stiftung Report on Expected Negative Impact of TTIP John Hilary provides an overview of the negative impacts TTIP could have in various sectors by favouring corporate interests for deregulation at the expense of social and environmental standards, and encourages resistance by civil society 2014-02-08 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development
LSE PhD Candidate Article Refuting Criticism of ISDS inclusion in TTIP Robert Basedow from the London School of Economics addresses criticism that an investor-state dispute settlement chapter in TTIP would threaten democracy, arguing it would in fact be an opportunity to reform currently controversial investment rules. 2014-02-07 Academic Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Copa-Cogeca Press Release on TTIP meetings in Washington - english European Farmers and European agri-cooperatives and their US counterparts meet in Washington and stress the importance of regulatory convergence. 2014-02-07 Stakeholder AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
US Congressional Research Service report on TTIP The US Congressional Research Service provides an analysis of background information on TTIP and on its main issues, and identifies its main impact for Congress, notably its economic implication for the role of the US in the multilateral trading system 2014-02-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Report on TTIP The Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung denounces TTIP potential impacts, notably on food safety, environmental protection, public services quality, personal privacy, employment and Investor-State dispute settlement, and stresses the growing resistance to TTIP 2014-02-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other), Other Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EP Directorate for External Policy Study Comparing EU, US, EFTA, and Japan Approaches to PTAs The European Parliament Directorate for External Policy Compares EU, US, EFTA, and Japan PTA strategies and gives policy recommendations on the broad objectives of EU trade policy, and on the framework andspecific sectoral goals of its PTA policy 2014-02-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals, Financial Services, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Rules of Origin (RoO), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
AmCham Sweden TTIP - Video Series Launch - Press Conference - January 31st 2014 AmCham Sweden Press Conference launching the youtube channel, TTIP: Removing Barriers to raise awareness of the benefits of TTIP 2014-01-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
AmCham Sweden videos on TTIP - removing trade barriers AmCham Sweden introduces TTIP: Removing Barriers - a youtube channel to raise awareness on TTIP and its benefits 2014-01-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Ombudsman welcomes greater transparency in Trade negotiations The European Ombudsman has welcomed the announcement of European Parliament President that future trade negotiations, and TTIP) in particular will be more transparent and open for stakeholder involvement. 2014-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Overall politics
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Members Information Information on and background of the members of the Advisory Group 2014-01-28 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission position on EU-US cooperation in Financial Services The European Commission describes existing EU-US cooperation in financial services and explains the aim of its proposal to create a framework for financial services regulatory coherence in TTIP, which it believes is in the interests of both EU and US. 2014-01-27 Government Financial Services Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Commission Press release on TTIP Advisory group Commission announces the launch of an Advisory Group of experts representing interests such as environmental, health, consumer and different business sectors to provide EU trade negotiators with advice in the TTIP negotiations. 2014-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
Infographic- EU 2014 Infographic on the EU- population; languages and the transatlantic economy 2014-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Commission Initial Position Paper on Financial Services in TTIP The EU argues for inclusion of a regulatory framework for financial services in TTIP to create a proper institutional framework to strenghten financial stability and overcoming regulatroy divergences. 2014-01-27 Government Financial Services Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission TTIP Advisory Group Terms of Reference The terms of reference for the advisory group set out the purpose and activities, operation of the group; duration and confidentiality. 2014-01-27 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
US -Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council Background of the US -Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council and list of 13 work plans on issues such as AgriFood, motor vehicles and environment 2014-01-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Synthesis of Notre Europe and EPC event TTIP A Pirandello Play ENG The event by Notre Europe and European Policy Centre touches upon issues on economic, regulatory and geostrategic level; who the main players are, impact on world trade and how the negotiating timeframe should be managed 2014-01-24 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Synthesis of Notre Europe and EPC event TTIP A Pirandello Play The event by Notre Europe and EPC touches upon issues on economic, regulatory and geostrategic level; who the main players are, impact on world trade and how the negotiating timeframe should be managed 2014-01-23 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
House of Lords Transcript from the Committee on the EU External Affairs on TTIP UK House of Lords Transcript from examination of Mauro Petriccione, DG Trade director, at the Committee on the EU External Affairs on TTIP 2014-01-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures
De Gucht speech on the hottest topics in the TTIP debate Speech of Trade Commissioner de Gucht focusing on the 4 hottest topics in the TTIP debate: regulatory, investment, stakeholder engagement and rationale of negotiations 2014-01-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EEB Position Paper on TTIP The European Environmental Bureau expresses its concerns on regulatory cooperation and Investor-State Dispute Settlement in TTIP, and urges the EU to uphold agriculture, food safety and environment standards and REACH regulation in TTIP negotiations 2014-01-21 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Dispute Settlement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
European Commission TTIP advisory group preparatory meeting report 21 January 2014 The report summarises the topics discussed during the meeting, including agreement on Terms of Reference and summary of progress made on TTIP and next steps, notably concerning Investor-State Dispute Settlement and financial services regulation 2014-01-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures
Commission Press Release on ISDS Consultation Trade Commissioner de Gucht announces the Commissions intention to launch a public consultation on investment and investor-state dispute settlement provisions in TTIP 2014-01-21 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
Trade Commissioner Malmstrom Speech in Vienna on Why TTIP is Good for Austria Trade Commissioner Malmstrom highlights three benefits that TTIP will have for Austria: an increase in growth and jobs, a strengthening of public services and regulatory protections, and an ability to protect Europe's interests and values globally 2014-01-20 Government Automotive, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Testimony by NuStep and US Chamber on TPA NuStep and US Chamber argue that there is a need for renewing Trade Promotion Authority for the competitiveness of US business and reduction of regulatory barriers 2014-01-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Testimony by New York Apple Association on TPA New York Apple Association support renewing Trade Promotion Authority for two reasons; timing equitability and competitiveness of US producers, and credibility with negotiating partner with no risk of potential amendment 2014-01-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Testimony by Honeywell International on TPA Honeywell argues that by strengthening and passing Trade Promotion Authority, Congress can help complete 21st century agreements that U.S. companies need to be competitive and gives examples of where trade agreements have helped support growth & jobs 2014-01-16 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Testimony by Communications Workers of America CWA on TPA Communications Workers of America testifies in congress on their concerns on Trade Promotion Authority, presents 8 priorities for TPA legislation and comments on the impact on jobs, environment and consumer protection 2014-01-16 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Information Technology (ICT), Manufacturing (other) Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Public Procurement, Sustainable Development
Hatch Opening Statement on TPA Hearing Senator Hatch statement on the role of Trade Promotion Authority in advancing international trade and explains its benefits to US Trade 2014-01-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Baucus Statement on the Need to Renew TPA Senator Baucus states reasons on why the bill to renew Trade Promotion Authority is needed, such as importance of exports and the fact that the bill gives Congress a bigger role in trade negotiations. 2014-01-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
BEUC, FoE, TACD joint FAQ on TTIP 4 NGOs review TTIP's main purpose, reject the European Commission arguments defending TTIP on consumer, environment, and food safety, and answer key questions on topics such as technical trade barriers and sanitary and investor-state dispute settlement 2014-01-15 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
COCERAL Position Paper on TTIP The European Association representing trade in cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply reviews its position on TTIP: on regulatory cooperation and standards, and outlines main existing technical barriers to be removed 2014-01-14 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Minutes of Civil Society Dialogue Meeting on TTIP after 3rd Round The European Commission publishes the key points that should be addressed in the potential negotiations with the US, and the feedback from European stakeholders. 2014-01-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Statement on Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 Statement by commitee chairmen on the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 setting out the scrutiny of trade agreements by congress 2014-01-09 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Publication on ISDS Provisions in EU International Investment Agreements Vol 1 Workshop Worskhop presenters included representatives of the European Commission, the World Bank and academia. The discussion covered the Commission's investment protection strategy, investment protection and alternatives to ISDS, among others. 2014-01-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
ZVEI Position Paper on TTIP The German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers´ Association calls for the elimination of custom duties and trade barriers, harmonisation of technical requirements, and common recognition of test results and conformity assessments in TTIP 2014-01-01 Stakeholder Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US Chamber of Commerce paper on EU-US Regulatory Cooperation The US Chamber of Commerce reviews TTIP's objectives on regulatory cooperation, notably on health and safety standards, stresses the need for dialogue on regulation, and defends harmonisation soundness towards already existing standards harmonisation 2014-01-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
European University Association Background Paper on TTIP The European University Association publishes a paper explaining TTIP in the context of trade policy, the progress of the negotiations, the current position of services and higher education within the negotiations, as well as future developments. 2014-01-01 Stakeholder AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Overview of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 Overview of US Trade agenda and the 3 main components of the Trade Prioriorities Act; updated negotiation objectives, consultation and access to information requiements and congress approval of trade agreements 2014-01-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 to establish congressional trade negotiating objectives and enhanced consultation requirements for trade negotiations and for consideration of trade agreements by congress 2014-01-01 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
Transcript of Chief Negotiators Press Conference Following the 3rd Round TTIP TTIP Chief Negotiators Press Conference on progress made in the 3rd Round TTIP where the negotiating groups discussed issues under all areas, such as market access, rules of origin, regulatory and standards, food safety, investment and energy 2013-12-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT) Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
Commission Press release after 3rd TTIP Negotiation round Commission Press release after 3rd TTIP Negotiation round on progress in the negotiationg areas, stakeholder session, and next steps. 2013-12-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Competition, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
EU Chief Negotiator remarks after 3rd TTIP Negotiation round EU Chief Negotiator remarks on progress on Market Access, Regulatory Issues and Rules following the 3rd round. 2013-12-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources Competition, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
Commission Memorandum on ISDS in TTIP The Memorandum on Investor State Dispute Settlement in TTIP explains why it is needed in TTIP and what the EU is aiming for in TTIP on investment protection 2013-12-20 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission news release EU28 surplus up to 153 bn euro in 2012 EU Commission's Eurostat service outlines that EU28 trade in services recorded a surplus of 153 bn in 2012, compared with +131 bn in 2011 and +109 bn in 2010. These data, issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU, are subject to revision. 2013-12-19 Government All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
Coalition of Services Industries Presentation at TTIP Stakeholder Event The President of the Coalition of Services Industries expresses his support of TTIP by listing benefits to the EU and US economies, and highlights the digital revolution and regulatory cooperation as 2 key services areas to be addressed by TTIP. 2013-12-18 Stakeholder AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Data Protection, Financial Services, Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
Stakeholder presentation schedule TTIP 3rd round Stakeholder event Stakeholder presentation schedule TTIP 3rd round Stakeholder event 2013-12-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
USTR Press release Stakeholder event TTIP 3rd round USTR Press release on Stakeholder presentations and chief negotiators briefing during TTIP 3rd round 2013-12-18 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
IATP Webinar Slides on SPS and Technical Trade Barriers Issues in TTIP Steve Suppan, Senior Policy Analyst from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, provides an overview of rationale, proposals and industry demands for sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and technical trade barriers in TTIP 2013-12-16 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
IATP Webinar Slides on Implications of Proposed TTIP on Local Food Systems Karen Hansen-Kuhn of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy gives an overview of the way local food systems could be affected by TTIP, notably by procurement rules and by the difference in EU and US approach of chemical regulation. 2013-12-16 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
EPC Event report on Turkey and TTIP Summary of European Policy Centre event on the potential impact of TTIP on the multilateral system and on EU-Turkey Customs Union and trade relation 2013-12-13 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EuroBusiness position on public procurement in TTIP EuroBusiness stresses the importance of Public Procurement markets in the EU and US, reviews the US EU Government Procurement Agreement, and highlights the existing legal and procedural obstacles to effective public procurement access in the US 2013-12-11 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Transport & Logistic Services, Other Competition, Labour & Free movement, Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
House of Commons Library Note on ISDS Provisions in Proposed TTIP The House of Commons publishes a note on investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), discussing its origin and concerns, and providing examples of ISDS cases against Slovak Republic, Uruguay, US and Canada. 2013-12-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission QandA on TTIP of 20 Dec 2013 European Commission addresses a number of common concerns on TTIP, such as the economic impacts on the EU, the possible negative effects on consumer, environment and health protection, the implications on EU laws and global trade, etc. 2013-12-04 Government All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Automotive, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices All - Non Issue Specific, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Labour & Free movement, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
TACD position paper on regulatory coherence in TTIP The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue assesses the evolution of the EU US relations over regulatory cooperation and gives advice to ensure an open and legitimate regulatory convergence process through transparency, impact assessment and democratic control 2013-12-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ACC-CEFIC Joint Proposal Enhancing US-EU Chemical Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP European Chemical Industry Council and the American Chemistry Council outline proposals for regulatory policy, such as the establishment of a Trans-Atlantic Joint Scientific Advisory Committee and the development of a mechanism for data sharing. 2013-12-01 Stakeholder Chemicals Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
European Commission detailed publication on ISDS in EU Agreements The European Commission explains why investment protection provisions and investor-state dispute settlement are important, and how the system can be improved to find a better balance between the right of states to regulate and the protection of investors. 2013-11-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
CEPI and the American Forest and Paper Association joint statement on TTIP The American Forest & Paper Association and the Confederation of European Paper Industries bring their support for TTIP negotiations , calling to eliminate barriers to trade, and commit to develop a constructive sectoral dialogue within TTIP talks 2013-11-27 Stakeholder AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
European Commission Press Reease calls on the U.S. to restore trust in TTIP.pdf In order to maintain the continuity of data flows between the EU and U.S. the Commission calls for action in six areas, including data protection reform, Safe Harbour and promotion of international privacy standards. 2013-11-27 Government Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection
ETUC Presentation by Ms J Kirton-Darling at EP Hearing European Trade Union Confederation address Labour issues in Trade Agreemenst during Public Hearing at the European Parliament 2013-11-27 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Other
OECD Investment Division Presentation by Ms Kathryn Gordon during EP Hearing OECD address three questions on Trade Agreements: 1. Are they compatible with good public policy making? 2. How do they handle environmental concerns? 3. How do we develop a productive interface with effective public social and environmental policy? 2013-11-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Investment
International Institute for Labour Studies Presentation by Mr. Peels and Mr. Ebert of Max Planck Institute at EP Hearing Analysis by the Max Planck Institute and International Institute for Labout Studies on the impact and affects of Trade Agreements on Labour presented in the European Parliament 2013-11-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Labour & Free movement, Other
Insurance Europe, AIA and ACLI joint statement on Financial services in TTIP The American Council of Life Insurers, Insurance Europe and the American and Insurance Association urge the US and EU to agree on the inclusion of financial services in TTIP 2013-11-26 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Factsheet on ISDS in EU Agreements The Factsheet on Investment Protection and Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement in EU agreements clarifies why it is included in agreements, what the provisions provide and where the Commission is working on improvements as well as facts and figures 2013-11-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures
EP Hearing Programme on Implementation of social and environmental provisions in bilateral Trade Areements Hearing at the European Parliamnet INTA Committee on the Design and application of the social and environmental provisions in bilateral trade and investment agreements: Lessons learnt from international comparison. 2013-11-26 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics, Sustainable Development
European Commission Overview of FTA and other Trade negotiations The European Commission gives an overview of ongoing FTA's, looking at negotiating directives, current status and next steps. 2013-11-25 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
TBA paper on TPA Myths and Realities Trade Benefits Americas paper on top 10 Myths and Realities about the Trade Promotion Authority such as the role of the congress and transparency issues 2013-11-21 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
CEPS Policy Paper on Financial Services and TTIP The Policy Paper from the Centre for European Policy Studies argues that inclusion of financial services in TTIP can be an opportunity to strengheten regulatory rules and consumer protection on both sides. 2013-11-20 Academic Financial Services Economic Analysis, Financial Services, Negotiation & Procedures
SOCMA Press Release on REACH "SOCMA Press Release on meeting with International Trade Commission where they offered recommendations on how to strengthen dialogue with EU and make REACH more workable for U.S. manufacturers" 2013-11-20 Stakeholder Chemicals Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Dan Mullaney- Five Things You Should Know About TTIP Dan Mullaney blog post on Five Things You Should Know About TTIP, such as promotion of jobs and growth and standard setting 2013-11-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Report of stakeholder briefing Second round of TTIP At the stakeholder briefing of the 2nd round of TTIP negotiators provided info on status of negotiations and progress made on topics discussed such as services, investment energy and regulatory as well as other issues such as transparency 2013-11-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Investment, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Sustainable Development, Tariffs & Quotas
European Commission Press Release EU and US conclude second round of TTIP negotiations in Brussels The European Commission concluded the second round of week-long negotiations for TTIP. A good atmosphere and the active involvement of regulators from both sides meant significant progress was made. 2013-11-15 Government Energy & Natural Resources, Services (other) Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
List of Registered Participants to the Stakeholder Briefing of the Second Round of TTIP Commission List of Registered Participants to the Stakeholder Briefing of the Second Round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) 2013-11-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
American Potato Trade Alliance letter to USTR on SPS American Potato Trade Alliance on SPS barriers in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
ABC's reply to USTR consultation on TTIP The Almond Board of California provides information on SPS barriers in the EU such as MRLs. 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
USHIPPC Committee Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers US Hop Industry Plant Protection Committee on SPS barriers such as EUs pesticide maximum residue level (MRL) system 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
U.S. Wheat Associates Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers U.S. Wheat Associates on SPS barriers in the EU, such as plant health regulations, food safety requirements and resistance towards GMO food 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Northwest Horticultural Council and Northwest Fruit Exporters Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers Northwest Horticultural Council and Northwest Fruit Exporters on SPS barriers in different countries, such as certification for cherries and different maximum residue level (MRL) for pesticides in the EU 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
NAEGA and NGFA Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers North American Export Grain Association and National Grain and Feed Association on worldwide SPS barriers such as certification with a specific focus on Canada and Mexico (non-EU) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
NPC Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers National Potato Council on SPS barriers such as Import standards and Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) in selected countries (non-EU) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
GMA Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers Grocery Manufacturers Association on SPS barriers such as export certification requirements,labelling and pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Distilled Spirits Council of the United States Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers Distilled Spirits Council of the United States on SPS barriers for the industry in Brazil,China, Colombia and Taiwan (non-EU) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
CA Table Grape Commission Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers Califonia Table Grape Commission on SPS barriers in countries such as Argentina, Peru and Japan (non-EU) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
American Seed Trade Association Submission USTR Consultation on SPS barriers American Seed Trade Association on SPS Issues Impacting the U.S. Seed Industry, such as phytosanitary certificates and language requirements in the EU 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
APTA Submission USTR Consultation on SPS American Potato Trade Alliance on SPS barriers such as MRL levels, in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (non-EU) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
ABC Submission USTR Consultation on SPS The Almond Board of California provides information on SPS barriers in the EU such as restrictive Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) 2013-11-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commission Comment Bilateral renaissance’ or multilateralism TTP; TTIP The European Commission discusses the nature of mega-FTAs and their relationship with the multilateral rules. The column concludes that such FTAs promote deep regional integration, but also have a positive impact on non-members. 2013-11-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Internal document outlines Areas for cooperation between the Commission services and Member States The European Commission organised an informal meeting with Member State representatives to discuss issues related to communication on TTIP. 2013-11-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics
European Commission presentation of the European Union The European Commission outlines the EU's trade policy in 7 main points : 1. Today’s Context 2. The EU in World Trade 3. EU Trade and Investment Policy 4. Multilateral Dimension 5. Bilateral Agreements 6. Unilateral Dimension 7. Enforcement 2013-11-07 Government All - Non Sector Specific Investment, Overall politics
DIGITALEUROPE Position on EU-US regulatory cooperation DigitalEurope presents 10 initiatives to be undertaken in the sector to achieve regulatory coherence, such as cooperation on standards, movement of persons, conformity declaration, cross border data flows and IPR protection 2013-11-05 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Export Controls, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Sustainable Development
IATP and Heinrich Boll Foundation TTIP Series Article on Implications of Regulatory Coherence for Agriculture The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Heinrich Boll Foundation outline public health and environmental concerns for the agricultural industry as a result of regulatory coherence and encourage governments to increase transparency. 2013-11-04 Stakeholder AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Dispute Settlement, Financial Services, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
Under Secretary Hormats testimony on the US-EU Economic relationship Under Secretary Robert D. Hormats outlines the historic US-EU relations highlighting that TTIP heralds a new era. He confirm the importance of eliminating NTB's and enhance regulatory cooperation developing a new-world standard. 2013-11-03 Government Audiovisual & Entertainment, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other) Data Protection, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Press Release on EU and US to hold second round of trade The European Commission outlines that the EU and the US today announced they will hold a second round of the TTIP talks in Brussels from Monday 11th – Friday 15th November 2013. 2013-11-02 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
European Commission Press Release Commission welcomes the US Rule announcement to bring the US legislation in line with int European Commission welcomes the USDA rule announcement to bring US legislation in line with international standards for BSE which will mean that EU beef and other bovine products will again be allowed for US export. 2013-11-02 Government AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Bertelsmann Foundation paper on economic consequences of TTIP for Asia A scholar from the Bertelsmann Foundation stresses that TTIP could cause a loss of real income in Asia, notably for EU and US traditional partners like Japan, Singapor and India, and demonstrates it could lead to deeper Asian economic integration 2013-11-01 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Manufacturing (other), Services (other) Competition, Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics
European Commission Factsheet on Investment Protection and ISDS The European Commission provides information about investment protection, the need to include them in trade agreements and concerns with current rules, and summarizes its current efforts to improve investment rules and the dispute settlement system. 2013-11-01 Government Financial Services Dispute Settlement, Investment
NCBA Press Release on USDA announcement updating BSE rules "The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association welcomes the announcement that the US Department of Agriculture has completed its efforts to modernize import regulations for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)." 2013-11-01 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
APHIS Q and A on US Bovine Import Regulation on BSE APHIS Q&A on US Bovine Import Regulation on BSE explaining what the rule is and does, why import regulations should be based on international standards, other countries exports of beef under the rule and how BSE will not enter US 2013-11-01 Government AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
APHIS Finalizes US Bovine Import Regulation in line with International Animal Health Standards "US import regulation adopted which will modernize USDAs import regulations for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), The regulation will allow for the safe trade of bovines and bovine products, while protecting the US from the introduction of BSE" 2013-11-01 Government AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
APHIS Bill on Importation of Bovines and Bovine Products Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Bill on amending the regulations to revise the conditions for the importation of live bovines and products derived from bovines with regard to the risk of BSE infectivity 2013-11-01 Government AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Irish Agricultural Minister Simon Coveney welcomes USDA decision on Beef Imports Press release: Irish Agricultural Minister Simon Coveney strongly welcomes the new approach of the US authorities to beef imports which opend the door for Irish and European beef imports 2013-11-01 Government AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
PISC Reply to Joint Solicitation on Promoting US EU Regulatory Compatibility PETA's International Science Consortium and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine encourages regulatory harmonisation to avoid duplicative animal toxicity tests. 2013-10-31 Stakeholder AgriFood, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
NMPF and USDEC jointly reply to Joint Solicitation on Promoting US EU Regulatory Compatibility The U.S. Dairy Export Council and the National Milk Producers Federation call for greater regulatory harmonisation on NTBs and SPS regulations, as well as on Geographical Indications (GIs). 2013-10-31 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
ISIA Reply to Joint Solicitation on Promoting US EU Regulatory Compatibility The International Serum Industry Association asks for greater regulatory harmonisation on raw animal material's control. 2013-10-31 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Senators Call upon USTR to protect US Agricultural Exports in TTIP Senators urge USTR to protect US Agricultural Exports in TTIP, specifically fair treatment for apple and pear exports to the EU 2013-10-31 Government AgriFood Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Italian National Association of Silverware Makers and Goldsmiths (Confidustria Federorafi) reply to EC consultation Confindustria Fedeorafi calls for a equitable competition within sector, suggesting that a greater degree of harmonisation in EU and US customs regulations would help attaining reciprocity and to foster outward processing trade operations. 2013-10-31 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
AmCham EU reply to European Commission consultation on possile EU-US Trade Agreeement AmCham EU argues that an agreement on concrete processes to foster mutual recognition, common impact assessments and broader stakeholders' involvement are essential to achieve closer transatlantic cooperation on standards and regulatory harmonisation. 2013-10-31 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Senator Orrin Hatch opening statement at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential The Senator states that TTIP negotiations must strive for regulatory convergence and coherence to eliminate barriers to trade. Identical standards for emerging technologies, such as nanotechnology and Internet technologies, should be sought 2013-10-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
Senator Max Baucus statement at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential The Senator outline his reasons for the need of a quick agreement and explains the potential benefits of TTIP 2013-10-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific
NCC testimony at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential The National Chicken Council (NCC) argues that they have been unfairly kept out of the European market for the last 17 years and that they encourage to negotiate an agreement considering the interests of their industry. 2013-10-30 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
MGGA testimony at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential Montana Grain Growers Association (MGGA) encourages US legislators to aim for an ambitious trade deal covering duty reduction and regulatory harmonization 2013-10-30 Stakeholder AgriFood Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
FedEx testimony at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential Michael L. Ducker, COO of FedEx outlines TTIP and lists Tariffs, Services, Investment, and Regulatory Compatibility as the 4 pillars of the negotiation. Trade Facilitation is described as the low hanging fruit easy to harvest. 2013-10-30 Stakeholder Transport & Logistic Services Customs & Trade Facilitation, Investment, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Eli Lilly testimony at US Senate Finance Committee hearing on proposal for TTIP Achieving the Potential Eli Lilly, a global biopharmaceutical company provides specific examples of how the completion of an ambitious TTIP agreement could benefit companies like Lilly, its employees, and the patients that rely on their medicines 2013-10-30 Stakeholder Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
TACD Summary Report on Stakeholder Forum on TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue reports from stakeholder event on the benefits of TTIP for the people notably on issues such as transparency, food safety, data protection and ISDS. 2013-10-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Data Protection, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
European Commissioner Vivianne Reding Speech Towards a more dynamic transatlantic area of growth and investment "The European Commissioner for justice Vivianne Reding warns against bringing data protection being included in the TTIP trade talks as it is a fundamental right and as such it is not negotiable. " 2013-10-29 Government All - Non Sector Specific Data Protection, Overall politics
US Senator Charles E. Schumer Letter to Secretary Vilsack and Ambassador Froman US Senator Charles E. Schumer Letter to Secretary Vilsack and Ambassador Froman concerning Eus approach to Gis threatening the growth of the States cheese-making 2013-10-28 Government AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures
USTR Froman, Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack Announce Continued EU Market Access for American Producers of High-Quality Be USTR Froman and Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack announce that the EU will continue to provide U.S. beef producers with market access to the EU market for beef. EU-US MoU on import of beef extended until 2015 with 0 duty TRQs 2013-10-23 Government AgriFood Tariffs & Quotas
Presentation by J. Pelkmans CEPS College of Europe on regulatory part of TTIP at EP hearing on Trade and Economic relations Jacques Pelkmans on better regulation, general principles and economic effects of regulatory cooperation 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Presentation by J. D. Graham Indiana University on regulatory part of TTIP at EP hearing on Trade and Economic Relation John D. Graham presents 10 points for the success of regulatory copperation 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Presentation by Reinhard Quick from BusinessEurope on regulatory part of TTIP at EP hearing on Trade and Economic Relations BusinessEurope on why regulatory cooperation is needed and how it can be achieved taking chemicals as an example 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Presentation by Monique Goyens from BEUC on the regulatory part of TTIP at EP hearing on Trade and Economic Relations The European Consumer Organisation presents concerns about food and safety standards, data privacy and ISDS as well as lack of transparency 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Presentation by Darling from ETUC on the regulatory part of TTIP at EP hearing on Trade and Economic relations European Trade Union Confederation stresses that TTIP must be a gold standard agreement in social and environmental terms and sees bith postive and negative sides of regulatory cooperation 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
Presentation by Bercero, Chief EU negotiatior on TTIP regulatory part at EP hearing on Trade and Economic relations with US Garcia Bercero mentions 3 fundamental points for regulatory cooperation and 4 main points that the EU wants to achieve in specific sectors 2013-10-23 Government All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Financial Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ANSI Press Release on meeting between US and German Standardizers The American National Standards Institute and the German Institute for Standardization conducted a U.S.-German Standards Panel discussing harmonization of standards. 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
IDFA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers International Dairy Foods Association on trade barriers in the EU such as quotas and GIs as well as barriers in Canada 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
IIPA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers International Intellectual Property Alliance stresses the lack of intellectual property protection in 3rd countries as well as other concerns such as government procurement restrictions, services and investment barriers and regulatory issues 2013-10-21 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Herbalife Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Herbalife on trade barriers in 3ed countries and in the EU such as distribution services,labelling and SPS barriers 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Distilled Spirits Council Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Distilled Spirits Council on trade barriers in3rd countries (non-EU) such as discriminatory taxation; tariffs and state restrictions 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
ConAgra Foods Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers ConAgra Foods on trade barriers in 3rd countries (non-EU) in the form of high tariffs on Frozen French Fried Potatoes 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Tariffs & Quotas
Chevron Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Chevron comments on investment barriers, conformity with BIT treaties and rule of law challenges in the dispute with Ecuador 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Dispute Settlement, Investment, Overall politics
Campbell Soup Company Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Campbell Soup Company on trade barriers, mainly tariffs, in 3rd countries (non-EU) 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
California Table Grape Commissions Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers California Table Grape Commission on trade barriers for grape exports in 3rd countires , such as costly and restrictive Entry Price System (EPS) in the EU 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
California Cling Peach Board Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers California Cling Peach Board on trade barriers in 3rd countries and unfair competiotion in the form of tariffs and subsidies 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Tariffs & Quotas
CCB Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers California Cherry Board identifies trade barriers to exports in 3rd countires such as tariff schemes 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Tariffs & Quotas
BIO Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers BIO Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Sustainable Development
BSA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers The Software Alliance states 6 key Foreign Barriers that BSA members face such as weak IPR protection, restrictions on cross border data flows and EU Safe Harbour rules 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
INDA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Association Of The Nonwoven Fabrics on trade barriers i China and India such as IPR protrection 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
AEM Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Association Of Equipment Manufacturers on NTBs in India such as localization requirements 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
Artemis Polymer Processing Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Artemis Polymer Processing on export restrictions in Argentina 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
American Scrap Coalition Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers American Scrap Coalition on global export restrictions on steel scrap 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources, Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
ANSAC Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers American Natural Soda Ash Corporation on trade barriers such as taxation and customs in 3rd countries (non-EU) 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
AIA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers American Insurance Association on the barriers U.S. insurers face in 3rd countries 5non EU) such as regulatory restrictions in different forms 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Services (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
AAFA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers American Apparel & Footwear Association voice concerns on labelling rules, trade remedies and safeguards and import restrictions in 3rd countries (non-EU) 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
ACTI Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Advanced Manufacturing Coalition for Technology and Innovation highlights country-specific concerns (non-EU) regarding IPR, technology and manufacturing trade as well as general concerns about the lack of trade secrets protection and global IPR erosion 2013-10-21 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other) Data Protection, Intellectual Property (IPR), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
APTA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers American Potato Trade Alliance outline country specific Foreign Trade Barriers in the form of tariffs and quotas of which non concerns the EU 2013-10-21 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
TACD resolution on Trade Rules and Financial Regulation in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue is concerned about the potential deregulatory impact of TTIP in the area of financial regulation. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder Financial Services Financial Services
TACD resolution on Food and Nutrition in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue urges TTIP negotiators not to undermine the EU regulatory framework in areas such as GMO foods and take into account consumer concerns on issues such as animal welfare. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder AgriFood Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
TACD resolution on ISDS in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue urges the negotiators of TTIP to exclude investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from a trade agreement. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Investment
TACD resolution on IPR in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue urges TTIP negotiators not to weaken IPR rights and presents recommendations in areas such as patents and patient data including the exclusion of ISDS provisions. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Intellectual Property (IPR)
TACD resolution on E-commerce in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue urges the negotiators of TTIP to ensure that e-commerce provisions promote consumer protection, non-discrimination and improved regulatory cooperation. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection, Other
TACD Resolution on Data Flows in TTIP Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue urges TTIP negotiators to leave data flows out of the negotiations proposing recommendations for negotiating data privacy outside of TTIP. 2013-10-18 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection
S and D Public Event on TTIP Agreement should not undermine EU citizens' rights S&D recognize the potential benefits of an agreement, but do not want to sacrifice social and environmental standards and consumer and data protection, and stress the importance of transparency" 2013-10-16 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics
EP Internal Policies report on TTIP legal implications on EU acquis in Environment and food safety The European Parliament Directorate-General for Internal Policies assesses the potential impact of TTIP on EU environment and food safety policies, and provides recommendations to safeguard the European Acquis to uphold EU consumer protection standards 2013-10-15 Government AgriFood, Automotive, Chemicals Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Sustainable Development
USW Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers U.S. Wheat Associates on trade barriers in 3rd countries (non-EU) such as subsidies, tariffs and quotas 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
US Grains Council Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers U.S. Grains Council on trade barriers in 3rd countries (non-EU) such as import restrictions, IPR issues, services barriers and taxes 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
NMPF and USDEC Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers National Milk Producers Federation and U.S. Dairy Export Council on trade barriers in Canada and the EU such as GIs, import measures and export subsidies in the EU 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Geographical Indications (GIs), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
TIA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Telecommunications Industry Association on trade barriers in 3rd countries such as import measures, market surveillance, financial services, tax and raises concerns on EUs imposition of duties on certain products 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Financial Services, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
TechAmerica Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers TechAmerica highlights cross-border data flows as a priority issue and mentions barriers in 3rd countries such as localization requirements and limitations to data transfer as well as the EU-U.S. Safe Harbor Agreement 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Information Technology (ICT) Data Protection, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
Sunkist Growers Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Sunkist Growers on trade barriers in 3rd countries for citrus fruits, such as tariffs and SPS barriers in the EU 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
Pepperidge Farm Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Pepperidge Farm on trade barriers in 3rd countries (non-EU) such as tariffs and taxes 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
Northwest Horticultural Council Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Northwest Horticultural Council on trade barriers in 3rd countries, such as tariffs and export subsidies in the EU 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Tariffs & Quotas
USEC Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers United States Enrichment Corporation on trade barriers in the EU such as discriminatory EU policies on procurement of uranium 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Energy & Natural Resources Competition, Public Procurement
Titan Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Titan Tire Corporation on trade-restrictive import policies in Argentina 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Tariffs & Quotas
Royal Thai Embassy Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers Royal Thai Embassys comments on tariff rates, NTBs, price controls, customs, public procurement, IPR, services and other barriers encountered by US companies in Thailand 2013-10-15 Government All - Non Sector Specific Competition, Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
NPC Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers National Potato Council on trade barriers mainly in Latin America and Asia such as high tariffs and trade-distorting subsidies 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Competition, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
NEMA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers National Electrical Manufacturers Association urges USTR to take into account different sets of issues including tariff elimination, contents of free trade agreements such as standards and IPR protection as well as horizontal issues such as customs 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Customs & Trade Facilitation, Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Services (Other), Tariffs & Quotas
NAM Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers The National Association of Manufacturers on the 5 main barriers for the industry; investment, import policies, export restrictions, forced localization and IPR protection and enforcement 2013-10-15 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Competition, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
NOPA - ASA - NAEGA Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers The National Oilseed Processors Association, the American Soybean Association and the North American Export Grain Association on the need for elimination of Differential Export Taxes (DETs) 2013-10-15 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
Professor John D. Graham testemony at Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US Professor John D. Graham of Indiana University, USA discuss on the topic of Regulatory Aspects of TTIP 2013-10-14 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
CEPS Presentation at EP Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US Professor Jacques PELKMANS from CEPS and College of Europe question during European Parliament hearing whether TTIP is a Good beginning or regulatory quicksand? 2013-10-14 Academic All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ETUC Speech at Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US European Trade Union Confederation present their view on the Regulatory Dimention of the TTIP negotiations during Public Hearing in the European Parliament 2013-10-14 Stakeholder Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Other
European Commission Resume of Presentation at Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US EU Chief negotiator Mr Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director, DG Trade outline during Public Hearing in the European Parliament the fundamental points on TTIP and gives sectoral examples on what TTIP can bring 2013-10-14 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures, Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BusinessEurope Presentation at Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US BusinessEurope present their view during Public Hearing in the European Parliament on the feasibility of Horizontal Regulatory Cooperation 2013-10-14 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
BEUC Presentation at Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US The European Consumer Organisation elaborate during Public Hearing in the Europan Parliament on TTIP and consumer welfare and the potential benefits and real concerns 2013-10-14 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
EP Programme of Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US European Parliament Programme of Public Hearing on Trade relations with the US 2013-10-13 Government All - Non Sector Specific Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ABC Reply to USTR Solicitation on National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers The Almond Board of California provides information on trade barriers in the EU such as tariff rate quotas (TRQs) and high tariffs. 2013-10-12 Stakeholder AgriFood Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
ANSI Press Release on standards in TTIP American National Standards Institute supports continued EU-US dialogue on standards and TTIP should be an opportunity for global standard setting. 2013-10-11 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
ITIF Report Urges TTIP to Focus on Maximising Technological Innovation The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation highlights 3 key factors for the success of innovation industries: larger market, limited excess competition, and IP protection, and articulates best practices to achieve them through TTIP. 2013-10-10 Stakeholder AgriFood, Audiovisual & Entertainment, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy & Natural Resources, Information Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Competition, Data Protection, Dispute Settlement, Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Investment, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Tariffs & Quotas
European Commissioner De Gucht Speech Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Solving the Regulatory Puzzl The European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht talks about the EU's vision for the TTIP's Regulatory Chapter. 2013-10-10 Government All - Non Sector Specific Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
European Commission Q and A on TTIIP The European Commission answers questions such as What is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership? And who came up with the idea of the TTIP? 2013-10-08 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
GED Study Who will benefit in Germany from TTIP Global Economic Dynamics study on Economic Policy consequences of TTIP. Part 2 examines microeconomic effects in Germany with the conclusion that most industries and all states and education groups will benfit from TTIP. 2013-10-07 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis, Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures
CEN and CENELEC Press Release on standards in TTIP European Committee for Standardization and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Press Release on letter on standardisation issues in TTIP sent to the Commission. 2013-10-07 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
US Congress letter to ACC on Toxic Substances Control Act Letter from Congress to American Chemistry Council on the reform of the Toxic Substances Act. 2013-10-07 Government Chemicals All - Non Issue Specific
CEN and CENELEC open letter on standardization in TTIP European Committee for Standardization and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization letter to Commission on European standardization concerns in TTIP. 2013-10-04 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
DI Study on TTIP Confederation of Danish Industry presents a study on the potential gains of TTIP in terms of bilateral trade, jobs and GDP. 2013-10-03 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific Economic Analysis
European Commission Memo Incorrect claims about investor-state dispute settlement The European Commission responds to claim that Investor-state dispute settlement subverts democracy by allowing companies to go outside national legal systems. 2013-10-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
European Commission Factsheet on Investor State dispute settlement The European Commission outlines investor-state dispute settlement and highlights what is Investor-State Dispute Settlement ('ISDS') and why the European Commission negotiates ISDS provisions. 2013-10-03 Government All - Non Sector Specific Dispute Settlement, Investment
IATP Report on TTIP and the Agricultural Market The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy reviews TTIP potential impact on food safety, chemical regulations, procurement policies and notably barriers to trade, and Financial services, and stresses the need for regulatory coherence in the agreement 2013-10-01 Academic AgriFood, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Other Customs & Trade Facilitation, Geographical Indications (GIs), Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Notre Europe Paper on The Challenges and Prospects of the Transatlantic Free Trade Area The report by Notre Europe assesses the negotiations aims and ostacles, the possible impact and makes six recommendations on issues such as coordination of regulatory agencies, ISDS and monetary framework. 2013-10-01 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Chemicals, Financial Services, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Intellectual Property (IPR), Labour & Free movement, Negotiation & Procedures, Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
USTR Froman speech on TTIP at GMF event in Brussels USTR Froman speech on goals and challenges of TTIP 2013-09-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific Negotiation & Procedures
European Commission Report TTIP economic analysis explained The European Commission gives an assessment of the likely benefits of TTIP based on analysis carried out by the Centre for Economic Policy Research. 2013-09-30 Government All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis
A public affairs consultants explanation video on TTIP benefits Andras Baneth, European Public Affairs specialist, explains the purpose of TTIP, its economic benefits for both the US and EU economies, and answers concerns on food and environmental safety, as well as investor-state dispute settlement 2013-09-29 Stakeholder All - Non Sector Specific, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices Customs & Trade Facilitation, Dispute Settlement, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS), Services (Other)
CEPII Policy Brief Transatlantic Trade The CEPII Policy Brief reviews the main issues at stake in areas such as services, investment and regulatory and uses a general equilibrium model to assess the economic impacts of TTIP in the different sectors and areas coverered. 2013-09-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis, Investment, Negotiation & Procedures, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Public Procurement, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
CEPII Policy Brief Appendix Transatlantic Trade The Appendix to the CEPII Policy Brief contains the country classification used in CEPII’s economic model MIRAGE and the detailed results of simulations of TTIP’s implementation. 2013-09-27 Academic All - Non Sector Specific All - Non Issue Specific, Economic Analysis, Negotiation & Procedures
EBI and NMMA common paper on TTIP The European Boating Industry and The National Marine Manufacturers Association pursue the objectives of tariff elimination and harmonization of standards. 2013-09-27 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Negotiation & Procedures, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards
EBI and NMAA declaration on common EU-US boating industry recommendations for TTIP The European Boating Industry and the US National Marine Manufacturers Association joined forces. Objectives include a functional equivalence for marine certification, regulatory standards harmonization, and reduction or elimination of tariffs. 2013-09-26 Stakeholder Manufacturing (other) Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Tariffs & Quotas
EUROMALT Position Paper on TTIP Euromalt welcomes TTIP, urges EU to reach removal of technical barriers to trade and to promote regulatory harmonisation, notably on sanitary and phytosanitary legislation, and calls for the elimination of US customs barriers 2013-09-25 Stakeholder AgriFood, Consumer Goods Customs & Trade Facilitation, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
Advisor to Italian Minister for Economic Development Article on the Benefits of TTIP on Energy and Env. Sustainability Carlo Stagnaro describes what makes TTIP unique, explains the environmental opposition it faces, and argues that it may in fact reduce energy security concerns and offset natural gas price spikes at the margin while having little impact on CO2 emissions. 2013-09-24 Academic All - Non Sector Specific, Energy & Natural Resources, Transport & Logistic Services Intellectual Property (IPR), Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Overall politics, Regulatory Cooperation & Standards, Sustainable Development
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on miscellaneous manufactured goods, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP. 2013-09-24 Government Energy & Natural Resources, Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Manufacturing (other), Other Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Transportation Services and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the transportation services industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP 2013-09-24 Government Services (other), Transport & Logistic Services Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Services (Other)
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Processed Foods and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the processed foods industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP. 2013-09-24 Government AgriFood Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Personal Services and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the personal services industry such as tourism and travel services, including estimated US export gains from TTIP. 2013-09-24 Government Services (other), Other Economic Analysis, Services (Other)
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Motor Vehicles and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the motor vehicles industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP. 2013-09-24 Government Automotive, Manufacturing (other) Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Communication Services and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the communication services industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated export gains from TTIP 2013-09-24 Government Services (other), Other Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Services (Other)
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Metals and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the metals industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP 2013-09-24 Government Manufacturing (other), Other Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Machinery and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the machinery industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP 2013-09-24 Government AgriFood, Manufacturing (other), Other Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Tariffs & Quotas
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Insurance Services and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on the insurance services industry, including current barriers to transatlantic trade and estimated US export gains from TTIP. 2013-09-24 Government Life Sciences, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Services (other) Economic Analysis, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Services (Other)
British Embassy Fact Sheet on Financial Services and TTIP The British Embassy to the US, the Atlantic Council, and the Bertelsmann Foundation provide facts and figures on th